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punch Beyonce in the face....




or punch Justin Beiber in the face?




I think for me it is a dead even tie. I just need help deciding incase I ever get the chance in real life.

Edited by AWW$HEEET
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I'd go with Justin Beiber...

1. He's anoying as fuck, sure Beyonce gets old but at least she's hot. whats Beiber got?

2. He's not as rich as Beyonce. So if you punched him you may be able to pleed out in court. Beyonce's lawyers would probably send your ass to jail.

3. Justin Beiber isn't married to Jay-Z. Now I know Jay may have calmed down but for fuck sake Jay-Z shot his own brother over a gold chain. I'm sure he knows a few guys that would fuck you up if you punched his wife.

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Who the f@ck is Justin Beiber?


i dont even know who bieber is


some fagget 12 yr old who writes shitty songs. gaining popularity in recent months.


Here are my problems with these two wannabes (some issues have already been pointed out):



1. Arrogant

2. Annoying voice

3. Tries to be an A type woman, and empower other women. I cannot have any of that. Women should not be empowered through the voice of Beyonce. Singing about "all the single ladies" or singing about how much better men should be. Please bitch, get back in the kitchen and make me another Banana Cognac.


Justin Beiber:

1. People idolize a 12 yr old

2. Annoying voice

3. Sings love songs at 12 yrs old. I think he would be lucky if his balls have dropped or he has even thumbed his own weener yet. Seriously go play with your Tonka trucks and Barney DVDs, kid.

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