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Anybody Else Getting Bugged By Crackhead/Panhandlers Everywhere?????????????????


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When I lived in St. Louis they were real bad. I had one guy ask me for money when I was on my way to some event in Downtown St. Louis. Instead of giving him money I gave him a lecture about how me giving him money for nothing was actually bad for him and how it would prevent him from pulling himself up in life.... he walked away quickly.
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i was at speedway on westerville road the other night, and two of them asked for cash for gas, of course i said nope. i went inside and the clerk was telling me they are there everynight, and when people prepay gas for them, they pump a dollar, and come in for the rest of the cash...drugs are bad!



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When I lived in St. Louis they were real bad. I had one guy ask me for money when I was on my way to some event in Downtown St. Louis. Instead of giving him money I gave him a lecture about how me giving him money for nothing was actually bad for him and how it would prevent him from pulling himself up in life.... he walked away quickly.


why is it so easy for me to picture you doing this:D

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The rapping bum on OSU campus was walking by my buddy's place one night, we were out front, and he had a sick 5 minute rap for us, and when he left he didn't even ask for money. We offered him beer though, lol. He's pretty fuckin cool. Somebody told me he actually has a home and a family, but who knows if that's true


I don't know his actual name, but he answers to "Life is Beautiful", which is usually the last line of his raps and songs. Dude has been around campus a LONG time. He used to live in one of the crap apartments above one of the bars where Gateway is now.

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The rapping bum is legendary. He is the only bum I have ever given money to.

I ran a Rent A Center on Livingston and Courtright and we had a bum we nicknamed Change Lady. She wouldnt bother people. She would sit around and compliment people all day. She would come into the store at the end of the night and ask if we needed any change for the drawer and if we did we would trade her a 10 dollar bill for 10dollars in quarters. Not once in my year of running that store did she ever ask me for money.

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Anymore if I'm getting gas I usually put my CCW in my waistband as I've been approach from behind a few times and I don't at all like being walked up on by strangers at a UDF or Gas Station. One time it was just an innocent woman wanting help getting her gas cap off but the other time, the guy looked like a bum, but was pretty young. Once I turned he must have seen it and did an about face and walked away.


My wife calls me paranoid, but traveling for a living I've learned to be safe vs sorry.

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Hell we even have OLD LADIES in wheelchairs begging on the off ramps here in Akron.


You drive to the next light and there is another beggar with a sign asking for help.


I never give them any money.


I was off work for 8 months once and NEVER asked for help from anyone.


FUCK that shit !!!!!!!



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The rapping bum on OSU campus was walking by my buddy's place one night, we were out front, and he had a sick 5 minute rap for us, and when he left he didn't even ask for money. We offered him beer though, lol. He's pretty fuckin cool. Somebody told me he actually has a home and a family, but who knows if that's true


I got kicked out of a show at the Newport and we freestyled for a good 5 minutes..but when people would walk by he would just try to impress them for money. Also heard the rumor he drove a bmw but don't know if its trust.....either way...super nice and fun dude.

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Oh and the rapping bum...i havent heard him referred to "life is beautiful".....I've always heard and thought it was known he went by "help is on the way". And when it was super cold this winter I left a show drunk and saw a bum sleeping outside a church and some asshole went up and kicked him for no reason. I went up to him to give him some dough for a warm place to sleep{$20 bucks and some left over food} and he was scared shitless that I was gonna beat him up...said he didn't want my money...but when I left it all there and started to walk away he thanked me sooo much....little things make you feel good.
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And when it was super cold this winter I left a show drunk and saw a bum sleeping outside a church and some asshole went up and kicked him for no reason. I went up to him to give him some dough for a warm place to sleep{$20 bucks and some left over food} and he was scared shitless that I was gonna beat him up...said he didn't want my money...but when I left it all there and started to walk away he thanked me sooo much....little things make you feel good.


That's fucking horrible, and really sad. I hate heartless douchebags that do shit like that. Totally unnecessary. As if the poor guy isn't already in a shitty enough place, some dick has to kick him when he's down, literally. Good thing you helped him out

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