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Got robbed last night...


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I went out to get some drank n left my room mate, his girlfriend, and a buddy of ours at home. I return only 15 minutes later to my room mates girlfriend crying and all of them in the basement. While I was gone I guess two dudes in all black busted in with a gun and took them to the basement and searched our house for money. They found my safe that had like $400 and they took my room mates cell phone. that's it... I was just in complete shock and still am... Granted we do usually keep our back door unlocked and in this case they did just walk right through the back, but where do they guys get the balls to pull this shit? I just don't know how to react.. Do we move or stay and hold down now more prepared for future problems? Just had to vent... were getting a security system first thing Monday, not to mention a couple firearms...
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Sorry to hear... damn, that really sucks! Where do you live? If you can live with it stay, if not move before it eats away at you.


P.S. Idiots like this dont usually strike once. Warn your neighbors so hopefully they leave with extra ventilation next time.

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We live right outside of Bexley and have never had a problem for the year we have lived here. The neighborhood is always quiet and we have always left our door unlocked without a problem. It is just sad that you actually have to be prepared for these type of situations, which I quickly learned...


I talked to the neighbors (who just moved in a couple weeks ago) last night and let them know what's up... it was a nice "welcome to the neighborhood" for them haha. I guess all we can do now is keep the doors locked and be more careful...

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Wow that really sucks to hear, my family know how this feels, we had some guy last year try and break our back door down when just my girlfriend was in the home. Anymore it does not matter were you live , criminals are not all stupid people, they just did not decide to come rob your place, there is always a why and when. Id warn all the people around you, and really watch who you let come into your home. A survey at my work for central ohio burglary's say that in 2005-2009 85% of the people who was robbed knew the person or persons or had some type of connection to the criminal. A firearm is not always the way, can maybe lead to bigger issues. ( To me id rather just give the person 400$ and a cell phone then get into a huge fire fight with two guys ) For starts I would get good locks all around the home.
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damn..had to be someone that knew!


Ya I think we had been getting staked out for a while, it was when there was the minimum amount of people in the house and it was done quite quickly. I am still doing some CSI detective work so we will see what happens...

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We live right outside of Bexley and have never had a problem for the year we have lived here. The neighborhood is always quiet and we have always left our door unlocked without a problem. It is just sad that you actually have to be prepared for these type of situations, which I quickly learned...


I talked to the neighbors (who just moved in a couple weeks ago) last night and let them know what's up... it was a nice "welcome to the neighborhood" for them haha. I guess all we can do now is keep the doors locked and be more careful...


My buddys lived in a home in Bexley few years back and was also robbed at gun point , one guy tried to stand his ground and ended up in the hospital, the guy pistol whipped him bad, ended up having to get metal in his face and plastic surgery.

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I am just most upset that motherf*ckers think they can bust in to MY home and order around MY friends at gunpoint. I still don't think it has truly set in. After it happened I walked from the front door to the back every 10 minutes looking out the window and making sure the doors were locked. With all that said I would almost rather put up the fight then just let some slimy doods get away with something like that. I am upset but glad I wasn't there for it who knows how you react in that situation until you are actually in it. I am just glad they complied and no one was hurt. Time to do some serious thinking...
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I am just most upset that motherf*ckers think they can bust in to MY home and order around MY friends at gunpoint. I still don't think it has truly set in. After it happened I walked from the front door to the back every 10 minutes looking out the window and making sure the doors were locked. With all that said I would almost rather put up the fight then just let some slimy doods get away with something like that. I am upset but glad I wasn't there for it who knows how you react in that situation until you are actually in it. I am just glad they complied and no one was hurt. Time to do some serious thinking...


Yeah man its bullshit that people have it inside them to steal from people like that. Not only does it suck losing something like money ect, but it effects you in others ways. I am always paranoid at night now. I always think when is it going to happen again. Just be greatful that no one was hurt . I will bet money that the guys or guy has been in the house before, or knows someone that has been before. Someone is not going to risk robbing you for nothing, they knew something was in the house.

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Sorry to hear that. My house has been robbed once with a 2nd attempt but I wasn't home when it happened. That is exactly why I ALWAYS have a gun on me. Even if I am eating dinner or watching TV...I have a gun, and this is exactly why. The statement above that this will happen again too is true. These kind of people aren't going for the one big score then quit, this is what they do.


My recommendation is a firearm hidden in every room. That way you always have access to one.

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load shot, then a slug, shot, then a slug.


ultimate home defense. you hit them with the shot, then when they go behind a wall to hide the slug will take care of them. castle law. I support it with multiple guns at my house.


my brother supports this load order. interesting.


op; sorry to hear about the situation. id move to a new location if i were you.

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Good news is no one was hurt. I'm not sure what the answer is but I'm prepared at my home just because I'm paranoid and consider it my right to bear arms.


Today the wife was out, the storm door locked but the front door open, kids out back and me in and out doing yard work.


Two dogs inside protect the house and serve as both an alarm and first line of defense helps. That part is my advice to you. If we didn't have kids I'd have them both trained for security as their primary function.


I carry my gun in situations like this. My neighbor commented about it in a curious way as I was up on the ladder and he saw my CCW on my waist. The kids know and my response is one never knows when they will need to have protection. Actually, a very vulnerable spot for most anyone else if they aren't prepared.


I would start with a dog or dogs. CCW and some firearm training. I'm always within 10' of a gun if it's not on me. We live in a very nice suburban area too, but that means zero really. We're also very aware of the surroundings.


Ironically we're having our neighborhood block meeting. I've set up a web site for our subdivision here too: http://www.neighborhoodlink.com


Helps keep everyone informed.

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I have a family member who is a CPD Robbery Detective, not saying this is the case but generally home invasions are directly related to drugs. Sorry to hear about it, that's why I keep my carry and arms reach away.
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guy I know had someone come through an unlocked door and take his xbox and all his dvd's yesterday at noon on campus


today a friend of mine had a window busted out at her place in german village. Don't know what was taken yet. WTF is going on in this shithole of a city?!

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Guest 614Streets
I went out to get some drank n left my room mate, his girlfriend, and a buddy of ours at home. I return only 15 minutes later to my room mates girlfriend crying and all of them in the basement. While I was gone I guess two dudes in all black busted in with a gun and took them to the basement and searched our house for money. They found my safe that had like $400 and they took my room mates cell phone. that's it... I was just in complete shock and still am... Granted we do usually keep our back door unlocked and in this case they did just walk right through the back, but where do they guys get the balls to pull this shit? I just don't know how to react.. Do we move or stay and hold down now more prepared for future problems? Just had to vent... were getting a security system first thing Monday, not to mention a couple firearms...


Can you describe what size were these men , as in height and weight? It was an inside job I bet you.

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I feel the exact same way except I got a doberman.


As long as it can bark and sound mean, it generally does the trick! My dog is the nicest dog in the world....but as soon as somebody knocks on the door (especially at night) he goes fucking crazy. I love this dog. Knocking means it's not me, and it sets him off. He's only a 40lb pit, very small compared to his parents and won't get any bigger cuz he's the runt...but he can growl like a mofo and gets a mohawk when he's suspicious LOL. I'd hate to be the one he gets ahold of breaking into my house. I used to swing him by towels, he won't let go LOL.

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