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Got robbed last night...


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How long were you gone? If you have video games, flat screens, etc. that are still their your roomates could be shady. Was your safe open? In plain sight.....


I'm with this guy. Trusting people in your home is a no-no. Hell, out of the entire 3 friends I actually hang out with...I still wouldn't consider leaving them in my home by themselves. You've gotta protect yourself, and be smart about what you have sitting out for everybody to see. I personally don't let people into the upstairs in my house. I don't give them a tour so to speak, why advertise your shit?

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First off I trust my room mates 100% I know they wouldn't hire two sketchy black dudes to rob us at gun point. I do have a few suspects in mind and agree that someone knew what was up. We have a flat screen in the front room with a big bay window so it would not be hard to assume there are other valuables inside. I am just worried about them coming back as im sure they saw we had some fun toys...


Firearm and a security setup are going to be the next steps. We have Stanley (my room mates dog) he is a miniature dachshund so he isn't of much use. I am just going to be on guard tonight. I figure if they were to come back tonight would be the night since it is sunday and we couldn't have done much security wise between then and now. Wish me luck and thanks for the advice. Still just hard to process all this...


I never felt like the paranoid type but it is crazy how such an event can change your outlooks so quickly. I am twenty one in may so I will be getting my CCW soon enough. In the meantime I am going out tomorrow to get a shotgun if anyone has any good thoughts on where to go or what to get. A Mossberg from buckeye outdoors is looking like the most likely choice right now.

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I went out to get some drank n left my room mate, his girlfriend, and a buddy of ours at home. I return only 15 minutes later to my room mates girlfriend crying and all of them in the basement. While I was gone I guess two dudes in all black busted in with a gun and took them to the basement and searched our house for money. They found my safe that had like $400 and they took my room mates cell phone. that's it... I was just in complete shock and still am... Granted we do usually keep our back door unlocked and in this case they did just walk right through the back, but where do they guys get the balls to pull this shit? I just don't know how to react.. Do we move or stay and hold down now more prepared for future problems? Just had to vent... were getting a security system first thing Monday, not to mention a couple firearms...


Click my link;)

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Wow a home invasion is scary. I'm pretty paranoid about this. Not a bad neighborhood I live in, but I'm down on the end of a dark cul-de-sac by myself. I'm usually within 5-10 ft. of a firearm. Shotgun in the bedroom, handgun in the livingroom/kitchen, and several rifles and shotguns upstairs in the open safe (while I'm home). I don't want to use any of them on someone, but I will defend myself if someone breaks in. There's really no way to run away in my house anyway.


This reminds me I need to change my outdoor lights to motion sensitive.

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First off I trust my room mates 100% I know they wouldn't hire two sketchy black dudes to rob us at gun point. I do have a few suspects in mind and agree that someone knew what was up. We have a flat screen in the front room with a big bay window so it would not be hard to assume there are other valuables inside. I am just worried about them coming back as im sure they saw we had some fun toys...


Firearm and a security setup are going to be the next steps. We have Stanley (my room mates dog) he is a miniature dachshund so he isn't of much use. I am just going to be on guard tonight. I figure if they were to come back tonight would be the night since it is sunday and we couldn't have done much security wise between then and now. Wish me luck and thanks for the advice. Still just hard to process all this...


I never felt like the paranoid type but it is crazy how such an event can change your outlooks so quickly. I am twenty one in may so I will be getting my CCW soon enough. In the meantime I am going out tomorrow to get a shotgun if anyone has any good thoughts on where to go or what to get. A Mossberg from buckeye outdoors is looking like the most likely choice right now.


If you buy a weapon for protection, just make sure that you have easy access to it if someone busts in unexpectedly AND that it's not in plain sight so that it doesn't end up in the hands of the criminal.







Video cameras - that are visible to the would be intruder - are a fantastic deterrent.

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First off I trust my room mates 100% I know they wouldn't hire two sketchy black dudes to rob us at gun point. I do have a few suspects in mind and agree that someone knew what was up. We have a flat screen in the front room with a big bay window so it would not be hard to assume there are other valuables inside. I am just worried about them coming back as im sure they saw we had some fun toys...


Firearm and a security setup are going to be the next steps. We have Stanley (my room mates dog) he is a miniature dachshund so he isn't of much use. I am just going to be on guard tonight. I figure if they were to come back tonight would be the night since it is sunday and we couldn't have done much security wise between then and now. Wish me luck and thanks for the advice. Still just hard to process all this...


I never felt like the paranoid type but it is crazy how such an event can change your outlooks so quickly. I am twenty one in may so I will be getting my CCW soon enough. In the meantime I am going out tomorrow to get a shotgun if anyone has any good thoughts on where to go or what to get. A Mossberg from buckeye outdoors is looking like the most likely choice right now.


Having a dog and hoping he bites a robber is not a guarantee of thwarting a threat. Two problems here, one, relying on the breed alone is faulty reasoning. My mother-in-law works for a lady who's daughter was approached by a man, he petted her rottweiler, then raped her and the dog had no idea what was going on or what to do. My house was robbed and I have a pit mix and a rottweiler mix. They didn't do ish, and I am fine with that, and here is why: If your dog is not trained to attack on command, and out on command, then if the dog bites someone, the dog is making that decision, not you. So what happens when the dog makes the decision to bite someone he/she shouldn't? You open yourself up to a world of liability when you have a dog that makes his own decisions on who to bite instead of relying on you to make the decision for him/her. Just putting that out there before you go buy a big bad rottie, pit, doberman, or shepherd and hope it bites a thief but not a kid. If you want a dog to attack, make sure he/she is trained to do it and also has a reliable out command. If that is something you are looking for, let me know and I can steer you in the right direction. (I do not attack train dogs yet but I know of a facility that is world renowned in all aspects of training that I could recommend.)


Good luck with this. I hope it doesn't happen again. Being robbed sucks, being robbed at gunpoint I can't even imagine how much worse that is.



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Having a dog and hoping he bites a robber is not a guarantee of thwarting a threat. Two problems here, one, relying on the breed alone is faulty reasoning. My mother-in-law works for a lady who's daughter was approached by a man, he petted her rottweiler, then raped her and the dog had no idea what was going on or what to do. My house was robbed and I have a pit mix and a rottweiler mix. They didn't do ish, and I am fine with that, and here is why: If your dog is not trained to attack on command, and out on command, then if the dog bites someone, the dog is making that decision, not you. So what happens when the dog makes the decision to bite someone he/she shouldn't? You open yourself up to a world of liability when you have a dog that makes his own decisions on who to bite instead of relying on you to make the decision for him/her. Just putting that out there before you go buy a big bad rottie, pit, doberman, or shepherd and hope it bites a thief but not a kid. If you want a dog to attack, make sure he/she is trained to do it and also has a reliable out command. If that is something you are looking for, let me know and I can steer you in the right direction. (I do not attack train dogs yet but I know of a facility that is world renowned in all aspects of training that I could recommend.)


Good luck with this. I hope it doesn't happen again. Being robbed sucks, being robbed at gunpoint I can't even imagine how much worse that is.




1.) This has nothing to do with buying a particular "breed". A dog in general can get alot of attention, and attention increases their chances of getting caught, thus deterring them from B&E.


2.) I don't give a fuck if my dog bites someone if I'm not around...wanna know why? B/c he's locked in the house when I'm gone. That being said, strangers shouldn't be in my house when I'm at work, catch my drift? If I'm with him and he can see that I'm comfortable, he doesn't mind anybody, he wags his tail and wants to play. If I'm asleep and something startles him or someone bangs on the door at midnight he goes ballistic. This is how I like my dog...kinda the reason I got him. I can leave my fiancee at home by herself and feel confident that he will deter people from even knocking on our door. What good is a dog (for home defense purposes) if it won't at least growl or make you think he may bite??



My dog is the kindest dog in the world and has never bit anybody and I hope he never has to... But I know if someone truly tried to break down our door or break thru a window, he would at a minimum make ferocious barking and growling that would alert the neighbors of something fishy going on.

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Sorry to hear I know how it feels, I was robbed 2 times when I lived at Sawmill Village both times I was not home and first time it was $2500 cash, second time $600 cash and all my electronics basically. This was within 2 months of each other.


I would be careful though and watch your house, I found out my robbery was an "inside job" by a friend of a friend. The police wouldn't do anything too which sucked.... damn Columbus police.

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Sorry to hear I know how it feels, I was robbed 2 times when I lived at Sawmill Village both times I was not home and first time it was $2500 cash, second time $600 cash and all my electronics basically. This was within 2 months of each other.


I would be careful though and watch your house, I found out my robbery was an "inside job" by a friend of a friend. The police wouldn't do anything too which sucked.... damn Columbus police.


Another reason not to have friends!! LOL

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Dogs are great. They attact attention right away. Bad guys don't know if they will bite or not and even a 40lb pit isn't something that I'd want to have to try and get detached from my hand or leg. Not to mention a dog bite leaves DNA behind.


Our dogs, especially the male, will bite and isn't the most friendly and I do like it that way. He's not aggressive with our kids, but he is very suspicious of others and even today I had to cage him when the neighbor was over. Again, I like it that way. The female is growing to that same personality as she's learning from him. He's 75lbs, she's now 65lbs and again, I like it that way.


To me, they are great with family, but in the end, if something bad does occur, I do see them going down the stairs and taking the first bullet from a bad guy. The second and third shots will be from me.

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I'm with this guy. Trusting people in your home is a no-no. Hell, out of the entire 3 friends I actually hang out with...I still wouldn't consider leaving them in my home by themselves. You've gotta protect yourself, and be smart about what you have sitting out for everybody to see. I personally don't let people into the upstairs in my house. I don't give them a tour so to speak, why advertise your shit?


Wow, I have 5 Friends that I would trust in my house at anytime all people I have known, and hung out with for 5 years + on a weekly basis. I can't imagine not trusting any of my close friends in my house alone.

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all you guys that carry, if you were there while it happened and it was your place when do you start shooting? as soon as they enter and you see the weapon? just trying to think what would have went down if I was there carrying (and it was my house)...
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all you guys that carry, if you were there while it happened and it was your place when do you start shooting? as soon as they enter and you see the weapon? just trying to think what would have went down if I was there carrying (and it was my house)...


Not really a "carry" issue, since this is in the home, and not out and about, but if I am correct, and someone please advise me if I am not, but if someone should someone enter your home (whether they are armed or not) you can shoot first and ask questions later because of the Castle Law (or in other words it is your right to assume the intruder is breaking in with the intent to due harm to you, or your loved ones). I have heard some debate as to whether a warning is due or not, and though I believe it is not legally required (you would just lie about it anyway), some believe it to be the "proper" order of operations. I would not fall under that description.

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Not really a "carry" issue, since this is in the home, and not out and about, but if I am correct, and someone please advise me if I am not, but if someone should someone enter your home (whether they are armed or not) you can shoot first and ask questions later because of the Castle Law (or in other words it is your right to assume the intruder is breaking in with the intent to due harm to you, or your loved ones). I have heard some debate as to whether a warning is due or not, and though I believe it is not legally required (you would just lie about it anyway), some believe it to be the "proper" order of operations. I would not fall under that description.


If it was me. Clearly unarmed they would get a warning and be told to get on the ground with hands/arms spread out while I called the cops from my cell. If someone comes into my house armed they arn't getting a warning. Giving them a warning is enough time for them to strike first. Every situation is different though. If someone kicks in the door it might require a quicker decision to take action. If it's dark you need to take the time to identify what you might be shooting at. What if there's multiple people? So it all depends. I'm sure the LEO crew has better insight into this. Then there's the fact that if you have no training you really have no idea how you will respond in this kind of situation. IE=Me. I'm looking at enrolling in the CCW course here first and then maybe a few other training course as well.

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If it was me. Clearly unarmed they would get a warning and be told to get on the ground with hands/arms spread out while I called the cops from my cell. If someone comes into my house armed they arn't getting a warning. Giving them a warning is enough time for them to strike first. Every situation is different though. If someone kicks in the door it might require a quicker decision to take action. If it's dark you need to take the time to identify what you might be shooting at. So it all depends. I'm sure the LEO crew has better insight into this. Then there's the fact that if you have no training you really have no idea how you will respond in this kind of situation. IE=Me. I'm looking at enrolling in the CCW course here first and then maybe a few other training course as well.


im in the same boat, trying to get my ccw soon too.

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all i know about the castle law is that you must prove that you felt your life was at risk...ie.

-dont shoot perp in back..lawyer may say he was trying to run away and you may get pinned with charge...

-make sure you shoot to kill...if the perp lives, that just gives them the chance to screw you in court...but if their not able to "make it" to court then your better off.

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Unarmed in the light, being told to get on the ground while I call the police. Armed in the light, getting blasted. Enter in the dark armed or unarmed, you are getting blasted since I can't tell whether you are aremed or not. After you shoot someone, I would call my lawyer before I call the police. Then call the police.
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I don't trust anyone that lives in my building. I'm not in a real bad building, but there are tons of "thug wanna-bes" walking around. Sorry to hear about your place man. Big brass ones on those guys to stick everyone downstairs. I would tell you to get some home protection sir! A dog will only scare off people who are afraid of them. A .45 in your face will scare most people.
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I don't trust anyone that lives in my building. I'm not in a real bad building, but there are tons of "thug wanna-bes" walking around. Sorry to hear about your place man. Big brass ones on those guys to stick everyone downstairs. I would tell you to get some home protection sir! A dog will only scare off people who are afraid of them. A .45 in your face will scare most people.


Uhh ohh, you called them "thug wannabes"..better be careful with that term around here..you may cause a rawkus with the people that get all upity when you use the term "gangsta wannabes."



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Well things have calmed down and locking the doors is already 2nd nature. Went out to my Uncle's Pawn shop today and bought a Remington 870 Magnum Express with a 18 1/2" barrel. About to go to Wally World and get some shells and maybe a few slugs as suggested:). After that experience there is no question as to what actions will be taken if something like this occurs again. I believe a compact 9mm and CCW class is also in my near future.


Still waiting to hear back from the police. They took my safe and the hammer they used to bust it open so we will see what happens with that. I am just glad this is finally over with and have definitely learned and feel more prepared for this type of extreme situation. Thanks again guys for all the kinds words and advice updates if any to come.

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