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It has been almost 10 years.....

DTM Brian

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October 2010 will be the 10 year aniversery of DTM. I can not believe how much time has past. I thought I would take some time to share with those who do not know the history of DTM.



DTM started out by keeping the dyno in farmers barn and bringing it on the weekends to parking lots and car shows for dyno pulls only. The very first place the dyno went in the fall of 2000 was to a friends house name Matt Springer. We were able to set up the dyno in his driveway and make pulls. I basically made as many phone calls as I could to friends who were into cars and asked them if they wanted to come out and dyno their car. The next year the dyno went back to the same location and this time we had our first dyno day for the COFBA club.


During 2001 and 2002 the dyno made appearances at a number of drag strips and other speed shops both in Ohio and some trips going as far south as Florida and far east as Boston, Mass.


In 2003 the DTM moved in with Hensler Racing so we had a place for customers to come and dyno without having to wait for the dyno to be at a local parking lot. In 2004 DTM moved into its current location and the plan is to stay there in hopes to purchase the building someday or to purchase another building. DTM started its tuning with Ford in late 2003 and began tuning GM vehicles in 2007.


In the 10 years I have been in business I have seen a number of dyno shops come and go. There were a couple of times I would really start to worry about how I would survive when a new dyno would move in. Even with the number of dyno shops in the area my business continues to grow. April 2010 was a record month with a 20% increase over any month in the history of DTM. It looks like May could be another record month based on the scheduling of tunes on the calendar.


DTM would like to thank the members of Columbus Racing for the number customers and friends it has made over the years. For those that believe in me both in my work and my customer service I can not thank you enough for your support. Even after 10 years I try to make an effort and treat each one of you as if you are my only customer. For those of you who go else where for your dyno and tuning needs I have no doubt you are in good hands and are being provided the same customer service.



Now on to the not so fun stuff.


I have received a number of pm's and personal phone calls wanting my thoughts and position on a recent thread regarding Matt Becks Firebird that I recently tuned. The more I read the posts the more I got fusterated with what was being said. Where some of the information was good for Matt other posts in my opinion were un called for. I guess you have to accept the fact is that is just how the internet works. I decided to make one post in the thread stating some facts about the tune in the car and also offered that I would be glad to share the tune file with anyone wanting to see it. What was even more fusterating was the personal phone calls and pm's from individuals with a bunch of he said/she said comments from individuals who are not directly related to the car being discussed.


Last time I check there is more to life then cars, dyno tuning, internet forums, etc. For those who have contacted me wanting to respond to a thread where I am being talked about my reply to you is up to the customer to contact me so we can address his/her concerns and not the job of members of a forum not related to the car itself.



I would like to think that 80 to 90 percent of my new business comes from referrals of customers who are happy and believe in DTM. Time and time again I get a phone call from a new person and they tell me that a number people had good things to say about me which is why they are calling me looking for tuning/dyno service. To me that sounds like I make must be doing something right. I realize that as in individual I am far from perfect and never will be. I will never make every single person that comes through my shop happy. Just as a number of you have came to me to complain and bitch about every gm and ford tuner that is on this forum I have no doubt that I have been talked about to those individuals as well. From time to time I talk to a few of the tuners on here and we compare stories on what an individual is saying about us to the other person. Sometimes it is fusterating and other times it is amusing.


I have said it before and I will say it again. If you are not happy with the service I have provided you then I ask that you come back at least one time to see if I can help you. If you do not get the results you are looking for or do not feel I did the job correctly then by all means I want you to go where you feel you get taken care of. Chances are I will hear about it from the other shop that you go to.


I continue to support CR and its members passion of automobiles. What I do not support is the fucking shit talking that goes on behind my back by individuals who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about or act like a friend to my face.


With the exception of the above paragraph I try to conduct myself in a professional manner on this forum and would think that others would do the same. I would like to think the reason we are all on this forum is because we share the same passion for automobiles and not to see who has the biggest dick.


This is my one and only post in this thread and I will be back to see what others post. Do not look for me to post in this thread again for it is not going to happen. You are welcome to contact me via e-mail or by phone should you have any questions or concerns in this thread.


Once again I would like to say thanks to CR, its members, and other shops who used DTM before getting their own dynamometer solution of the business over the last 10 years.


For those customers who I have provided tuning in the past and believe in me I am looking to do something special for you in the fall. I think 10 years of being in business is a good excuse to give back to those who have been given to me all these years. Information will be posted on the website as that time get closer.

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Brian you know what I think. There is also good reasons why your shop has and continues to be successful. I will continue to send work your way because in most cases I beleive that you're the right man for the job. Congrats on going strong after 10 years thats a hell of an accomplishment.


As for everyone else reading this, buying into internet hype and forum drama will get you nowhere. This is why talking to people who really know one on one, people who have proven facts not hearsay and "internet facts", will get you much farther. I've been around long enough to know that most of the shops in town have their strong and weak points, and learning to tune as well as being a technician has given me insight most of you don't have. Dyno Tune Mototrsports is a perfect place for the DIYer, or enthusiest to go for tuning, Brian knows more about tuning then he will admit. What people need to understand is that tuning is only a small part of a car project, not easily diagnosed by people who have never seen a car over the internet.

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Thats awesome brian, lets hope there are many more years to come to.


i know people are all going to have there opinions no matter what anyone else says, and as brian said, you cant always make EVERY person happy. But as a person and a tuner, brian is one hell of a guy. he does his absolute best to take care of his customers, and thats why brian will be the only one to get my business, as will he be the only one i refer people to.

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Brian=class act. I have referred easily 25-30 people to Brian. I have also watched him Dyno about 50 cars. Which is nothing on the scale he has done. The point is that knowing Brian since 2002-2003 I have never once watched him treat ANYONE with disrespect. Even if some of them deserved it.


Keep up the good work Brian good luck on the next 10 years.

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Brian, you will always have my business. I thoroughly appreciate all the help you helped me with when I was up in ohio having my car tuned. Your a real stand up guy and a class act A+++. When I get my new car this summer/fall, looks like I will be making another trip up to Ohio to have my car tuned ;)
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I would like to thank Brian & his father Howard for the many years of great service that i have recieved from them, Brian keep up the good work, I am shure once my son Cole gets old enough to have some fun with the 2000 Mustang Gt that i have build for him, he will be ready to transform it from a 600 horsepower street car into somthing of his desire..... So for saying that we will always be a life time customer... Thanks & is always a great time hang n out @ the shop...
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How many read Brian's Post?


He is LEAVING CR (at least from how I read it)



I didn't read it that way. I also don't see him doing that. He's got a good attitude and is looking at it the way he should. If there's a gripe with a vendor, I've always said, call and work it out with them directly. No sense in shitting on them here. Others disagree and say call them out. I say do that if they don't come to the negotiation table to make things right.


Brian is a good guy and I've known of his work since the days of playing with a couple GTP's in my garage. In fact I've never heard anything bad about him as a person or a business from anyone first hand. Shit I read on the boards is exactly that...shit on a board. I use boards to begin my research but not to ultimately make my decisions.


Congrats man!

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