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Did Wowway up their Internet speed?


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If you are going to attempt to bash TW for this, you should at least know the name of the Technology and how it works.


It is Powerboost, and it is for the first 20MB, and it isn't a double your speed, it is use all available resources for the first 20MB, then you get scaled back down to your standard package.


It isn't a trick, we are openly honest about deploying it, and I would much rather download the first 20MB of my file at 15+Mbps than 7 Mbps. It is a free temporary upgrade, and you can disable it if you have a router, that supports any decent kind of QoS.


Let me know when WoW is rolling Docsis 3.0 out, then we can talk. I get 50 x 20 on my Cable Modem at home.

Sorry, I didn't know Warner was calling it.


Let me know what TIME WARNER is rolling out 3.0. Who says WOW has/hasn't (I know the answer, but I'm not sharing).




Extreme isn't offered here, so your top tier is 15Mbps down / 756k up. WOW doesn't even offer an upload that slow. Not that you'll find the upload info on Time Warner's website (try finding it...I couldn't).


Also lists "Powerboost" will work for the first 16 seconds. Now, if you are getting a true 10Mbps speed increase for the full 16 seconds, that would = 20MB. Otherwise, it won't be that much, which is why I'm not seeing that.


Of course, Time Warner advertises all of the download speeds (even without Powerboost) as "up to." I have NEVER seen 512k down; not straight to the modem with PC's that have had no issue pulling 2Mbps upload from WOW. 490k up is the max I've ever seen. It sucks, as uploads are what I am looking for rather than more download speed. But since all I really have to chose from is Warner or Verizon DSL (ugh), I'll stick with the Warner. Warner's service likes dropping EVERY time we have a heavy storm for 1-2 hours with no power outages (likely a fiber issue, as neighborhood was built in 2003-2004, all underground, and only thing aerial to this point would be the fiber run). Otherwise, it works fine, but likely because I did my own install, as I already corrected the pile of mistakes they made for the previous home owner.

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Sorry, I didn't know Warner was calling it.


Let me know what TIME WARNER is rolling out 3.0. Who says WOW has/hasn't (I know the answer, but I'm not sharing).


We already have around here. We are selling it in select areas, and selling it widespread in Cinci. I know WOW hasn't, because if they had, we would be rolling it out more agressively in Columbus.




Extreme isn't offered here, so your top tier is 15Mbps down / 756k up. WOW doesn't even offer an upload that slow. Not that you'll find the upload info on Time Warner's website (try finding it...I couldn't).


Correct. You could go to Business Services and get 4x4 or 15x3. Or if you live in a select area, you can get 30x5 and 50x5, respectively.


Also lists "Powerboost" will work for the first 16 seconds. Now, if you are getting a true 10Mbps speed increase for the full 16 seconds, that would = 20MB. Otherwise, it won't be that much, which is why I'm not seeing that.


We all know there is Marketing Terms, and Technical Terms. Being that I work with it daily, and trouble shoot the issues associated with it, I would generally tend to trust me over what some pencil dick marketing guy said


Of course, Time Warner advertises all of the download speeds (even without Powerboost) as "up to." I have NEVER seen 512k down; not straight to the modem with PC's that have had no issue pulling 2Mbps upload from WOW. 490k up is the max I've ever seen. It sucks, as uploads are what I am looking for rather than more download speed. But since all I really have to chose from is Warner or Verizon DSL (ugh), I'll stick with the Warner. Warner's service likes dropping EVERY time we have a heavy storm for 1-2 hours with no power outages (likely a fiber issue, as neighborhood was built in 2003-2004, all underground, and only thing aerial to this point would be the fiber run). Otherwise, it works fine, but likely because I did my own install, as I already corrected the pile of mistakes they made for the previous home owner.


You have never seen 512k down? I am assumning you mean up, since you compared WOW's up. Why do you want more than 768k upload? As well, if you knew how DOCSIS worked, you would understand when you have 200 or 300 customers per node if 10 people use their upload, then no one else will get theirs. That is just the nature of DOCSIS. 10 people uploading at 768k = 7.6Mb = 80% Capacity of an entire Docsis 1.1 3.2MHZ 16QAM Channel. We recently went around and changed all of our upstreams in Columbus to 3.2Mhz @ 64QAM which gives an upstream a 50% boost in total capacity.


It's a lot easier to engineer solutions when you have half the amount of customers per node. When WOW is at the 300+ Customers per node in Columbus, Ohio let me know.

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I can't wait until verizon installs FIOS here.


Where is here? Verizon is not lighting up any new cities they don't have Service Agreements with already.



Verizon Axes FIOS Expansion


As well Verizon is really only an ILEC in properties North of Columbus. ATT certainly won't grant Verizon permission to install Fios leasing ATT's Fiber.

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Where is here? Verizon is not lighting up any new cities they don't have Service Agreements with already.




As well Verizon is really only an ILEC in properties North of Columbus. ATT certainly won't grant Verizon permission to install Fios leasing ATT's Fiber.


STFU stop crushing my hopes and dreams.

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We already have around here. We are selling it in select areas, and selling it widespread in Cinci. I know WOW hasn't, because if they had, we would be rolling it out more agressively in Columbus.[/url]

WOW is a small company, that can react MUCH quicker than TW can. Why not wait till the competition makes a move?


Correct. You could go to Business Services and get 4x4 or 15x3. Or if you live in a select area, you can get 30x5 and 50x5, respectively.

WOW also offers different commercial services vs. residential.


Perhaps build plant better. WOW has done a number of plant revisions when demand has called for it. :) Maybe Time Warner should start by reducing the number of amps per run (which of course requires more nodes). Those deep Time Warner pockets, being able to get customer premise equipment for a huge discount over smaller operations, getting channel licensing rights at a far better rate sure help free up money to do other things......


Why would I want more than 768k up? I don't know, streaming media on my Slingbox, running a server to share files with friends, online backup services, etc. I max out my upload 100x more often than I would max out a 15meg download.

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Perhaps build plant better. WOW has done a number of plant revisions when demand has called for it. :) Maybe Time Warner should start by reducing the number of amps per run (which of course requires more nodes). Those deep Time Warner pockets, being able to get customer premise equipment for a huge discount over smaller operations, getting channel licensing rights at a far better rate sure help free up money to do other things......


Why would I want more than 768k up? I don't know, streaming media on my Slingbox, running a server to share files with friends, online backup services, etc. I max out my upload 100x more often than I would max out a 15meg download.


You are a niche in the market. You, me, tech people on this site are a niche, not a majority. Why go after 5-10% of the market? It is simple business techniques. 90% of the market will always pay more than the 5% niche.


We launched Docsis3.0 in Cinci....had it for 6 months now...we have <1k subscribers. People sit here and say, I would pay 100 bucks for 50x10, but when the rubber meets the road, no one is paying it. For the 35k+ we need to invest to get D3 services to your home, not including a modem that is double the cost of our current modem, it doesn't make sense to try and hit the niche.


We do have over 45% of all our CMTS' in the State of Ohio D3 ready, just no point in turning it on. Our plant can handle anything we throw at it, we are one of the most Fiber Rich companies in Ohio, if not the most Fiber Rich. Has customer service gone down over the years? You bet. I know it has, it sucks when I have to call in as well, I don't get any special treatment. We are working on it though, brining all service calls and installs in house. Hiring more CSR's, and trying to give them better training. Then again when you have 3-5x's the amount of Sub's WoW has just in Ohio.....

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