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I went to the sheriffs office and asked about the ear fones and the desk seargent said the only thing in the law for bikes is, you are allowed to have AN ear peice in, doesn't matter if it's to comunicate with riders or ear plugs or music, it didn't matter one plug ?? wierd ? But that's what he said !

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I use the ones for shooting as well... They have a hole in the center with a diaphragm that lets some sound in. Casual speech passes through but sounds above a certain DB are blocked. Like these:




I have used earphones for my IPOD. I even have a double backing Velcro strip on my bike so I can control volume and forward songs. (Yes it works through my gloves.)

But, I realized that I had to turn up the volume to overpower the wind noise. So I had the wind + a blasting IPOD which I'm sure was doing harm. When I pulled up to a light, the sound was so loud it hurt.

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I'll use either foam plugs or canalphones for the ipod. Canalphones(or In Ear Monitors) block out about as much sound as plugs, so you don't have to have the volume up much, you can hear music and the engine.

I used to have Etymotic ER-4p IEMs, unbelievable sound and 20db sound reduction, I used to use them at work for "earplugs" to skirt the rules, but they broke and I'm not willing to fork out $200 for new ones.

So now I'm using $20 JVC Marshmallows from Wal-mart, they don't sound near as good, but they're pretty good for the price, they block out noise and I'm not worryied about them getting broken, lost or stolen.

One thing I've wondered about was motorcycle traffic cops in states that you're not allowed to wear plugs in. The wind/engine noise is well over 90db, doesn't that mean they're breaking OSHA Federal laws. Doesn't Federal law trump state law?

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Nick if you are using the ones in the link, Stop! These are the ones I use for work, and when the wife's talking/bitching http://www.amazon.com/Aearo-E-Corded-Case-Ultrafit/dp/B001FAWFLG/ref=sr_1_31?ie=UTF8&s=office-products&qid=1236062383&sr=8-31

They are made of soft rubber and can be washed. You can probably get them at Lowes or Home Depot, or local hardware store.

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