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ordered a droid incredible today


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so, from always having simple feature phones, i finally ordered a smartphone. ended up paying $100 with a 2 year contract. have been mulling it for months, and decided to finally pull the trigger


what do i need, need to know, etc? i see all these techy threads, but i will probably not use the phone for more than calls, texting, mobile internet, and some features like GPS that will be nice once in a while.


i saw something about a "task killer" which should help extend the battery life. are there any extended life batteries i can buy if im not happy with the life on it?


now for the thing i hate the most...paying for something and not getting it for a month. argh.

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i did this to help battery life...


I found this and it really works: Menu > Settings > Wireless & Networks > Mobile Networks (second one) > Enable Always-On -- checked by default, I unchecked it.


i also changed the backlight from 1 minute to 15 seconds.


before i did these two things i was getting maybe 6 hours of life out of the phone.



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I think the Droid X would have been a better choice, but you have a good phone coming. Task Killers are not good to use. They help with batt life, but eventually other things go wrong. My EVO took on an OTA update the other day and it runs soooo sweet right now. I couldn't be happier and havent even rooted it. Really no desire to either. Says alot considering I wanted nothing to do with the iPhone unless it was jailbroken
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Bloomberg briefly reports that multiple sources are claiming that the iPhone will launch on Verizon in January of next year, marking the end of AT&T's exclusivity for the device in the United States.

Verizon Wireless, the largest U.S. mobile-phone company, will start selling Apple Inc.'s iPhone next year, ending AT&T Inc.'s exclusive hold on the smartphone in the U.S., two people familiar with the plans said.


The device will be available to customers in January, according to the people, who declined to be named because the information isn't public.


Verizon and Apple representatives either declined to comment on the reports or did not return requests for comment.


Verizon has long been a popular topic for rumors regarding expanded iPhone partnerships in the United States. One recent report had suggested that a Verizon iPhone could make an appearance as soon as November, but most observers have been expecting a 2011 launch on the carrier.

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and finally:




I have an Evo with Sprint and absolutely love it. As for running Advanced Task Killer - yes, it can make things weird and possibly kill stuff that it shouldn't, but I went through everything I told it to ignore all the system programs I could find, then anything else I specifically didn't want it to kill, then set it up to kill aps whenever turning off the screen and set it to kill aggressively and my battery life nearly doubled. It also helps to turn off everything you don't really need like wifi and bluetooth.

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for some reason google maps seems to not ever want to go away, even after killing it, it starts back up. searching for location all the time isn't helping my battery, so thats a big part of what prompted me to use task killer.
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only issue i have is with the camera locking up and not saving pictures. it gets really annoying when you use the phone as a primary camera. but other than that i love everything about the incredible.


That's not normal. Maybe there's something wrong with your SD card?

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Why is this?


Mostly personal preference. It didnt do much for me, android handles it good enough for me. If i really wanted to kill an app, I can go into settings>applications>running and kill it there.


Unix handles memory differently then other OS like windows. Yes it will keep the program data in the RAM but if the program is not active it is not reading/writing to it. So it really doesn't consume battery life like everyone thinks it does. You can end the task but who cares if it isn't hurting the battery?


If you want to stay stock and save battery life turn off the brightness on the screen for one. That drains the battery the most. Turning off GPS doesn't really help unless you have a program that uses it constantly. You will only see the GPS icon flashing when it is using it. Turn off wireless when not using it. It will scan for wireless networks all the time draining battery. Same thing goes for bluetooth.


Otherwise if you root and install a custom rom/kernel you will have many more options to help conserve the battery.

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it does it when i save to the phone too, others are having the same issue too. not sure what is wrong, but i know its not normal... thanks captain obvious :p


When in doubt do a factory wipe and reload. I don't know how to do that on a non-rooted phone.

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saw this, but as they have been for years, its still a rumor. i enjoy messing around with my brothers 3g, but until it comes out of steve jobs mouth, im done listening to all of it. i got tired of waiting, and even if it comes out in january (which, im no apple person, but isnt this when they usually make announcements, and june-ish is when the products come out), thats still 7 months away. im not going to wait 7 months to get shut down again


apple fails on this level. i like my ipod, like my brothers 3g, but not being able to know something willl or wont happen and have to go on rumors blows.

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