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Need your guys take.


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Before I rant and ask for opinions please try to keep this serious.I already want to burn this mother fucker down, and know thats not plausible.


So anyway, around mid may I noticed through out the night that I had an attacker, a uninvited pest. Being naive, I thought it was just mosquitos coming in through an open window. To make a long story short it turns out it was bed bugs. I get a notice on my apartment door stating that pest control was going to me entering and spraying. I called the main office and after having to pry the answer out of the apartment manger, she told me that the women below me brought them and she has since been evicted and the bugs have spread to other units in the building. They left me a prep sheet that notified me to basically move out for each spraying (there are 3 sprayings 2 weeks apart each), this thing was long i.e. steam all shoes, wash all clothes, it went as far as remove all outlet covers and drill holes 6' above baseboards 1' apart. I took me well over 7 hrs to complete, and I only did it once, not wanting to have to do it in between sprayings. I wrote them a letter stating that I have complied everything on my end of the deal and that I would be with-holding Junes rent in escrow till the problem is resolved and I am reimbursed for everything that was damaged as a direct result of the pests. I have not heard a thing from cooperate after numerous letters and phone calls. I ended up paying Junes rent mid way through the month, but haven't paid this months rent. The problem still isn't resolved. I haven't seen any bugs but they still have one more spraying. I got home today with an eviction notice on my door if I haven't paid by the 10th. What the fuck do I do, I have talked with an attorney but he's currently on vaca, Im getting fucked right in the poop chute without even a kiss on the cheek. I feel it is there obligation to provide the renters with safe livable conditions, and they haven't met that so why should i be contractible liable to pay rent. Any input will be appreciated. Thx CR


P.S. Ardent can tongue punch my fart box

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If your rent was not in escrow with the courts, you're fucked.



You can't just say "I'm escrowing rent" and then just not pay them. You have to ACTUALLY escrow it by paying your escrow account with the court.


If you ARE in a legal escrow, the complex can get heavily fined for threatening you while in escrow.

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I opened a separate account at the bank, thought that was significant enough, added that if wasn't I would comply to their standards. They told me I had to pay Junes rent even though I did not live there on day in June, and to put Julys rent in escrow and file it with the clerk of courts. I haven't had the time over the holiday weekend to do so. The manager here said that cooperate acted like since they got screwed by the lady that brought them that everyone should get screwed, and she quoted her regional manager.
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I opened a separate account at the bank, thought that was significant enough, added that if wasn't I would comply to their standards. They told me I had to pay Junes rent even though I did not live there on day in June, and to put Julys rent in escrow and file it with the clerk of courts. I haven't had the time over the holiday weekend to do so. The manager here said that cooperate acted like since they got screwed by the lady that brought them that everyone should get screwed, and she quoted her regional manager.


Yeah bro, that isn't good enough at all. You HAVE to do it with the clerk of courts. Also, you cannot escrow if you are behind. If you are late already you have to pay ALL of last month's late fees, your full rent this month, then any late fees you have for this month.

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What everyone else said. Pay your rent, plus late fees for this lats month. Properly escrow until you can move out. Then MOVE OUT as soon as possible.


You won't see a dime from that place with the way they are acting, but at least you can make it as difficult as possible for them by (actually) escrowing your rent.

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If he is under a lease he can't just up and move either. The apartment complex sounds shady to begin with, just imagine when he goes to move prior to a lease being completed. If you break a lease you are responsible to pay the remainder of the lease until 1. The lease ends or 2. They have rented our your apartment as they cannot collect rent on the same apartment twice.
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