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YouTube- The Obama Administration Protected Black Panther Who Advocates Killing White Babies






The Department of Justice won the case, and successfully prosecuted this guy along with two others. Then, someone in the Obama administration made the DOJ drop the charges just before sentencing. Now, a former US prosecutor who resigned over the whole ordeal is about to testify saying the dropping of charges was racially biased/motivated and that civil rights attorneys were told to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims. This ought to be interesting.

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But then the administration moved to dismiss the charges the following month after getting one of the New Black Panther members to agree to not carry a "deadly weapon" near a polling place until 2012


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fox news = not going to waste my time hearing what kind of fraudulent reporting is going to get done, especially involving obama, who they are so clearly very big fans of.


You want MSNBC? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38046923

Wall Street Journal? http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703636404575353052562578046.html

Another on Wall Street Journal? http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704862404575350983196404478.html

ABC? http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2010/07/former-doj-attorney-alleges-lawlessness-in-civil-rights-division.html

Washington Times? http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jul/6/black-panther-case-racism-rules/

Canada Free Press? http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/25073


What others would you like to see? Dumbass.



i bet A LOT of people from this site voted for this douche! funny to hear all the peeps who voted for him backing out now. He had like one of the best approval rating, now to one of the worse!
Not I.
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fox news = not going to waste my time hearing what kind of fraudulent reporting is going to get done, especially involving obama, who they are so clearly very big fans of.


your a kid. You still think your parents just want to make your life hell.

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I'm just saying, you can't get all your news from one source. Especially if that source is a network which had to defend its right in court to present known false information to the public. I didn't disagree with the point being made, I am disagreeing with the source from the original post.



your a kid. You still think your parents just want to make your life hell.



Since when did you become my dad? You're barely a year older than me and you think you know my life? You never fail to amaze me.

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I'm just saying, you can't get all your news from one source. Especially if that source is a network which had to defend its right in court to present known false information to the public. I didn't disagree with the point being made, I am disagreeing with the source from the original post


I do laugh at this statement a bit. I hear this same banter 24/7 about Fox News, and I have yet to see the truth. All media has their audiences and their own agenda, but the funny thing is Fox has the most diverse viewer base of all the networks. They tend to cover the lesser known evils going on, when MSNBC and the rest of the trash can't seem to put their Bush bashing to rest.


I won't comment on the situation Ben posted. But I will say will the "leftist" government in power, this doesn't suprise me.

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fox news = not going to waste my time hearing what kind of fraudulent reporting is going to get done, especially involving obama, who they are so clearly very big fans of.


I'm just saying, you can't get all your news from one source. Especially if that source is a network which had to defend its right in court to present known false information to the public. I didn't disagree with the point being made, I am disagreeing with the source from the original post.


Then do your own research before talking shit, otherwise you look worse than those you're criticizing. Dumbass.

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your a kid. You still think your parents just want to make your life hell.


Then do your own research before talking shit, otherwise you look worse than those you're criticizing. Dumbass.



you should tell it to this guy then too :rolleyes:

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