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Obama's Second Term?


Obama's Second Term?  

167 members have voted

  1. 1. Obama's Second Term?

    • Yes! Things are getting better and his next term in office will be great!
    • I'm holding on to see what happens over the next year...
    • No way. Not going to happen at this point.

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Seems like you've been drinking the punch too. Personally, I had the pleasure of serving under President Bush, and personally he was an amazing Commander in Chief. If you really thought McCain was another Bush, maybe you're the true idiot in this. Personally, you seem to be the type that wasn't happy with one side, so to right that, you thought it upon yourself to go to the other side. Obviously, you saw the wrong in this atleast. Nothing is ever 100% right, but maybe one day people will wise up and keep liberals out of power.

Bush was a really shitty president. If you can't see that, there is no point discussing things further with you. But you probably think we should be in the wars, so of course you are for Bush.

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Bush was a really shitty president. If you can't see that, there is no point discussing things further with you. But you probably think we should be in the wars, so of course you are for Bush.


Wow. I cant even begin to discuss how much is wrong with this statement.

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Wow. I cant even begin to discuss how much is wrong with this statement.

Oh PLEASE tell me how good Bush was, lol.


I love how it is 2010, still haven't captured the terrorists involved in the World Trade Center.


I enjoy how we went into Iraq for WMD's...oh wait, there weren't any. We went in for personal oil interests and finishing what daddy started, nothing more.


Country went into the shitter while Bush was in power. Obama got a country in a f'ed up situation. I don't think Obama has done a good job by any stretch, but anything was better than Bush.

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Seems like you've been drinking the punch too. Personally, I had the pleasure of serving under President Bush, and personally he was an amazing Commander in Chief.


Please elaborate with what made him so good as President.

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If you are making $300,000 a year and you are taxed an extra $9,000 how much of an impact is that to you? Will it make you homeless or will it make you have to finance a ferrarri instead of a bentley.... My point is that most of the people that are being taxed can afford to be taxed. For the smaller companies that cant it sucks but such is life. I lose 35% of my bonus check to uncle sam every year and yes its blows but I get over it.... I would have just spent it on hookers and blow anyway.


Coming from where I grew up I know that if you dont help poor people they help themselves. Taking away their handouts puts thousands more of them in your house taking what the government didnt give to them. Its a lose lose situation on both ends. Plus he's helping those that voted for him. Its a fact that he's looking out for the only people that can extend his term in office.

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If you are making $300,000 a year and you are taxed an extra $9,000 how much of an impact is that to you? Will it make you homeless or will it make you have to finance a ferrarri instead of a bentley.... My point is that most of the people that are being taxed can afford to be taxed. For the smaller companies that cant it sucks but such is life. I lose 35% of my bonus check to uncle sam every year and yes its blows but I get over it.... I would have just spent it on hookers and blow anyway.


We're not quite at $300k thank you, but regardless, I don't look forward to paying more in taxes to help those that don't help themselves. Don't give the pitty party about helping others....I'm all for it, but handouts are bullshit. Put requirements on those taking food stamps, unemployement and other free-bees that are meant to help those that need help and are helping themselves. Most are not doing shit.


Will the extra taxes hurt...yes, but in the end, my wife will have to raise her rates at her practice and our rental properties rates are going up to cover it too. I will not take a hit without passing it on. No different than any business will do as well. They will cut internally by either laying off people, reducing benefits or raising prices. Likely, all of the above. So in the end, taxes those that have to cover those that don't will just cause those with the ability to pass on any additional costs to others where they can. Share-shifting without fixing anything. More companies will produce overseas and consumers will pay more for cheaper products.


IMO, I wish the unemployment benefits were not reinstated. I've been watching my neighbors both suck the system for money they don't really need as they wait out the economy to turn around so they can get a job they really want. Don't get me wrong, I feel for them both, as I lost my job back in late 2008 too. However, I bounced right back and have been making it ever since and only took one check from the system. There's a huge percentage of those on unemployment that are making it on the shit rates unemployment are paying and will continue to do so until they are told to get a fucking job....no really...get a job as this time we mean it. Until then Obama is doing nothing but promoting freeloaders to continue to do so and driving the rest of us even further into the hole we're in.


Obama's school of thought....lower the bar so that we all suck-ass vs raising the bar and forcing the weak to toughen up or die. Yeah, I said die...because there's a whole group of people out there living on the corner of freeloading and homelessness. Force them to choose to live on the corner of get a fucking job or go homeless and I bet you'll see a spike in the number of jobs being worked. People milk the system and we need to end it. Harshly or not, we need to cut off the dead weight not hang onto it.

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Oh PLEASE tell me how good Bush was, lol.


I love how it is 2010, still haven't captured the terrorists involved in the World Trade Center.


I enjoy how we went into Iraq for WMD's...oh wait, there weren't any. We went in for personal oil interests and finishing what daddy started, nothing more.


Country went into the shitter while Bush was in power. Obama got a country in a f'ed up situation. I don't think Obama has done a good job by any stretch, but anything was better than Bush.


Bush sucked. I agree. Obama sucks more.


All politicians are full of shit. ALL OF THEM.

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We're not quite at $300k thank you, but regardless, I don't look forward to paying more in taxes to help those that don't help themselves. Don't give the pitty party about helping others....I'm all for it, but handouts are bullshit. Put requirements on those taking food stamps, unemployement and other free-bees that are meant to help those that need help and are helping themselves. Most are not doing shit.


Will the extra taxes hurt...yes, but in the end, my wife will have to raise her rates at her practice and our rental properties rates are going up to cover it too. I will not take a hit without passing it on. No different than any business will do as well. They will cut internally by either laying off people, reducing benefits or raising prices. Likely, all of the above. So in the end, taxes those that have to cover those that don't will just cause those with the ability to pass on any additional costs to others where they can. Share-shifting without fixing anything. More companies will produce overseas and consumers will pay more for cheaper products.


IMO, I wish the unemployment benefits were not reinstated. I've been watching my neighbors both suck the system for money they don't really need as they wait out the economy to turn around so they can get a job they really want. Don't get me wrong, I feel for them both, as I lost my job back in late 2008 too. However, I bounced right back and have been making it ever since and only took one check from the system. There's a huge percentage of those on unemployment that are making it on the shit rates unemployment are paying and will continue to do so until they are told to get a fucking job....no really...get a job as this time we mean it. Until then Obama is doing nothing but promoting freeloaders to continue to do so and driving the rest of us even further into the hole we're in.


Obama's school of thought....lower the bar so that we all suck-ass vs raising the bar and forcing the weak to toughen up or die. Yeah, I said die...because there's a whole group of people out there living on the corner of freeloading and homelessness. Force them to choose to live on the corner of get a fucking job or go homeless and I bet you'll see a spike in the number of jobs being worked. People milk the system and we need to end it. Harshly or not, we need to cut off the dead weight not hang onto it.





Thats the problem is that there are a lot of people that use that to stay a afloat just long enough to get a new job. Take it away and those hard working people that are forced to work at Mcdonalds until they can get a better job foreclose on houses. This impacts everyone and possibly the very lender with 3000 employees thats complaining about paying that extra tax in the first place. Now that extra thousands that didnt want to pay to help out "bums" turns into millions/billions of lost revenue from people that have to choose to eat or pay mortgage.


I know this is only one scenario of billions but not everyone that takes handouts are lazy worthless people. With the way the economy dropped some of them are hard working people that did find work but its still wasnt enough. With that being said there should be a time limit.. definitely.

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Please elaborate with what made him so good as President.


Personally, during that part of my life I was active duty Army. President Bush lead the way in funding for the military, because he realized how Clinton truely raped our armed forces like most Democrats seem to do so well. The man had a backbone, and under the circumstances held his ground when 9/11 went down. The fact I had modern equipment and training was all I personally cared about. Hell, we even got a 3.9% raise every year on top of that. He'll be a good President in my eyes because he cared about the men and women in uniform. He visited more than once a year, which to me kinda showed he gave a fuck, unlike the current. But the man's Presidency is history, hopefully like the current one will be.

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Oh PLEASE tell me how good Bush was, lol.


I love how it is 2010, still haven't captured the terrorists involved in the World Trade Center.


I enjoy how we went into Iraq for WMD's...oh wait, there weren't any. We went in for personal oil interests and finishing what daddy started, nothing more.


Country went into the shitter while Bush was in power. Obama got a country in a f'ed up situation. I don't think Obama has done a good job by any stretch, but anything was better than Bush.


Just a quick one here, when you say we it sounds like you actually went? Funny, don't think you did, so why do you really care? Stay on the WMD rant all day long, but we kept and are keeping Al-Qaeda at bay no matter how you cut the pie. We've got the All-Star team trying to gun our ass down or blow us up daily. It's better than them stepping foot onto American soil huh? Maybe I think our country is in the shitter now, but I guess we must see things through different eyes. Never used to be all that hard to get a job, taxes weren't as high as they were, and the distain for the government is pretty crazy at this point.

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Personally, during that part of my life I was active duty Army. President Bush lead the way in funding for the military, because he realized how Clinton truely raped our armed forces like most Democrats seem to do so well. The man had a backbone, and under the circumstances held his ground when 9/11 went down. The fact I had modern equipment and training was all I personally cared about. Hell, we even got a 3.9% raise every year on top of that. He'll be a good President in my eyes because he cared about the men and women in uniform. He visited more than once a year, which to me kinda showed he gave a fuck, unlike the current. But the man's Presidency is history, hopefully like the current one will be.


I see the point you're coming from and why. However, it's just my opinion that while he may have insured you had good weapons and armor, etc....and even came to see the troops, that sure as heck doesn't make him a good president in my eyes. I applaud that part of his work, but the rest just plain was lies and honestly sucked.


He stood ground on 9/11 as we all did. However, his decision was based on false information, I feel he and the administration mislead all of us on WMD and in the end, it was a very bad call to begin the war that we won't ever win. On top of that, he showed very little care towards taking care of his own people on our own soil.


<snip>....we kept and are keeping Al-Qaeda at bay no matter how you cut the pie. We've got the All-Star team trying to gun our ass down or blow us up daily. It's better than them stepping foot onto American soil huh?


I do admit we are likely making an impact over their with all that we're doing. However, I think the price is too much to pay for what it's giving us back home. While I think killing the bastards at their source is good, it's also killing us back here. All we have to do to keep them at bay and off our land is toughen up the borders and laws and ditch those that are all ass-hurt about the rights of terrorists and or those that could be terrorists. I'm sorry but if you're from the middle east, it's going to be a bitch to come see your family here and you'll be under scrutiny the whole time, but it's what we have to do. That's my thoughts.


Maybe I think our country is in the shitter now, but I guess we must see things through different eyes. Never used to be all that hard to get a job, taxes weren't as high as they were, and the distain for the government is pretty crazy at this point.


It's in the shitter and IMO getting worse. It won't be good again for decades if you ask me. I say 10 years from now just to get things back to decent. Unless we grab down deep and become a nation that can stand on it's own with goods made and sold here and ditch the fucking imports, we'll always be victims of our own decisions.


Disdain for the government isn't undeserved. We have a group of greedy ignorant bastards running this country. People without a fucking clue how to get it done right. The whole housing market was a sham and now we're all paying the price while those that let the sham continue live fat and happy. It's very likely that 95% of the people in trouble on their mortgage should have never been allowed to buy a home to begin with. Shame on the lenders and those that allowed it and shame on the people caught up in it for making a bad decision and not having a fucking clue. Their both wrong, only one is wealthy, the other is still poor and me and everyone else is stuck paying the price.

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First off, I fully agree that the middle class is shrinking. However this article is full of twisted numbers when you really step back and understand WHY the number is what it is. I will illustrate a few.


• 83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people.

Not true. If you have a 401k you own stocks more that likely. Stocks are now typically held in "firm name" ie. Merril Lynch(or whoever your broker is) holds your stock and internally records your record of ownership, or though mutual funds or ETFs. People still own them, just not in the same way they used to.


• 66 percent of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1% of all Americans.

The amount of money that top earner makes scews the numbers so largerly that this will ALWAYS be the case. Take top athletes pays and see how exponentially they have increased over that time period.


• 36 percent of Americans say that they don't contribute anything to retirement savings.

I would love to know how many of these same 36 % waste money on booze, smokes, and video games.


• A staggering 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved up for retirement.

As a people we too much worry about the now rather than the future. That number is a shame.


• 24 percent of American workers say that they have postponed their planned retirement age in the past year.

The market hasn't fully recovered and many people don't get the advice they need, like cut back your equity exposure when you get close to retirement age. So when someone has 300k that goes down to 150k in a year ofcoarse they have to postpone retirement,


• Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008.

That represents less than one half of one percent of the population. Not too bad considering what condition the economy was in last year.


• Only the top 5 percent of U.S. households have earned enough additional income to match the rise in housing costs since 1975.

Home values have outpaced inflation. However interest rates are much lower, and there are also tax incentives and other things bringing down the "true cost" that I bet this isn't taking into consideration


• In 1950, the ratio of the average executive's paycheck to the average worker's paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has exploded to between 300 to 500 to one.

In 1950 corporations were nowhere NEAR the size of some today. Revenues go up, so does the pay up top.


• Average Wall Street bonuses for 2009 were up 17 percent when compared with 2008.

Where is the surprise here? The market was down bigtime in 08 and up bigtime in 09. A monkey could have made profits last year, and most bonuses are tied to performance


• In the United States, the average federal worker now earns 60% MORE than the average worker in the private sector.

This IS a huge problem. I assume this number takes into consideration the flat out ridiculous retirement benefits that we give federal workers.


• The top 1 percent of U.S. households own nearly twice as much of America's corporate wealth as they did just 15 years ago.

Money makes money


• In America today, the average time needed to find a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.

The economy was bad last year, no surprise


• or the first time in U.S. history, more than 40 million Americans are on food stamps, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that number will go up to 43 million Americans in 2011.

There is no "Pride" in earning your way anymore.


• Approximately 21 percent of all children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010 - the highest rate in 20 years.

Different things motivate different people. Having kids used to be something that finally got people off thier ass to make something. This isn't the case anymore. I hate this statistic the most.


• Despite the financial crisis, the number of millionaires in the United States rose a whopping 16 percent to 7.8 million in 2009.

People who had money (say 500-700k seen a huge oppurtunity at DJIA 6500-7000. The market went up nearly 40%. Ofcoarse it brought people to millionaire status with it


• The top 10 percent of Americans now earn around 50 percent of our national income.

Again, the top is LIMITLESS, but you can only earn so little. This is called incentive for getting off your ass and making something of yourself


People make decisions every day. We don't make them randomly or arbitrarily. We use logic every time whether we realise it or not. It usually comes down to effort:result or risk:reward. The country has got to the point where you can go get a minimum wage job or live off of gov assistance and live THE SAME LIFESTYLE.


THAT is the problem. There is no result or reward for the effort. Hence why so many people won't get a job. 99 weeks is the time some people have had to find work and so many say they need more time. Now I am all about helping people in need. But don't tell me you can't find a job earning the same you are making on unemployment within 99 weeks. Ofcoarse you can, but people won't take those jobs, they are "holding out for something better".


If you remove the net and MAKE people take these jobs, then they realize how bad it sucks to work so hard for so little. Since they are working anyways, they will then try to move thier way back up the ladder and earn more to make working worthwhile. THAT is how you get people back in middle class.

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I see the point you're coming from and why. However, it's just my opinion that while he may have insured you had good weapons and armor, etc....and even came to see the troops, that sure as heck doesn't make him a good president in my eyes. I applaud that part of his work, but the rest just plain was lies and honestly sucked.

Iraq was one thing, and Afghanistan is honestly another. We had boots on the ground before and after 9/11 in Afghanistan. We didn't start kicking off Iraq until 2003, in which one way or another I'm glad we took care of. I'm not a fan of nation building in the least, because Lord knows we rolled over Iraq's military like it didn't exist. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion, but I liked the man. Might be hard for some to believe, but it's also hard to believe people like Pelosi have supporters in this world.


He stood ground on 9/11 as we all did. However, his decision was based on false information, I feel he and the administration mislead all of us on WMD and in the end, it was a very bad call to begin the war that we won't ever win. On top of that, he showed very little care towards taking care of his own people on our own soil.

True, but that whole standing our ground is over. I'll beg to differ with some of the WMD thing, because I did enough CEA (Captured Enemy Ammunition) missions that lead us to get rid of quite a few Al-Hussein/SCUD warheads and missiles. Like any high stakes poker game, Sadam had a good bluff going. In that same aspect, Bush didn't bring in BIG GOVERNMENT, but did also usher in the era of the Patriot Act.




I do admit we are likely making an impact over their with all that we're doing. However, I think the price is too much to pay for what it's giving us back home. While I think killing the bastards at their source is good, it's also killing us back here. All we have to do to keep them at bay and off our land is toughen up the borders and laws and ditch those that are all ass-hurt about the rights of terrorists and or those that could be terrorists. I'm sorry but if you're from the middle east, it's going to be a bitch to come see your family here and you'll be under scrutiny the whole time, but it's what we have to do. That's my thoughts.

True, true, true. This isn't WWII, where entire industries worked towards the "war effort." The push is for a "Hearts and Minds", just like in Vietnam. It's sad to say Afghanistan will turn into that scenario, but I see it coming.




It's in the shitter and IMO getting worse. It won't be good again for decades if you ask me. I say 10 years from now just to get things back to decent. Unless we grab down deep and become a nation that can stand on it's own with goods made and sold here and ditch the fucking imports, we'll always be victims of our own decisions.


Disdain for the government isn't undeserved. We have a group of greedy ignorant bastards running this country. People without a fucking clue how to get it done right. The whole housing market was a sham and now we're all paying the price while those that let the sham continue live fat and happy. It's very likely that 95% of the people in trouble on their mortgage should have never been allowed to buy a home to begin with. Shame on the lenders and those that allowed it and shame on the people caught up in it for making a bad decision and not having a fucking clue. Their both wrong, only one is wealthy, the other is still poor and me and everyone else is stuck paying the price.


Agreed again.

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Oh PLEASE tell me how good Bush was, lol.


I love how it is 2010, still haven't captured the terrorists involved in the World Trade Center.


I enjoy how we went into Iraq for WMD's...oh wait, there weren't any. We went in for personal oil interests and finishing what daddy started, nothing more.


Country went into the shitter while Bush was in power. Obama got a country in a f'ed up situation. I don't think Obama has done a good job by any stretch, but anything was better than Bush.


Joe do you like working harder and earning less?

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We're not quite at $300k thank you, but regardless, I don't look forward to paying more in taxes to help those that don't help themselves. Don't give the pitty party about helping others....I'm all for it, but handouts are bullshit. Put requirements on those taking food stamps, unemployement and other free-bees that are meant to help those that need help and are helping themselves. Most are not doing shit.


There are tons of rules for getting food stamps. There are lots of rules for unemployment too, but there are so many people on it right now they don't have the resources to audit everyone. When my wife was on it she had to keep a list of every job she applied for, and had to meet a minimum number of applications per week. If she received a job offer and turned it down (which happened on two occasions) she would have to go through an audit to explain why she turned it down. If it was within a certain % of what she used to make and they deemed her reasons unacceptable they would cut off the benefits.


IMO, I wish the unemployment benefits were not reinstated. I've been watching my neighbors both suck the system for money they don't really need as they wait out the economy to turn around so they can get a job they really want. Don't get me wrong, I feel for them both, as I lost my job back in late 2008 too. However, I bounced right back and have been making it ever since and only took one check from the system. There's a huge percentage of those on unemployment that are making it on the shit rates unemployment are paying and will continue to do so until they are told to get a fucking job....no really...get a job as this time we mean it. Until then Obama is doing nothing but promoting freeloaders to continue to do so and driving the rest of us even further into the hole we're in.


Obama's school of thought....lower the bar so that we all suck-ass vs raising the bar and forcing the weak to toughen up or die. Yeah, I said die...because there's a whole group of people out there living on the corner of freeloading and homelessness. Force them to choose to live on the corner of get a fucking job or go homeless and I bet you'll see a spike in the number of jobs being worked. People milk the system and we need to end it. Harshly or not, we need to cut off the dead weight not hang onto it.


I think some of you are a little naive as to how bad the job market really is out there. It all depends on what field you are in and what your experience you have. My wife was laid off for 10 months and was continually told she was unqualified for engineering jobs because she didn't have the exact experience they were looking for, or told she was over-qualified because she had too much experience/education. (and I mean things like, "I'm sorry, but we're looking for someone with 12 years of door handle experience.") She eventually got a job doing the exact same thing she used to, but for a different company. There are people from her old job that are still laid off too.


Right now we have a temp at my work who has been laid off for 2 years and can't find a job. He's at the point where he just needs ANY job so he can support his family, but multiple people have told him that he's over-qualified.

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We've got the All-Star team trying to gun our ass down or blow us up daily. It's better than them stepping foot onto American soil huh?


id think that if they wanted to be here, they would.


i mean if millions of mexicans can sneak in undetected, then im sure the all-star team would have no problem.

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Not true.




Multiple sources can be cited, if needed.


I did not hear this until last week. My accountant told me he had just taken a class or seminar or something and was told this was to take effect this year. So I have not read it like I was told he did.


Just read that thread , it still makes no sense that the government wants it on the w-2 . I know it said so they could compare costs , but why do they not just get the numbers at the source .

It is just another way to get more information on all of us .

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Joe do you like working harder and earning less?

No. And I blame a lot of that on Bush...and Obama isn't helping much with that either.


We should have never went to Iraq. The US needs to learn to keep its nose out of business we don't belong in - it's the main reason these nuts want to come over and blow our shit up in the first place.


I don't think we are any safer here now than before spending billions of dollars and American lives sending them to these sand boxes. What really needs to happen:


- Pull out of Afgan and Iraq

- Reduce spending by a lot: cut a lot of special projects, reduce welfare, etc.

- DO NOT reduce taxes

- Most importantly - by taking more in to taxes than we spend, use the extra to pay off debt (politicians have a hard time with this one)


This country needs a real business man running it if we ever have a chance of getting it back into shape.

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