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how to get street lights put in...


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how could i go about asking the city to install street lights in my neighborhood? is this even something they'd consider, or is that one of those things that has to be done when building up the neighborhood to run power lines and such? its not a big area, maybe 100 houses, but its always dark as fuck, even when people keep their front lights on.
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how could i go about asking the city to install street lights in my neighborhood? is this even something they'd consider, or is that one of those things that has to be done when building up the neighborhood to run power lines and such? its not a big area, maybe 100 houses, but its always dark as fuck, even when people keep their front lights on.




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AEP is the one that installs them. You will have to get every neighbor to pay for them, that means a higher electric bill. good luck.


I was told they take the install cost divided by number of houses in the neighborhood and that's what you pay for install.Then the electric bill works same way.

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