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best way to get over someone?


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  Dan said:
well i know of him, they work together. hes the store manager and shes the cashier.


Dude, Same shit happened to me... (she was a server and he the cook at a country club)


1. Dont Fight him I, I caught her in Nyohs with him, walked

out never looked back.

2. Loose any of her friends, fucking one would be awesome, but

then you have more drama to deal with.

3. Start drinking more... this is partially how I came to PRK

4. Find a new hobby... like the gym.

5. It will prob happen again.. so be ready for a repeat..

6. and for me the only thing to expect in a relationship is,

Lies, Cheating, and Dram... if you find one with out these

keep her!!!



Sorry to hear man, good luck!

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1. Get a heavy bag, use the hell out of it.

2. Bang her friend

3. Spend a ton of money on your car, make sure she knows you can do this now because she's not around.

4. Wish them the best, tell him good luck you're gonna need it.

5. Let OSHA know there are Cock Roaches in the store they work in.

6. Rinse and Repeat.


Seriously, take it as a growing experience. Women are users and are only good for two things, and most of the time they are not even good for those.

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  2highpsi said:
There is no fast easy fix.

If you don't already, start working out. Get some new clothes. Reconnect with old friends. Before you know it you're crushing strange left and right and the world regains balance.


+1. Couldn't agree more. Hit the gym hard and run, you'll feel much better about yourself. Completely ignore her no matter what. Lose her number and block her on any social networking sites. The more you keep away from her the easier it will be. If she hits u up wanting to talk about things or fuck or argue, ignore it completely, don't answer back at all, not even to call her a whore.


And lots of alcohol and sluts.

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I'm sorry man, but you're the dumbass if you let it happen more than once.



But in light of the situation, I just surround myself with my friends when I want to forget about things. Cruising around in my car with my favorite CDs is the second best option. And of course, getting pissed and wrecking shit at the gym is always a great relief, too.

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