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women.... what are they good for?


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To the OP I think you have some issues. Women are great for a lot of things, allow me to enlighten you...


1.They help you forget about your problems... By making new ones.

You make a mistake, a good woman is right there by you side to bitch at you and tell you how wrong you were and what you should have done. They bitch so much that you forget about the original problem.


2.The help you feel good about yourself...

You go out with friends, she's there to blow up your phone all night long accusing you of cheating. Nothing boosts a guys ego more then a super insecure chick.


3.Weight loss....

A good woman is there to make every aspect of your life so fucking stressful that you lose your desire to eat, sleep, or even live.


4. They help you become a "thinker"...

Because they sure as hell don't tell what's wrong when you ask. So you're forced to think about the most random shit that could be bothering them



:lol: I'm not really that bitter. Women are great they can make you feel attractive and desired. They laugh at your jokes and even like your friend and family...For the first 2 months of a relationship anyway. ;)

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i love threads like this. some people are just destined to attract lower quality women, because, well, they are lower quality themselves.



All of these women complaints I never have with my wife. She never nags me, ever. Hell, I have seriously requested it a couple times just to get my lazy ass to do something I don't want to do but need to. She works hard and has a great career. Never spends my money. Doesn't make me watch "chick flicks" and really isn't into them. She never complains about my hobbies, and will participate in some of them as well (she loves boating, bought her own quad so she could go riding with us, etc.).


Maybe some of you need to actually find a woman worth being with instead of bitching about the next dumb bimbo you picked up because she was easy to get into the sack. But then I see some guys that find a good woman, and ruin it because they don't appreciate or respect what they have.

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All of these women complaints I never have with my wife. She never nags me, ever. Hell, I have seriously requested it a couple times just to get my lazy ass to do something I don't want to do but need to. She works hard and has a great career. Never spends my money. Doesn't make me watch "chick flicks" and really isn't into them. She never complains about my hobbies, and will participate in some of them as well (she loves boating, bought her own quad so she could go riding with us, etc.).


Maybe some of you need to actually find a woman worth being with instead of bitching about the next dumb bimbo you picked up because she was easy to get into the sack. But then I see some guys that find a good woman, and ruin it because they don't appreciate or respect what they have.


I'm gonna +rep you just for this.


My wife also loves riding ATV, shooting, watching OSU football, etc. She thinks Coach purses and expensive shoes are a stupid waste of money. She helps everyone whenever she can and goes out of her way to talk to someone who is an outcast. She's got a great heart, great mind, and an awesome personality and sense of humor.


I'd take her over a 19 yr old "perfect" bodied dumb bimbo anyday.

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I guess i'm in that minority as well. I have no complaints either. I guess that's what happens when you find a woman who isn't a cheating whore and enjoys enough of the same things to make it interesting. I'd also go out on a limb and say that most of the guys who are happy with their wives/significant others are with someone who actually has half a brain as well.

To the OP, if you aren't eating it and are complaining about getting head then you should think about dining at the Y :) I forget who it was on here, but someone once said that "if you eat it, she will do whatever you want her to do". Usually helps.

One last thought, complaining about a woman on a car forum makes me laugh a little inside.

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