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Need a fishing license to fish Westgate Park?


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I thought any adult needed a Fishing License to fish in public waterways....






There are two "free fishing" days per year. But they are scheduled days.




There is online print out fishing form. DO IT>!!!

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that sucks. Usually I have my license this is the first year in like 8 that I haven't. Only been fishing a few times this year and that was in farm ponds. Going to visit family right by the park and was just looking for something to do

Dont feel bad, I usually try to find something else to do when I visit family as well.

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Catch and release is hardly poaching.


It doesn't matter if you catch and release, it's still illegal and you can be fined.


Do yourself a favor and do some searching on this forum and see what you find.



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I've been fishing for years. Never once bought a license.



^^^ this. I've never once bought a license and don't ever plan to. I fish like 1-3 times per year off private property. Fuck-you big brother. We get taxed on enough bullshit already. Same with hunting. I'm sorry if anyone disagrees, but between all my family we have hundreds of acres of land and I can go so deep into that shit no one would know I'm out there shoot a ground hog or a deer on my land or theirs. I'll be damn if I'm going to pay another tax to fire a gun on land that my family owns...regardless of who's name is on the deed.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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^^^ this. I've never once bought a license and don't ever plan to. I fish like 1-3 times per year off private property. Fuck-you big brother. We get taxed on enough bullshit already. Same with hunting. I'm sorry if anyone disagrees, but between all my family we have hundreds of acres of land and I can go so deep into that shit no one would know I'm out there shoot a ground hog or a deer on my land or theirs. I'll be damn if I'm going to pay another tax to fire a gun on land that my family owns...regardless of who's name is on the deed.


if it is your land, parents' or grandparents' (in-laws count as well) you don't need a license or permit. But that is pretty fucked up if you don't check any deer you kill and i do hope you get caught someday

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if it is your land, parents' or grandparents' (in-laws count as well) you don't need a license or permit. But that is pretty fucked up if you don't check any deer you kill and i do hope you get caught someday


not arguing, but am curious as to why I would check in with the authorities if I bag a deer? There's thousands of them around. It's not like I'm taking a rare species. Should I check the one I hit with my truck? Land wise, we hunt on all of our property, from inlaws to my land to my brother in laws, etc....so for me to get a license to hunt on my brother in laws 100+ acres is to me nothing but a greedy gov't. No thanks. Same with fishing. The river behind our property isn't stocked and quite frankly I pay enough taxes to the various powers that be. I'm not voluntarily giving them another $10-20 to mis manage.

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not arguing, but am curious as to why I would check in with the authorities if I bag a deer? There's thousands of them around. It's not like I'm taking a rare species. Should I check the one I hit with my truck?
yes you have to.
Land wise, we hunt on all of our property, from inlaws to my land to my brother in laws, etc....so for me to get a license to hunt on my brother in laws 100+ acres is to me nothing but a greedy gov't. No thanks. Same with fishing. The river behind our property isn't stocked and quite frankly I pay enough taxes to the various powers that be. I'm not voluntarily giving them another $10-20 to mis manage.
K, I hope you pay the $1000 when you get caught poaching a deer. It's all about herd management when it comes to deer hunting. It's also about being an HONEST and legal sportsman. But as for checking in the deer, if you kill it on your land, at least fucking be honest enough to do that. People like you piss me off.


I'm too drunk to taste this chicken

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yes you have to.


I'm sure all those dead deer on the road were reported to Smokey the Bear :rolleyes: I don't have time to waste on such stupid shit. Bad enough the repairs to the vehicles damaged due to deer strikes set people back.


K, I hope you pay the $1000 when you get caught poaching a deer. It's all about herd management when it comes to deer hunting. It's also about being an HONEST and legal sportsman. But as for checking in the deer, if you kill it on your land, at least fucking be honest enough to do that. People like you piss me off. I'm too drunk to taste this chicken


Honest and legal sportsman.....pa-lease.....no one even knows we or the deer are out on the land. "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Hasn't made a sound for all the number of years we have all been out there. I don't think what we're doing is dishonest. By who's judgement? Yours? Gov't? neither matter to me on this subject. IMO, it doesn't affect you or them thus it's only my business. Herd Mgt is a joke. There's hundreds of them on our property with numbers growing every year. There's no Mgt. as there's no solid control over the population in Ohio. It's rampant.


Sorry it pisses you off, but again, I waste enough of my hard earned money by giving it to those that can't do shit with it. That pisses me off. I'll be sure to declare all my tax free purchases and side job cash income too as I wouldn't want to offend all the others that we know are so innocent and abide by that law :rolleyes: Including half the knuckleheads that run this country. :gtfo: I'll be sure to scold my parents for stashing their hard earn money in some creative ways so that when they pass that our gov't can't apply an inheritance tax in efforts to stick it up our ass one more time.....because you know, the honest thing to do is bend over lube up so you can be taxed one more fucking time. I don't think so.


Let's go after the guy who kills a wild turkey out of season on his own fucking property and chase him down for $1,000 but let the crack-head whore on the east-side of town collect unemployment and food stamps for years as they "work" the system drinking beer and buying smokes as their kids skip school because the parents don't give a shit. How ironic we let them have 6 kids no license required yet we'll all be damn if you can fish without coughing up $20 per year. What costs the people of Ohio more this year, little Johnny Crack-Head or my 6 small mouth bass, 2 catfish a wilder turkey and a deer? Yeah, I'm buzzed, but some things in life are really fucked up and I'm not going to support that shit. Uncle Sam sure isn't looking out for me and honestly, I don't want him to. I'll take care of myself.

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It's all about herd management when it comes to deer hunting.

From what I gather from the hunters I work with, that's a joke in itself. They keep uping the amount of deer you can tag on a license, and the population is still growing. Every year I seem to see more deer than the year before, and I am seeing a lot more deer hit by cars than I have in years past.


Legal kills, poaching - there are too many deer right now, so I don't care how folks want to thin the herd, as long as it is being thinned (and my coworkers share their deer-jerky).

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I'm sure all those dead deer on the road were reported to Smokey the Bear :rolleyes: I don't have time to waste on such stupid shit. Bad enough the repairs to the vehicles damaged due to deer strikes set people back.




Honest and legal sportsman.....pa-lease.....no one even knows we or the deer are out on the land. "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Hasn't made a sound for all the number of years we have all been out there. I don't think what we're doing is dishonest. By who's judgement? Yours? Gov't? neither matter to me on this subject. IMO, it doesn't affect you or them thus it's only my business. Herd Mgt is a joke. There's hundreds of them on our property with numbers growing every year. There's no Mgt. as there's no solid control over the population in Ohio. It's rampant.


Sorry it pisses you off, but again, I waste enough of my hard earned money by giving it to those that can't do shit with it. That pisses me off. I'll be sure to declare all my tax free purchases and side job cash income too as I wouldn't want to offend all the others that we know are so innocent and abide by that law :rolleyes: Including half the knuckleheads that run this country. :gtfo: I'll be sure to scold my parents for stashing their hard earn money in some creative ways so that when they pass that our gov't can't apply an inheritance tax in efforts to stick it up our ass one more time.....because you know, the honest thing to do is bend over lube up so you can be taxed one more fucking time. I don't think so.


Let's go after the guy who kills a wild turkey out of season on his own fucking property and chase him down for $1,000 but let the crack-head whore on the east-side of town collect unemployment and food stamps for years as they "work" the system drinking beer and buying smokes as their kids skip school because the parents don't give a shit. How ironic we let them have 6 kids no license required yet we'll all be damn if you can fish without coughing up $20 per year. What costs the people of Ohio more this year, little Johnny Crack-Head or my 6 small mouth bass, 2 catfish a wilder turkey and a deer? Yeah, I'm buzzed, but some things in life are really fucked up and I'm not going to support that shit. Uncle Sam sure isn't looking out for me and honestly, I don't want him to. I'll take care of myself.


You do realize those are 2 completely different police forces correct?

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From what I gather from the hunters I work with, that's a joke in itself. They keep uping the amount of deer you can tag on a license, and the population is still growing. Every year I seem to see more deer than the year before, and I am seeing a lot more deer hit by cars than I have in years past.


Legal kills, poaching - there are too many deer right now, so I don't care how folks want to thin the herd, as long as it is being thinned (and my coworkers share their deer-jerky).


I do, it needs to be done legally.

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You do realize those are 2 completely different police forces correct?


Sarcasm is a funny thing.


BTW, I am very close friends with a few ODNR officers in the area and am not above turning people in


Everything I tell on the internet is a lie. I mean true. I mean a lie. I mean true. Now I'm off to clean up my latest kill. I mean put away dishes. The internet......it's seriously funny business.


So was it you all along that's been responsible for tipping off cops to when and where and who on CR is rumored to be taking it to the streets? I mean if you're not above turning people in then I guess one could assume that you are or at least everyone should be aware of it.

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