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Hey Mark, I got something for you


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Turning up the heat buddy ;)

Went to a track rental at Norwalk Sunday. It was cloudy but didn't rain, temp was nice and cool.

First hit off the trailer come off the brake with a big tune up and it came up nicely less than a foot and just kept carrying. I was past the 60' when it came down, trouble was it must have came into the power and bounced up a little higher. I remember it drifting a little towards the wall as it came down the 330' mark was right in front of me. The damn thing carried the wheels almost to the 330'.

I was REALLY happy when I saw the slip 8.30@166 with a 1.33 60' that was with the rear wheels. I cranked the front shocks the rest of the way tight. I was happy with the wheels staying low in the air but I need to get stiffer shocks to get the "bounce" out.

Next hit was the same tune up but left softer a very smooth and uneventful pass. 8.32@166 with a 1.31 60' felt slow LOL

Last pass was after sitting in the staging lanes for two hours waiting for them to cleanup after two oil downs. I put another 100 rpm on the two step and let it rip. Came up and carried a little less that the first pass. it bounced again but didn't carry near as far. It was drifting toward center when it came down and I was out of the groove, it spun and wiggled as I got back into the groove.

On the big end right at the lights I must have hit some oil, the rear end kicked out hard as I was reaching for the chute. I corrected hard as I dumped the laundry, just as the car got straight the chute hit ending my ride.

My heart was still pumping hard as I got my slip and saw the 8.29,,,,,, Mission accomplished!



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But you didn't pull the fronts high enough to carry the beam - Norwalk's 60 ft beam is 10 in. Just looking at your 2nd 60 ft slip should have told you that too....


Actually the slips do tell me that I packed the wheels past the beam. The difference between the first and second slip show 5.5 hundredths at the 60' but magically drop to only 1.3 at the three thirty. There is a similar disparity between the second and the third.

You just cant help but spewing crap at me can you Jamie. I guess if I had as much money in my car as you did in your shop car that is only a couple tenths quicker I would have a sour taste in my mouth also. Better call your shop up and tell them to work some overtime so you can open up the gap between the cars before I catch up.

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