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possible memorial ride


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Okay here is the scoop..

I have never done anything like this, but I am looking for some insight or help from someone who has.

A close friend of mine at the age of 39 just recently passed away from a stroke. He was an avid rider, the last conversation him and I had 2 days before hehad his stroke was that my wife and IJim and his wife, and a few other couples were planning a groupe ride. I know that they were not very finanicially well off but he loved his family and he loved riding, Tonight after leaving the viewing I was talking to a mutual friend and we both thought trying to put together a memorial ride might be a good thing. I have no idea how to or what to do to get something like this going but I feel it would be something he would have done for anyone else and also the right thing to do.

So any one who has ever had any part in arranging one of these, or would be intersted in riding please let me know, I would also like to arrange for his bike to be ridden in it. he has family that rides and would be the ultimate last ride for it!!

so I may be in the wrong area of the forum but, I am a newb to the site but I can see that through out the state it seems to be a pretty tight knit group.. so help me make this happen



here is my phone number for any input or questions





Jim Hickman

2007 HD883


gone but never forgotten

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Wow, sorry about your loss. I'm sure someone in here has experience coordinating these things and will be glad to help you out... all the rides I go on here aren't that organized. It's:

"Here's the date,

here's the time,

here's the meeting spot,

this is where we're going,

this is when we're expected to be back

we will stop here, here, and here along the way for sites, pics, and food"

I'm sure you're looking for a little more input for your ride, people will chime in soon enough.

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contact your local harley owners group... they do these all the time, and I know (at least from my experience) that they would be more then happy to help and get the word out to more riders too... or there is the abate groups, or I know I could help you plan it out... if I could get to lima sometime soon...

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sorry about the loss, i think there has already been some good ideas just get a date together post the ride maybe a local dealer would be willing to help you as well, maybe you can have a raffle,or charge for the ride i am sure you would get alot of support,keep us posted but i do like the idea of a local dealer helping as well

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