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Can the city of columbus/ohio be this fucked up?


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Can someone find me the list of the recipients of the ohio military distinguished medal given out today? I was told around 190 were given.


My cousin was Lt. Brandon Ratliff, who in 2004 committed suicide after returning from afghanistan. He worked for the city of columbus and upon his return was not given the promotion he was promised prior to being deployed due to not being able to fill out all the paperwork before leaving. Not only that but upon returning, since the job was already filled, they sent him to work in an office with no computer or other supplies other than a shared phone. My aunt sued the city and lost. Today I get word that my aunt(whos only child was Brandon) was notified by a friend that Brandon was awarded a distinguished medal and while other recipients's medals were presented to their families, there was no notice so that we could have been there to accept his. My aunt has been an emotional wreck since my cousin did this and is a shell of her former self. As the eldest male cousin(after Brandon) I have attempted to step in and fill the void for my aunt who basically has lost the only child she will ever have. It was heartbreaking to hear her informing me of what had happened. I cannot believe that they would have done this to her and denied her the ability to be there. If anyone can find the list of recipients I would appreciate it. I want to verify that he in fact was awarded the medal. Thanks

Edited by wnaplay
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