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Well I need a new LCD Tv

John Bruh

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Mine needs replaced, long story short.


these are a few im looking at.










This is the one im really considering









1.) is it going to be a noticable difference between 60h to 120hz

2.) this is going to be my bedroom tv so most usage will be at night, so will a plasma do alright?

3.) I really want a 1080, but thew a coule 720s in there, again is this a noticable difference?

4.) dynamic ratio--the higher the better, but what about the 47" lg i picked, its only at 10,000:1. Will this be good to stream a lot of hd stuff? or should I go with a smaller tv with a better ratio?

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There's a huge difference between 60hz and everything else higher. 120 and 240 look like real life man, 60hz is just barely choppy enough to tell you're just watching tv.. gets worse the bigger size tv you go. I have a 61" 1080p@60Hz lcd and video games/movies are all choppy when I turn or the view moves around real fast. My buddy has a 240 and it's liquid smooth when the same thing happens. If it's only for the bedroom then whatever though.. but I'd rather go smaller with a 120+ rather than bigger at 60Hz.
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60 to anything else is probably the biggest improvement you can make.....I would even go as far to say that it is a bigger difference than 720 to 1080. Also when looking at a tv notice if it states "Dynamic contrast" or just "Contrast" there is a subtle yet important difference here.
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Real question....what happened to your old LCD?


IMO, 42" Plasma. Unless your sitting closer than 8ft you won't see a 1080P difference. Save your money. Optimal distance for that TV isn't that close anyway.


long story what happened.



This is probably going to be the winner. Since i only watch it at night when I'm off work and the room is dark.



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this was posted on COS the other day about 1080/740 and viewing distances



Bullshit chart.


We had a 50" 720p in our living room @ 13 feet. You could tell very easily as that distance, closer AND further that it was a 720p TV, and switching to a 1080p made a noticable difference. I went from a 50" 720p to a 73" 1080p, but I can also go back into my kitchen and watch at a much further distance where on that chart it says it wouldn't make a difference - yet I can see a difference. On the 720p TV, Blu-Ray barely looked better than a newer DVD being upconverted. On the 1080p it is a crazy difference, regardless of distance viewed.


IMO, anything over 42" should never be 720p. I personally wouldn't want anything 40"+ in a 720p. Below 40" isn't as big of a deal, and I don't grasp why people want 1080p 32" TV's that they aren't using as a monitor.

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