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Guess what my kids like to do lol


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Well they like chips and some how they got my favorite chips. So as there eating I seen my daughter sneeze in the chip bag and again and look around and puts my chips back up. Discuss


Discuss? Let's just say if I ever come over your house, I'm bringing my own food. If you ever come here, you come alone. :)

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Discuss? Let's just say if I ever come over your house, I'm bringing my own food. If you ever come here, you come alone. :)


Let's just say I threw away all the food that they got into this weekend. Also sat her down and explained what she did is bad and never let it happen again.

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Well, they like chips. Somehow they found my favorite chips. So as they're eating, I see my daughter sneeze in the chip bag, look around, and then put my chips back where she found them. I know other parents can relate.




Please make sure your kids pay attention is English class. Spelling and Grammar are a terrible thing to waste.


I know other posters can relate.

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i have 3 year old twins who will routinely take something out of their mouth that they don't like, and put it back into whatever container it came out of---


one also starting wiping boogers on the wall, and her 18month old brother.


lol Nasty.


Damn kids and their dirty little germy hands touching everything. haha

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