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First date restaurants?


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  Sully said:
Wow, I can't believe no one has asked yet... Who the fuck would go out with YOU??? :p


  Buck531 said:
Since you're most likely dating a guy, how about that Pizza place downtown on Gay street? Some lesbian place. I can't remember the name of it? Sliders?


It took until page 2 to get the above? CR should be better. :bangbang:

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Azn - Molly Woo's. Its at Polaris, and a very affordable Cameron Mitchell place.



Steaks and beers - Elevator on High street. EXCELLENT place, went there for my 21st, planning on going there for my one year with the GF. More pricey though but very worth it. Also where little Greeny took his now wife for their first date (thanks to my suggestion, thank you very much).



Burgers - Thurman's Cafe, just make sure you don't go there during the lunch or dinner hours, they tend to have a line out the door. Excellent food, kinda pricey for burgers but still very affordable.


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  Not Brian said:
I dated a fat chick once. Well, a lot of times, but this one took the cake, literally. She liked it when I fed her while fucking her in the butt. She claimed to be a "virgin" because she only took it in the ass, ever. Usually a "slip-up" is like when you accidentally-but-intentionally pop it out and go for the back door, but with her I would try slipping it into the front and she'd squirm away from me.


Anyways, yeah, she loved eating while taking it up the chute. Take your girl to mcdonalds on your budgetish and feed her some nuggets while packing her poop. You'll have cool stories later, like me.


No one noticed the awesome dubya tee effness that is this post? It was like Brian said it in conversation and everyone just kept talking like he didn't say anything. "So, anyway, retard, Max N Erma's is a chain and he said no chain restaurants!"

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  evan9381 said:

theres a place called "chi-thai" on hamilton rd, up at the north end, almost to dublin granville rd. its by the OC. i like it, and its not expensive...maybe $35-40 for 2 people



+1 on Chi Thai. I have been there a few times and enjoy it.


Another place I like is Tyfoon across from Lodge Bar. French and Asian food. Sushi is good and the duck if they still serve it is amazing.

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  RC K9 said:
+1 on Chi Thai. I have been there a few times and enjoy it.


Another place I like is Tyfoon across from Lodge Bar. French and Asian food. Sushi is good and the duck if they still serve it is amazing.


most of Dae's restaurants are great. dude doesn't drive lambos and bentleys for nothing.

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  V8 Beast said:
Hotel, private chef, soft music, and candle light > any public restaurant. If it gets serious keep that in mind.


Could you really see paul doing this? Depending on the quality of the girl he's bringing out, the date could go from a "split dif. ways after the dinner" to him slammin her in the neon afterwards. This all depends on how she looks obviously.

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My wife and I like Brio and Bon Vie Bistro. Price's are pretty decent and food is excellent.


Ofcourse I took my wife on our first date (back in HS) to Wendy's for dinner and then went to see Billy Madison in the theatre......It all worked out!

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Figlio's in Grandview Heights,,,


Good pizza, great pasta dishes.. casual atmosphere, but seems kinda hip and trendy..

lots of opportunities for people watching, usually 2 dinners and desert won't top 30-40 bucks with tip and a beer or two...


Or walk to Jeni's ice cream a blcok down the rd.



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