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Who here has been hassled because they have a Conceal Carry.


If you have post what happened.


Having a discussion with my mechanic and he claims that everyone he knows with there CCW gets hassled anytime they are pulled over or someone checks there driver license.

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I haven't been pulled over since I got my CCW but I have had a lot of interaction with LEO's on different occasions (mostly CPD) and every one of them have been cool with the fact that I have my CCW and was armed at that time.
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The only time I had an issue, I was not even carrying. I was pulled over in a DWI checkpoint. Cop said he could smell alcohol on my breath. Get out do my field sobriety test...pass. Blow in the breathalyzer..... .03 good to go. Then he asks for ID and does a warrant check. Comes back with my CCW. So he asks if I am carrying. I tell him no that I had planned to drink so I left it at home. Tells me that was a smart idea but that anytime I interact with a cop I should let him know if I am carrying or not. This is the only time I have heard this and that was the end of the conversation. I was always told let them know when I AM carrying but never told to say I am NOT carrying.


Not really hassled just questioned.

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The only time I had an issue, I was not even carrying. I was pulled over in a DWI checkpoint. Cop said he could smell alcohol on my breath. Get out do my field sobriety test...pass. Blow in the breathalyzer..... .03 good to go. Then he asks for ID and does a warrant check. Comes back with my CCW. So he asks if I am carrying. I tell him no that I had planned to drink so I left it at home. Tells me that was a smart idea but that anytime I interact with a cop I should let him know if I am carrying or not. This is the only time I have heard this and that was the end of the conversation. I was always told let them know when I AM carrying but never told to say I am NOT carrying.


Not really hassled just questioned.


The law only requires you to inform him when you ARE carrying. If you aren't carrying you don't have to say a gosh darn thing.


Same thing happened to my best friend. Someone had hit a deer on cleveland ave and so my buddy stopped and called police. When the cop arrived (Mifflin I believe) he asked my buddy why if he had his gun on him and my buddy said no, then he asked my buddy why he didn't say anything to him and my buddy got a little irritated and informed the officer he is only obligated to inform the officer when he actually has a gun with him. Then CPD rolled up and took over the situation and it was all good ha ha.

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It's probably a good idea to mention that you are a CCW holder and whether or not you have your weapon.


It may not be required by law, but it's just good communication that will eliminate questions.


If the officer does a check (as in these examples above) and discovers that you are a CCW holder, he or she will then begin to wonder if you have the weapon and just forgot to mention it.


If you already explained, then there is no surprise and no question when the red flag pops up on his screen.

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It's probably a good idea to mention that you are a CCW holder and whether or not you have your weapon.


It may not be required by law, but it's just good communication that will eliminate questions.


Yes/No. I was hassled just a bit when I got pulled over for speed once. Same deal where the cop made a snide remark about me not informing him of my CCW and not carrying. :rolleyes:


I wasn't a smart ass, but was very straight with him, that I know for a fact he is going to know I have a CCW Permit and was likely going to ask and that I honestly don't believe in offering up any information that isn't asked of me. That's his job and I'm cool with that, but don't expect me to offer up something not asked for. If I was carrying, I would have complied and told him up front.


He proceeded to try and lecture me about cooperation. I asked him if I was doing anything to not cooperate and to please point it out. I've complied with all that I was required to and haven't argued anything. :confused: He proceeded to act as if he ignored my comments because he couldn't provide me with an answer :rolleyes:


He didn't like my position but tuff shit, he can do his own fucking job and ask me. I'm not obligated to tell him that my gun is at home. LEO's that pull me over are not looking out for my best interest. It's also not like he's going to drop his guard and believe me anyway. He would be stupid to do that of anyone really.


They also don't need to know where I'm coming from or going to so why ask that shit? Well, they can ask, but my question right back is that I'm not sure how that pertains to why I'm being pulled over, would they please explain that as I'm confused? Again, not pertinent, not going to answer. Just right me up if you're going to.

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No issue.

Always go out of my way to be polite and let them know up front, whether I am carrying or not. Better they hear it from you then get find out you do, then have to ask.


The less they have to be nervous about the better, their jobs are hard enough enough as it is.

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I've gotten out of a ticket...the cop actually said he was going to cut me a break because I made sure to do everything correctly when he pulled me over.


The cop I run into almost every morning at the gas station likes to jokingly pick on me...he's jealous because I carry a "better" piece than the department lets him carry.

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I've had probably four interactions while carrying. My sister has a lead foot and has a habit of getting speeding tickets whenever we go to visit family in Cincinnati. I got pulled over speeding outside Cleveland while carrying and the trooper was cool. The only issue I had was when I wasn't carrying and a cop randomly ran my plates on my motorcycle and tried to tell me my bike was coming back reported stolen. He was convinced I was carrying for some reason even though I told him no twice. He felt like a dumbass when he found out I was the registered/titled owner of my bike.
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Ive been pulled over by a sherriff (for no reason, he said the license plate light was out but it wasnt). I had my gun locked in my glove box at the time so as he asked for my license etc... i gave him both my license and permit card and informed him of where it was blah blah blah, he said he didnt care and gave me back my card. Ran me for warrants (which was clean of course) as he came back to tell me he wanted to walk his dog around my car he got another call and left in a hurry.


Im pretty sure walking a police dog around a car is still considered a search but I didnt have anything to hide besides a bottle of goose in the trunk so i wouldnt have cared.


One other time CPD pulled me over with literally no reasoning, They never asked me about my ccw but turns out the cop use to go to church with my sister so that was the end of that. Oh and i guess he wanted to see if i was running "dope"... true story.

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Im pretty sure walking a police dog around a car is still considered a search but I didnt have anything to hide besides a bottle of goose in the trunk so i wouldnt have cared.


One other time CPD pulled me over with literally no reasoning, They never asked me about my ccw but turns out the cop use to go to church with my sister so that was the end of that. Oh and i guess he wanted to see if i was running "dope"... true story.


I believe it. The biggest hassle I have had was before I had my CCW. My girlfriend, her friend and myself were returning from the grocery store and we were detained while they ran a drug dog around the car because it was the type of car that drug runners use (2000 Integra?!?!). He then proceeded to lecture me on how he could write me up for the illegally tinted front window (which does not even have a factory tint bar let alone tint).

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Last two times I got pulled over, told the cops I had my permit but wasn't carrying, both times ended up with tickets. That's what I get for being nice.


Oh, and running a drug dog around the car is not a search. Just like looking in the windows is not a search. However, either can lead to reasonable cause, which gives them permission to search.

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I've only been pulled over once since I've gotten my CCW. I was pulled over for passing a cop on the side of 71S going 50MPH, he apparently didn't think I was going slow enough to pass him. I wasn't carrying, I didn't say a thing to the officer as that is one of our rights. It was a non-event.
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no issues so far, but if I do ever get pulled over, I will make sure to let them know if I am or am not carrying... regardless if I have to or not, I would hate to get shot because they pull it up on my plates and I happen to move to my glovebox or something for my registration and the cop thinks I'm reaching for a gun...


I am worried about my wife however since all of our vehicles are in my name and she has a lead foot....

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none here , but as Jones said its easier to say your not then to make them wonder right? the instructor i had is a detective and said its not the law to say that your not carryin but it does make a cop feel lil bit more at ease walking back and forth to patrol car knowing you do or dont have it
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but it does make a cop feel lil bit more at ease walking back and forth to patrol car knowing you do or dont have it


Again, I'm not a cop, but if they believe someone they pull over just because "they said" , they are asking to be shot by surprise some day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was told to keep my hands on the wheel and to inform the officer you have your permit and let him know if you have the weapon or not, where the weapon is and ask him how would you like me to proceed. i have not been pulled over yet with my CCW but since i've been pullled over 70+ times it's bound to happen.
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I was told to keep my hands on the wheel and to inform the officer you have your permit and let him know if you have the weapon or not, where the weapon is and ask him how would you like me to proceed. i have not been pulled over yet with my CCW but since i've been pullled over 70+ times it's bound to happen.


Bingo. Whether you are carrying or not or even if you don't have a permit that's how you do it. Roll down the driver side windows before they come up and keep your hands on the wheel. When they ask for proof of insurance etc tell them its in your glovebox and ask politely if you can reach in there to get it. That has got me out of countless tickets.

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