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Car selling experience from hell


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Not proof reading this so expect grammatical errors.


OK, so as some of you know, the integra has been for sale for some time now. I havnt owned the car but about 7 months now, but I just got tired of it. It was a great car and I learned all the ins and outs of forced induction. Prior to owning it, I had zero idea how terrbos worked.


Tuesday I get a text from a gentleman explaining his interest in the Integra. We chat and exchange details about the car, and where he's located. He said he was from Kentucky and wanted to drive up and buy it on the spot. I Obviously didn't hold this dude accountable to his word, so kept my options available for local sale also. Wednesday I get another text from the guy saying he wanted a time and place to meet up and take a look. He said he was bringing cash so we agreed on 6:30 Thursday night at the Sears in the Polaris mall. This morning (Thursday) arrives and i make plans to change the oil, plugs, and other fluids; tranny fluid included. I get off work late at 4, despite my intentions of leaving at noon. 4 o clock rolls around, i leave work. Almost slide into some lady skidding down this street in Delaware. I put it behind me and head over to autozone to pick up the fluids i wanted to change. I finally make it home about 5PM.


By this time its snowing pretty good. Unfortunately i don't have access to a heated garage so i suit up in my coveralls, and climb under. First checked the transmission fluid and all looked good, so i didnt bother draining it. Remove the oil drain plug, let it drain, pulled the oil filter off and set it aside. Replaced the drain plug then lubed up the rubber gasket on the new oil filter and tightened it down. It was time to lower the car and put some oil in. No problem. Fill her up with some 10-40 (lol work around for failing rings.) At this point it was just after 6. I still had to run home and grab the title and drop off my belongings. I have my sister follow behind me so i can get back home.


Driving down old State road at lewis center road i hear this annoying hissing sound comming from what sounded like the fusebox down by my left foot. First thoughts were something was shorting out, but i didnt smell anything hot, didnt see any flickers, so i figured the brakes were wet or something. I get about 3 miles down the road close to orange and old state and my oil light on the dash flickered. Soon it was solid. FUCK i thought to myself, im blowing oil. I see Orange Township fire department with an empty lot and pull in. Stop the car, get out, look underneath, and theres a quart of oil in the snow. Jack the car up with the spare tire jack in my sisters ford escort, crawl back under in the snow, and sure enough, oil was blowing out where the oil filter seats onto the plate. I called the dude and let him know what was going on.


Thinking the seal was bad we ran over to walmart, picked up a new filter and another 5 quarts of oil. we make it back to the fire station around 6:40 and i crawl back under. now an employee of the department comes out and asks if we need any help. I explain to him whats going on, apologize for the 5 quarts of oil in the snow, and get back to work changing the filter. He brings me out a blanket to lay on, a flashlight, and a jackstand to keep the car from falling on me. Get it changed, fill er up with oil again, and start driving down the road. Then the hissing ensued again. Now im getting really annoyed. OF ALL FUCKING NIGHTS TO GIVE ME ISSUES, WHY TONIGHT?! I call the guy and tell him its going to be a few more minutes as the issue still isnt resolved. I explain to him that theres a big ass mall inside sears, and he has no problem killing time.


By this time there are now 10 quarts of oil in the fire station parking lot, so I give my dad a call and ask for his opinion. He asks me if i removed the first seal from the plate when i took the old filter off. I crawl back under, pull the filter, and sure as shit, theres 2 seals stuck to the oil filter plate. mother fucker. Rookie mcsteak i guess. After getting the third filter on correctly, its about 8:30 PM. i give the dude a call and let him know were on our way. I stop by my apartment to drop off the junk in my trunk, grab the title the head towards the front of the complex. Apparently our management doesnt find it necessary to salt the streets. exiting the complex(not going fast) i start to skid and slam into the curb. My sister, who went the other way, did the exact same thing. WTF.


We finally make it to sears and the dudes patiently waiting. checked the car out, checked to make sure it wasnt leaking anymore, then asked me what i was asking. I told him $3500 and he offers 3300. Honestly i was expecting an offer way less, but i tell him id do $3400. he pulls me out 34 C notes, i hand the title over, and dipped the fuck out of there.


Honestly, im happy with the outcome because i wasnt expecting to get that much, and because i actually made money on the car. I take my sister out to dinner for being patient and getting oil for me twice.


My toes are still frozen, and my fingers are chapped as fuck, but looks like im on to better things now. The hunt ensues.


TL;DR: fucking car issues on the night a guy from Kentucky is in town to buy my car.

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and sure as shit, theres 2 seals stuck to the oil filter plate. mother fucker.


So you learned about turbos but not checking for double-gaskets?




Have to cut you some slack tho, sounds like it was almost dark when you went to put the new filter on?

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So you learned about turbos but not checking for double-gaskets?




Have to cut you some slack tho, sounds like it was almost dark when you went to put the new filter on?


i was using a trouble light, but visibility was very limited.


Huge thumbs up the the gents at Orange Township Fire Department.

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and sure as shit, theres 2 seals stuck to the oil filter plate. mother fucker

not uncommon on those Honda B and D blocks............ a coworker's civic fell victim to this 3 months or so ago...... luckily, he didn t lose the motor



a fine outcome though, OP:D

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Do not listen to this guy, steer far awar from any deathstar, I mean northstar motors..


No those engines are flawless :p


Yes those engines are nightmares. In all honesty they are bulletproof with the exception of the head-gaskets/bolts. Even with their issues they still have that mean Muscle car look (at least as far as the 95's). http://www.cadillacforums.com/forums...ilure-fix.html



Personally i'd pick up a 2000 Sc300 - I'd bet you could make money selling it (without any additional mods) 3 years later...

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Had you had the good habit of wiping down the oil filter seating surface prior to putting the new filter on, you would have never had this issue. Always wipe down that area. Of course you should always take a look at the old oil filter as well prior to ditching it.


Lesson learned, and I bet you'll never make that mistake again!

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Right away I thought double gasket too.


Been there done that! I was in a rush to get get my oil changed before work (about 12 years ago) on my 98 Mustang GT. I only made it about 400 ft before dumping all the oil. Same thing happened - Double Gasket - I promiss It will never ever happen to me again.

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Almost the same as my story selling my Regal.


Guy finally came out to look at it. Nit picked about EVERYTHING on the car. I start it up in the garage and he hears this noise. It's the a/c compressor. It's been doing it ever since I swapped the motor two years ago. Never had an issue. Just noisy. He comes right off the bat telling me it'll be about $1000 to fix the issue. I'm like dude.. its been like that for almost 3 years and it works fine. Deal with it. Then he hears some noise when he turns on the heater. I dunno.. been like that for ya now... 3 years? Never had an issue.


It's clean as hell. From March or so of 08 I put on not even 20k miles. 62k on the clock when i bought it and sold it at 82k in 3 years. Not bad.


Then he low balled me. $3000 for the car. I'm like.. no son. I can't do that. Then he .. blah blah blah here and there. Pulls out a wad of $100 bills to entice me. Nope. Not going to happen. The rear tires are shot on the car and he notices that. He says $3300 and YOU call ME if you want o deal (he wanted me to call him if that was cool).


I didn't call him. He called me the next day and said "how about $3600 and swap the tires" (the tires I originally had that I swapped were in better condition). I said no.. $3700 and I'll swap the tires. Fine. He came and I swapped the tires.


Fine.. swapped the tires and he gives me $37 100 bills. Great. Little did he know that I put on those 4 tires that had a leak in one and two nails in the other. Fuck him. and Thank little baby jesus I don't have to deal with that anymore.

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Its good to hear that it all worked out for you and that the Firemen were willing to give you a hand and even possibaly saved your life giving you a jack stand for back up if the jack failed. I will never climb under a car with just a jack holding it up. I watched someone die in the police station parking lot out here in Johnstown. He was working on his daughters car that had broken down and the jack gave out and the car fell on him and before she could get another jack from the police to use to get the car off of him he died...
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