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cr sucks


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I tried setting up a CR autox event. Not as easy as it looks. The people on CR are great about getting the information needed to get the ball rolling. The people outside of CR that are in charge of locations, insurance, cones, etc are not that good at responding. I called, sent emails, etc and have yet to be contacted by anyone outside of CR. I know they are busy, but I tried for 3 months before giving up last year.


If you guys really want it to happen stop bitching from the back seat and take the keys...


It would be nice if other people would step up to help out. I think Columbus Racing is capable of much more, but it takes help.


There are a lot of talkers, whiners, and complainers just not many people willing to put the time in. It is so much easier to type than actually commit to helping out.


As soon as school is done in May I will be out there racing, or helping others at the track. IF people actually want to bring the racing back to Columbus Racing put your man pants on and step up.


Real racers do work at the track, not on the web.

Step one for all of this is we have to change the way people look at us due to all of the negative media that has been drawn to this site. People are not going to take us as seriously when setting up these events because they think were all are a bunch of street racers that dont give a shit about anything else. The bottom line is when an event is set up the people setting it up want to make a profit or it is not worth their time. We need to work some marketing and what not and convince a few to possibly take a risk on us as a group and that we will not make them look bad with no one showing up and all of that jazz. Once they see that we are serious and are about more things than just street racing it will be easier to set up more events. Phone calls will only do so much for us, maybe some visits to see these people in charge of everything. This will prove to them that we really are serious. Will this site always be known for street racing? The answer to that is yes because everyone on here when challenged on the street will make that run every now and then it happens. And to anyone that will try to tell me they will not, I will have to say you are full of shit because hormones will always prevail over logic with us guys and the thought of loseing we cant bear. Hell once I can get another car again will I street race it? Of course but at the sametime I would like to get more legit and attend a few more track days and grudge racing events and the such, because we all have seen to many people from this site go to jail or even worse get killed. You guys want people to step up so I will say I am more than willing to help out with this marketing and what not to get people to take us more serious but there is only so much one person can do. We have to come together as a community to get the things done that we want. People cant ignore us if we come in masses so anythime there is an event set up everyone from this forum should show up if they have nothing else going on. Even if you dont like drag racing because that is the only way we will not be ignored.

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To get someones address to meet them in person you have to talk to them first. I honestly wouldnt feel comfortable asking a member for an organizers address unless they had an actual business. The people I was working with are as close as you can be to the autox events. As far as image, there are plenty of CR members that do autox. Over half of the people that would go to the event would be the same that have already gone to events.


With rentals you have to pay a deposit and in some cases pay before the race day. Its not them taking a risk, its us taking a risk by paying a deposit hoping people show up. Trying not to lose a deposit is pretty stressful, especially when it comes from the CR fund...

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Just because you don't go to cr track days doesn't make you an active member. I haven't been to track days in a yr, but the first week I had my car out this year, several members on this form and I had non cr sanctioned fun. Its on video somwhere for proof. Cr doesn't suck, certain members that do nothing but sit on here and hate non stop suck. But those are the same people who don't have shit of there own to back up there mouths. I've met a lot of great people from here, I've met some cunts I could care less to speak again with. I met copperhead and didn't even know it, and til this day there's a running joke about it. Cr is useful, I like the site, I just hate how serious some you cock gobblers take this shit. You forget this is the interwebz and take shit to heart. 90% of the shit said on here is time waisting bull shit, I've yet to see a serious fite break out cause most of you fags are total nerds in person. So cr doesn't suck, the people who come on here getting butt hurt suck.


Brian was the real winner in that one. I wish to someday get as good of a laugh as he had that day at your expense. You were kind of set up though; I asked him not to out me. Flawless victory.

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To get someones address to meet them in person you have to talk to them first. I honestly wouldnt feel comfortable asking a member for an organizers address unless they had an actual business. The people I was working with are as close as you can be to the autox events. As far as image, there are plenty of CR members that do autox. Over half of the people that would go to the event would be the same that have already gone to events.


With rentals you have to pay a deposit and in some cases pay before the race day. Its not them taking a risk, its us taking a risk by paying a deposit hoping people show up. Trying not to lose a deposit is pretty stressful, especially when it comes from the CR fund...

Fair enough I can defently see where your are coming from. I wasnt just talking about auto cross and all of that in my post too I should have specified that. I mean any event at a track ie drag, autox, time attack ect ect... I am aware that yes we are taking a risk as well with supplying a down payment and all of that jazz I guess the one thing to keep in the back of you mind when putting the money down is all of the lives you are potentially saving by getting people out onto the tracks on a more consistant basis. I defently think this idea of the standing mile races being set up is a great idea because that is the draw people have to roll racing. People want to hit the higher speeds that you will hit during that type of race because of the rush that comes with it.
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Fair enough I can defently see where your are coming from. I wasnt just talking about auto cross and all of that in my post too I should have specified that. I mean any event at a track ie drag, autox, time attack ect ect... I am aware that yes we are taking a risk as well with supplying a down payment and all of that jazz I guess the one thing to keep in the back of you mind when putting the money down is all of the lives you are potentially saving by getting people out onto the tracks on a more consistant basis. I defently think this idea of the standing mile races being set up is a great idea because that is the draw people have to roll racing. People want to hit the higher speeds that you will hit during that type of race because of the rush that comes with it.


Yeah, its Ant and Waggz now as my jobs sole purpose is to prevent me from having fun, so setting up stuff isnt as easy for me as it once was.


Keeping people off the streets for at least a few weeks while they prepare for a track day is part of the reason CR has them.

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Yeah, its Ant and Waggz now as my jobs sole purpose is to prevent me from having fun, so setting up stuff isnt as easy for me as it once was.


Keeping people off the streets for at least a few weeks while they prepare for a track day is part of the reason CR has them.



take it to da streetz!!!!!!!! its free unless you get caught then its yo ass

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Yeah, its Ant and Waggz now as my jobs sole purpose is to prevent me from having fun, so setting up stuff isnt as easy for me as it once was.


Keeping people off the streets for at least a few weeks while they prepare for a track day is part of the reason CR has them.


No your job is to bring the zexy to admin, cuz lord knows I have a face only a desperate convict would love.

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