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more basement project work.


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the basement is my winter project. i started on it to get my fish tank up and running and kind just worked on it here and there after that last winter. the entire basement was rewired because how they had it was a fire hazard. 16 new can lights and a few rolls of wire 11 new oulets 8 new switches.


these are the pictures from when we bought the house. painted drop ceiling and painted wood paneling done very shotty a long time ago.






we tore out the "bed room" that was there and moved the wall back




then built a new wall for the fish tank




then moved onto the east wall



put in a closet




at this point we put the project on hold because of the water issue. we had a few things to work on outside and inside to help with the water issue. see here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83069 and here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87585


with our water issue fixed we got back into the basement project to get it finished this winter.


DRYLOC on the wall that had the biggest water issue just in case.



then me and my dad hung the rest of the dry wall.




the dry walls not done, still needs the corner edge and mud work done. then some hard wood floors and paint and we'll be done and onto the basement bathroom project, then utility room floor, then guest bathroom. stay tuned lol.

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the bed room was 8'x9'5" so it was small. we still have 3 other bed rooms.


i have an upstairs fire place like that too.


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the bed room was 8'x9'5" so it was small. we still have 3 other bed rooms.


i have an upstairs fire place like that too.



You should change those wall plates out with white. Cheap/easy and would look a lot better with the white trim.

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You should change those wall plates out with white. Cheap/easy and would look a lot better with the white trim.


that was a picture of before we bought the house. every outlet, switch and plate has been changed to white in the entire house.



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I have always done in-wall set ups myself. Where Im at now is the only place I didnt put an in-wall in.


I thought I would move it to the basement to do the same thing here. But Im not moving my tank just to have it in the wall of my basement where no one will enjoy it. Though it would fit right in down there.


Looks Good AJ

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once the basement is done then that will be the main hang out room of the house. since its not done yet i haven't put much money into the tank other than keeping it running and everything healthy. once the basement is done i will add more fish and coral.


the size of the garage and the size of the basement for a tank are the main two reasons we bought this house. we looked at another one with a huge detached garage but a small basement and didn't buy it even thought it was cheeper.

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