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Why I will never shop at Video Central again

Trouble Maker

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I actually liked this place and enjoyed shopping there until now.


You normally pay when you return the video, but they were closed the last time I returned a video. When that happens you pay the next time you come in to get another video. I hand't been in there for a while and had simply forgotten about it. I would have been in there again and paid at that time. Or if they wanted me to pay they could have politely called or written a letter simply stating that I had an over due fee.


The first contact of them trying to collect was a poorly composed extremely scathing letter which multiple times threatened to send me to collections over $7.44. I always pay what I'm supposed to and when I'm supposed to. I have flawless credit and will be buying a house a few years from now. I take that threat extremely personal. The letter was worded like I was trying to not pay my huge $7.44 bill. So I went across the street and promptly paid it and canceled my account.


I won't ever shop there again! I would suggest everyone to do the same unless they also enjoy being berated via letter by someone who writes like a 7 year old.


P.S. And yes, I do have Netflix with a stream device hooked up to my TV. It's just nice to be able to pop across the street and pick up a movie on short notice. That's why it had been so long since I had been in there. I just thought I would get that out of the way.

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Lol... i knew something like this would come up too. There was never a bill, or a request for payment.


No need for a bill as you said:


" You normally pay when you return the video, but they were closed the last time I returned a video. When that happens you pay the next time you come in to get another video. I hadn't been in there for a while and had simply forgotten about it. "


Again, no need to bill you as you knew about owing them money, intended to pay them but simply forgot.


I'm just busting chops since you're a trouble maker. ;)

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Was it just an automated letter sent out to anyone with a deliquant account or from a collections agency? Could be just a form letter that is sent. I wouldnt put to much emphasis on them trying to be malicious or ruin your credit. Sending out something stating "collections" probably saves them the hassle and cost of sending repeated letters asking for payment.
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