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Is this civil suit worthy?


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So a good friend of mine was at a bar down in Columbus last night and was standing on some steps when one of the bar employees punched him in the back of the head. Said he'd never even talked to the guy that he knew of so it sounds random or a case of mistaken identity or something. From what he was telling me he hadn't even been there long and only had 2 beers so he was still sober. Anyway He was knocked off the steps and broke at least two teeth as well as his hand when he hit the ground.


He went down to the Columbus police today to press charges and they basically told him he was out of luck because he basically didn't see the guy actually hit him and doesn't have a phone number or anyway for them to contact the guy even though he's a bar employee. So now he's planning to file a suit on the bar since they didn't even try to do anything about it and it was an employee.


So if all this information is right does it sound case worthy to you guys?

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Why didn't he press charges right then and there? I'd be calling 911 and having that guy arrested on the spot.


Regardless, he should be contacting a lawyer ASAP.


Said it knocked him out when he hit the ground. Saw him today and he looked pretty rough.

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Sadly, being a bouncer It sounds like your friend is out of luck. Shit like this happens all the time and because of the atmosphere it's hard to tell what's going on all the time. I'm sorry for your friend. The only way he can really do anything is with video. Basically everyone is drinking, thus making statements relatively invalid according to cops they need video. hope that jackass gets fired. I've always been taught never to strike someone unless I absolutely have to AFTER they throw the first punch. Then it's on like donkey kong baby.
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Sadly, being a bouncer It sounds like your friend is out of luck. Shit like this happens all the time and because of the atmosphere it's hard to tell what's going on all the time. I'm sorry for your friend. The only way he can really do anything is with video. Basically everyone is drinking, thus making statements relatively invalid according to cops they need video. hope that jackass gets fired. I've always been taught never to strike someone unless I absolutely have to AFTER they throw the first punch. Then it's on like donkey kong baby.


I'm not sure he was a bouncer though. But hopefully everything pans out for him.

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I just assumed bouncer since he worked there and wasn't serving drinks.


No it's cool. Wasn't gonna say anything cause I know how CR is. He was at a gay bar in the short north with some friends. He's not gay, his best friend is though, and he went with his best friend, his best friends BF and his girl.


So pretty much he got dropped by a gay bartender/dancer/ whatever they are there.


I accused him of an attempted donkey punch gone wrong.

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I fucking HATE the system that is in place that bouncers and bars can get away with this. Tell him to bring hell fire down on this place. File a suite against the CPD too since those lazy sacks for shit are ignoring a senseless act of violence.


None of his friends that were with him saw it?


He'll have to be very careful about how he goes about getting that tape. Approach it wrong and that file is erased.




If what he's saying is true do you really think this is frivolous?


Sue the place under the idea that all proceeds are going to go to the state victims fund, after lawyer fees and any medical cost to your friend.

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I think you can bring any civil suit against anyone you'd like. However he will have to be able to prove 1. damages and 2. that the guy he is suing is responsible. May have better luck suing the bar. There has to of been at least one witness. try to find him/her.
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So.. If I want to beat the hell out of someone, I just have walk up behind him and attack him when he's not expecting it and I can't be arrested because he didn't SEE me hit him?


Wow, I should start making a list of people I want to hit upside the head with a 2x4.

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Tell him to start browsing :). If he an prove that the employee acted on behalf of the bar he is golden :). Being a bouncer doesn't protect you from the law in fact you DO NOT right to the right to assault someone. Tell him to find a good civil liability lawyer and he will win if in fact he was not in the wrong.

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Tell him to start browsing :). If he an prove that the employee acted on behalf of the bar he is golden :). Being a bouncer doesn't protect you from the law in fact you DO NOT right to the right to assault someone. Tell him to find a good civil liability lawyer and he will win if in fact he was not in the wrong.


I agree with you. Being a bouncer does not mean your job is to punch people. Its the opposite. Subdue the situation not makenit worse.

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I feel bad for your friend but 99% of bars i have worked for pay cash at the end of every night and there is no security employee records.

The bar is still liable for those they choose to hire. Every second he is hesitating contacting the police he is hurting himself. If it ever did make it to trial the first question asked and probably the verdict will come down to why they werent called. It will look to everyone like he really doesnt know who did what to him and he is only out for the money. If he doesnt call soon and report it, he will be kicking himself as he tries to figure out why he just lost his case he felt he should have won. The court will look to see if he wants justice for being unfairly wronged or what his true motives might be. Money comes based on what the judge feels is fair based on him being wronged since you cannot simply make it so it never happened.

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The bar is still liable for those they choose to hire. Every second he is hesitating contacting the police he is hurting himself. If it ever did make it to trial the first question asked and probably the verdict will come down to why they werent called. It will look to everyone like he really doesnt know who did what to him and he is only out for the money. If he doesnt call soon and report it, he will be kicking himself as he tries to figure out why he just lost his case he felt he should have won. The court will look to see if he wants justice for being unfairly wronged or what his true motives might be. Money comes based on what the judge feels is fair based on him being wronged since you cannot simply make it so it never happened.


He did report it but they said he was pretty much out of luck on pressing any charges on the employee directly. Not sure about the bar itself though.

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He did report it but they said he was pretty much out of luck on pressing any charges on the employee directly.


Why? because he didn't see the guy who hit him? Just because you work for a bar doesn't give you the right to go decking people in the back of the head.


At any rate im sure im not the only one who thinks there is much more to this story...Not saying your boy is gay or w/e but maybe he inadvertently pissed one of them off? Sketchy story is Sketchy.

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Yeah I'm sure there is more but based off the info I had, I was wanting opinions.


Based on the info you provided i'd sue the piss out of the bar (to be honest i'd case the bar and find the employee who slugged me....). Keep in mind there are two sides to every story and then there's the truth. My guess is CPD called :bs: on your boy's story and figured it wasn't worth there time...

Edited by acklac7
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Talked to him some more and he said he was by the stage and people were coming through the door so he moved onto the steps at the edge of the stage. So he wasn't sure if the guy thought he was trying to get on stage or something or thought he was someone else.


Said he hit the ground and came to pretty quick as the guy that hit him was running off stage and another was being called out by the dj. Also found out his name was AJ.

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