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If you were changing to Verizon....


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What phone would you get? Wife and I are thinking about making the jump, we were both thinking Droid. I have an Iphone right now, but want to change it up.


What phone would you get and why? We both use a metric fuckton when it comes to the internets on my Iphone so we will need a phone that can do this.


What is the average on pricing on the plans?


**** Please note I do not want this to turn into a phone and provider fanboi hatefest****

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droid x - rooted and overclocked with the 1900m battery! i have never had a better phone.



the stock droid x kind of sucks as it's loaded down with tons of nonsense, if you don't plan to root and overclock maybe there are better options. but once those things are done and u upgrade teh battery, it's the fastest most stable phone i have had in my hands. it BLOWS AWAY any other phone u put beside it. Mine is overclocked to 1.3 with milestone and setcpu with the Z4 root.


and the droid touch screen keyboard is the only keyboard that compares to the iphone touch keyboard... imo




Edited by 04silvrz
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Or you can go to sprint and get the family share plan for $129 with unlimited everything.


And both get evos. I have that plan with 4 lines attached and no problems. 3G is faster now after i hacked the proxy which was very easy. Rooting is simple and its a full root unlike the DroidX. And 4G is blazing. I get avg 5Mb and upto 10.

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Check out the map for Clear. It covers the whole city. I get it at least at my house in UA, and at my uncles in Westerville and at work in Polaris. Never went south to try but the map shows its available.
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Not yet, but worth the wait


Oh yea. Sucks that HTC is waiting to release their dual core phone til summer. I have a free upgrade now i want to use. Hopefully by the time it comes out, its a better phone than the thunderbolt.

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The Bionic looks nice, but has power management issues. Motorola insiders are saying dont get that or the Atrix(same phone on att). There also prepping the Bionic for a q2 release. I like the Thunderbolt, and had considered it my next upgrade, but new photos are popping up about there new flagship HTC verizon phone. My advice------wait till MWC in February. I'd make my decision after that.


As for me, I rock an Incredible, had an X, and before that the og Droid. My incredible simply is better hands down. HTC's build quality is far superior.

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Thats because HTC has been making quality phones for a lot longer than MOto. If android never came out, we would hear about Motorola going bankrupt, not having the best years in their business.
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The Bionic looks nice, but has power management issues. Motorola insiders are saying dont get that or the Atrix(same phone on att). There also prepping the Bionic for a q2 release. I like the Thunderbolt, and had considered it my next upgrade, but new photos are popping up about there new flagship HTC verizon phone. My advice------wait till MWC in February. I'd make my decision after that.


As for me, I rock an Incredible, had an X, and before that the og Droid. My incredible simply is better hands down. HTC's build quality is far superior.


Power managment issues are not wanted :)


Looking online the Thunderbolt seems nice, what is this MWC in Feb.?

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I suggest either the Incredible or X as far as phones that are out right now. The Incredible is about 11 months old now and is still one of the most popular and fastest phones around and it's not had many problems reported with it other than some people don't like the battery life, but I can't complain.


Plus it's very easy to root if you choose to go that route.

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I suggest either the Incredible or X as far as phones that are out right now. The Incredible is about 11 months old now and is still one of the most popular and fastest phones around and it's not had many problems reported with it other than some people don't like the battery life, but I can't complain.


Plus it's very easy to root if you choose to go that route.


Well this might be another route we go since who knows when these other phones will be out.


Incredible vs X as of right now with updates, what is better?

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