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Am I fucked or what?


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Alright kinda lost as to what my options are here.


Heres the deal: I have a buddy in Alabama, he sent me a text asking if I had any b16 heads laying around. I tell him not but I can find you one. So I source a b16 head locally and go check it out. Kid says he just got it on trade and planned on using it for an LS/VTEC but decided to sell it and buy paint materials instead. I check it out and it appears to be ok to the naked eye. So I buy it, come home package it up and ship it out.


Yesterday I get a text from my buddy saying he got the head and upon taking it to the machine shop to be cleaned up discovered the cam journals are destroyed and beyond repair. He say he can ship the head back so he can get his money back. I tell him that ill get ahold of the kid I got it from and tell him whats going on and try to settle it.


Well i finally get ahold of the kid tonight, and he's telling me "idk what you want me to do, I spent the money on paint" "you looked at the head and didn't say anything about anything" yadda yadda yadda....


My questions are, Can I take this kid to small claims court for selling me a bogus part and not wanting to work with me? Or am I pretty much fucked and out 300 bucks?

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You can take him to small claims court for wearing an ugly shirt. However you will most likely lose because items like this are often considered sold as-is in the courts eyes and you cannot prove that the damage didnt occur after purchase. Unless you can prove that he knowingly sold you a part that was bad. he may be inclined to work with you once he is served but you also risk losing the court fee's if he choses not to, and you still lose in court.
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I'll probably call buyer beware here as I am in a similair situation although the seller in my case is communicating ok with me and trying to resolve the issue, it still sucks because I cannot expect him to refund my money.


Especially dealing with honda parts and the shitty people that are usually associated with them I would have had him subject the head to an inspection at a machine shop first.

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This fucking kid has a mouth on him thats for sure. "you think you scare me, i'm 17, what can you fucking do about it"


I feel like texting him back "won't be 17 forever" but Im not gonna do anything to incriminate myself. God I see why i have gotten out of wheeling and dealing parts

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Did the kid know it was bad when he sold it? I was in a very similar situation and I would say you are better off to let it go.


He's claiming he didn't know it was bad. If or if not thats true I don't know. I do know that i once sold a buddy a crank that appeared to be good. Upon taking it to machine shop it came back that the journals were beyond fixing without turning the crank. He didnt want to have it turned so I gave him his money back, I feel thats the right thing to do.

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buyer beware






you can take to small claims court.. but it was your responsibility to have it checked before you bought..



SUCKS A LOT.. but thats life..


you can however pester the shit out of the other guy..

threaten lawsuit..


but if he doesntgive it back no court will make him

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Yeah kids mom is texting me saying I better not threaten her son and all this shit. Kid sends me a text saying "im not scared of you", I say "haha im glad your not scared of me" and shes instantly saying thats a threat? WTF is wrong with people, parents should learn to be parents. My mom and dad wouldve beat my ass had I sold someone a jank part and not be willing to work something out. Fuck my buddy was willing to just take enough money back to go get the head fixed at machine shop. Looks like I'll be covering that bill now.


Gah I hate people

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I'm gonna pay my buddy to have the head fixed (if its fixable). He is then going to sell it and give me the money back that i am paying to have it fixed, which is super fucking awesome of him. I just feel bad because I like having a good reputation for selling legit parts and shit.


Newark is a small town where everyone always runs into everyone, so I'm sure well cross paths in the future

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