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Free Rollover minutes from ATT


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Millions of others have so your not going to fool anybody.

Umm, I haven't dropped any calls. There is no fooling, I haven't. Sorry if your provider has. I dropped a few with Verizon when I had them (not enough to be concerning). I drop a shit load with my Sprint phone. My wife hasn't dropped any calls with her iPhone either.

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In English please.


i got the ATT iphone on thursday after my 2 year with t-mobile ended.


the dropped call because of the antenna problem definitely exists. i had 2 dropped calls on friday. of course im not using a case tho. Cases are gay

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Umm, I haven't dropped any calls. There is no fooling, I haven't. Sorry if your provider has. I dropped a few with Verizon when I had them (not enough to be concerning). I drop a shit load with my Sprint phone. My wife hasn't dropped any calls with her iPhone either.



^^ ditto and we've had our iPhones for quite a while. Maybe once or twice I've lost a call, but that's it. I travel all over the country and do quite well. Going back to NYC for a week in the the city with the family next month so I'll let you know how that goes.

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Screw AT&T. My contract with them is up in March and I'm done with them for good. I've called and complained about shitty service and dropped calls and they just don't seem to care. The wife and I never use data and our bill is always $120 a month. All we do is call and text so my plan is to go with Straight Talk. I can lower my bill to $75 a month and be on the verizon network. Yea the phones aren't the nicest but they aren't junk either. They will do the wife and I just fine.
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Screw AT&T. My contract with them is up in March and I'm done with them for good. I've called and complained about shitty service and dropped calls and they just don't seem to care. The wife and I never use data and our bill is always $120 a month. All we do is call and text so my plan is to go with Straight Talk. I can lower my bill to $75 a month and be on the verizon network. Yea the phones aren't the nicest but they aren't junk either. They will do the wife and I just fine.

My wife and I each have iPhones, unlimited data, and pay $107/month. :) And I make use of that unlimited data.

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i called and complained to t-mobile about lack of signal up in the mt giliad area and they tried to get me to schedule a meeting with a tech out there so they could look at the towers or some shit. Way more work than what I wanted to do, lol. just goes to show how theyre far above and beyond.
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My iPhone is rock solid in a phone call. Ive only dropped a handfull of calls in the year and a half ive had my 3gs. The audio quality is also much better than my old xv6700 on vzw.


LOL really, an xv6700? i had one of those for a few months, biggest piece of shit ive owned.


iphone 4 is a little different than the 3gs.

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Heads up guys... With most of the networks if you drop crazy amounts of calls its usually a problem with the phone. The iphone dropping calls like crazy thing started from a problem in New York with towers being overloaded. In test ran all over the network the dropped call percentage was higher, but not by enough to cause a huge difference. 1 GSM tower cannot provide service to as many people as a CDMA tower can. The network people advertise being better when in reality a company like Verizon drops .3 calls less than a company like AT&T. That translates into us believing the hype. You magnify an AT&T drop while ignoring verizon.. or worse, blaming the dropped call on your friend that has AT&T when it was your fault.


What people dont realize is a lot of the "dropped calls" are not actually dropped calls. Its like when people blame the network when the battery is below 2% and doesnt have enough power to hold a call. GSM gives you more options, and is faster while cdma will be more reliable once connected. There is no use is arguing who is better. Its going to be night and day from one person to the next.

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