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patter$on i hope your bottle is full


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This romper room cannot endure with me and paula deen making threads alone. i am through with the BS. I cannot be the only one to carry this relationship.


Wait, you want to take credit for the current version of the Romper Room? Why would you want to do this? You lack any real trollin' abilities. On a scale of 0-troll, I would rate you Down Syndrome.

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Reasons why The Romper Room sucks:

1. Anthony got all soft after getting married, again.

2. There are no epic battles (i.e., Greg Powers vs IPS, IPS vs the world, Akron boys, Westsiders vs me, etc...)

3. It's not The Kitchen.

4. Tilley and Eli don't really post in here

5. Rob is gone

6. We lost an epic member and friend

7. Gabe posts in here

8. Every joke goes back to some gay innuendo, the same stale insults, etc...

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Reasons why The Romper Room sucks:

8. Every joke goes back to some gay innuendo, the same stale insults, etc...


I think this is it.


When I think of the current status of the Romper Room, I think of a desolate, vapid, hole in the ground that never changes, even though I hope it will. Kind of like a bombed out city in Iraq that has been depleted of anything that is good. There are minimal outliers and small moments of greatness, but for now it is just a plain of douchbaggery and cock jokes.

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Reasons why The Romper Room sucks:

1. Anthony got all soft after getting married, again.

2. There are no epic battles (i.e., Greg Powers vs IPS, IPS vs the world, Akron boys, Westsiders vs me, etc...)

3. It's not The Kitchen.

4. Tilley and Eli don't really post in here

5. Rob is gone

6. We lost an epic member and friend

7. Gabe posts in here

8. Every joke goes back to some gay innuendo, the same stale insults, etc...

9. People get butthurt and call/pm mods and admins

10. People do more talking about racing and less racing

11. Columbus Racing should be better

12. It is obama's fault



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This right here. When I feel that I won't get banned weekly for hurting somebodies feelings and having them run to mods/admins then i'll screw with people again.


The name change screwed with me, I should have added you to Tilley and Eli for Kitchen regulars.

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This right here. When I feel that I won't get banned weekly for hurting somebodies feelings and having them run to mods/admins then i'll screw with people again.


That was 1 of your 9 infractions (that were reported). Ever think that if you stopped shitting in the for sale section on your first warning instead of number 5, and hot-linked some of those nudes you wouldn't be sitting in front of the firing squad smoking a newport. There is a fine line between having fun and giving other people more work to do. Hals an asshole but Ive still only had to ban him once... and he literally asked me to do it.



This is why the romper room sucks. You all cry like little bitches and post why is sucks every other week instead of posting shit to make it better. Its the mods fault, my keyboard is in the shop for repairs, blah, blah, blah. I'm pretty sure there will be a thread posted up soon about how I hurt all of your emo feelings by calling you all bitches.... bitches.


Now if you dont mind I'm going to go back to posting random shit to amuse myself while I'm at work.

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That was 1 of your 9 infractions (that were reported). Ever think that if you stopped shitting in the for sale section on your first warning instead of number 5, and hot-linked some of those nudes you wouldn't be sitting in front of the firing squad smoking a newport. There is a fine line between having fun and giving other people more work to do. Hals an asshole but Ive still only had to ban him once... and he literally asked me to do it.



This is why the romper room sucks. You all cry like little bitches and post why is sucks every other week instead of posting shit to make it better. Its the mods fault, my keyboard is in the shop for repairs, blah, blah, blah. I'm pretty sure there will be a thread posted up soon about how I hurt all of your emo feelings by calling you all bitches.... bitches.


Now if you dont mind I'm going to go back to posting random shit to amuse myself while I'm at work.


Could you explain exactly how one makes the romper room "better?" I wish the kitchen was here when i joined. Seemed better from everything i read about it.

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Could you explain exactly how one makes the romper room "better?" I wish the kitchen was here when i joined. Seemed better from everything i read about it.


This is 100% my opinion.


1. People that post need to be more witty. Its like a bus of convicted retards turned over and the fucks found a laptop and registered here. I really dont care much for the fighting as much as I liked the comic relief that came from the fights.


2. Too many trolls, not enough assholes and neutral players. Posting off topic is fun until until 10 people are doing it.


3. More call outs from people. I understand the no street racing rule, but there are like 5 other types of racing. The I dont do the track thing gets old.


4. Old heads need to start caring and being competitive again. As you noticed the older crowd is all buddy buddy. No call outs, no reason to dump $1000's to be king shit. We even share cars... shits kinda homo-seshual. I am part of this and apologize. Instead of calling out Scott I tell him how nice his car looks and ask for ride alongs.


5. Weekly meets of 50 plus need to start happening again to help fuel the content for romper room discussions. Most of us dont know each other so the conversations are general and lacking substance.

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I think we need open registration then. If we are filtering for and only letting decent people in, how are we to expect indecent content to magically appear in the romper room?


Most of the filtering happens in the oven. Just think of how many of the butthurt didint even make it in. I couldnt imagine what they would do in here if they cant handle the small jabs there.

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Most of the filtering happens in the oven. Just think of how many of the butthurt didint even make it in. I couldnt imagine what they would do in here if they cant handle the small jabs there.


Fuck. If they can come in here and endure a zfag style beat down, props.

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Z fag :lol: I miss him. Addition to my list...


6. We need more "punching bags". No one is here to fill that role so Zfag took it all. Usually we have like 5 people no one likes that helps to feed the wolves. After about 8 months of being beat they turn cool and we pick on someone else.

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This is 100% my opinion.


1. People that post need to be more witty. Its like a bus of convicted retards turned over and the fucks found a laptop and registered here. I really dont care much for the fighting as much as I liked the comic relief that came from the fights.


2. Too many trolls, not enough assholes and neutral players. Posting off topic is fun until until 10 people are doing it.


3. More call outs from people. I understand the no street racing rule, but there are like 5 other types of racing. The I dont do the track thing gets old.


4. Old heads need to start caring and being competitive again. As you noticed the older crowd is all buddy buddy. No call outs, no reason to dump $1000's to be king shit. We even share cars... shits kinda homo seshual. I am part of this and apologize. Instead of calling out Scott I tell him how nice his car looks and ask for ride alongs.


5. Weekly meets of 50 plus need to start happening again to help fuel the content for romper room discussions. Most of us dont know each other so the conversations are general and lacking substance.



I hate to say it Brian, but I'd call it part of growing up.


1. I think there is plenty of wit around here. And a lot of idiots. 50/50 nearly


2. There are plenty of assholes too. Faintly disguising themselves as "Life Coaches" The Trolls keep it light and Airy.


3. There have been a lot of call outs through the winter. Nobody takes them seriously anymore. I repeatedly harped on the King of Trolls before I got rid of the GTI. Hombre didn't want none. I recall picking on a Neon too. It's a lost art and those who wish to continue it need to study up.


D. Again growing up. Jobs, Credit Ratings, and re-telling stories is the way now. May as well get a lawn chair, billet wheels, then sit in a Denny's for a Sunday "Car Show". You wanting to ride Scott is pretty ghey.


5. I concur. It's always better when you put a face to the name.

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I hate to say it Brian, but I'd call it part of growing up.


1. I think there is plenty of wit around here. And a lot of idiots. 50/50 nearly


2. There are plenty of assholes too. Faintly disguising themselves as "Life Coaches" The Trolls keep it light and Airy.


3. There have been a lot of call outs through the winter. Nobody takes them seriously anymore. I repeatedly harped on the King of Trolls before I got rid of the GTI. Hombre didn't want none. I recall picking on a Neon too. It's a lost art and those who wish to continue it need to study up.


D. Again growing up. Jobs, Credit Ratings, and re-telling stories is the way now. May as well get a lawn chair, billet wheels, then sit in a Denny's for a Sunday "Car Show". You wanting to ride Scott is pretty ghey.


5. I concur. It's always better when you put a face to the name.


Its not gay if it hurts..


Growing up sucks!

Things that are more important than racing to an old guy

1. Perfect house to entertain other old people

2. Purchase of a convertible vette

3. Ergonomicly designed cane

4. Best tasting prune juice

5. Jailbait for a wife

6. Adjustable beds

7. Shotguns

8. Blue pills

9. Fishing

10. Golf

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Its not gay if it hurts..


Growing up sucks!

Things that are more important than racing to an old guy

1. Perfect house to entertain other old people

2. Purchase of a convertible vette

3. Ergonomicly designed cane

4. Best tasting prune juice

5. Jailbait for a wife

6. Adjustable beds

7. Shotguns

8. Blue pills

9. Fishing

10. Golf


Or if your balls don't touch.


Better Insurance Rates

Better Stories

Better Jobs

Blue Pills

Better Alcohol

Blue Pills


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Growing up sucks!


2. Purchase of a convertible vette

6. Adjustable beds

7. Shotguns

10. Golf


I can agree with this part of the list and I'm only 27. That's sad.


Some parts about growing up don't suck. I came to CR driving a 1992 Tercel. Now I drive a.....crappy truck.

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