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Hot Lapping Mid-Ohio


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Haha, another victim falls prey to the road course addiction.


my thoughts exactly.


The left hander before the carousel is the best! Its blind and only marginally slower than turn 1! Looking forward to getting back there this year, I realized how much I needed that familiarity while at vir last fall.


I almost rear ended a vette dropping down into thunder valley because he he slowed up cuz he couldn't see.

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I almost rear ended a vette dropping down into thunder valley because he he slowed up cuz he couldn't see.


Yea the blinds turns were fun. You just have to point the car in a direction and hope you remembered the correct one.

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if someone hasn't told you yet just look at the discoloration in the pavement and follow that.


Yea my instructor showed me that so thats what i was aiming for. I've now got most of the track memorized. So now i'll run the course and my lines in my head for the next time i'm there. Sadly i actually want more time on the track when its raining, so i can learn the wet line.


all those mods on stock tune and FP. Man your getting really lucky!


I try not to say that out loud. I still have a the stock DP so that keeps the boost from building to quickly, and running lean. I also have a Ultra gauge keyed to FP pressure and my fuel trims so i can keep an eye on everything. Depending on how long i decide to keep this car i may get a DP, CPE FP and a tune next year.

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my thoughts exactly.




I almost rear ended a vette dropping down into thunder valley because he he slowed up cuz he couldn't see.


VIR has a corner like that just after the climbing esses that when it goes wrong it gets ugly fast as you have a lot more speed and the car wants to spin left and plow into the outside tire wall! I almost had a miata rear end me there as I was hesitant with such a fast blind corner!


Car should be ready by june, seeing these pics is making anxious to get back out there!

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Yea i'm itching to get back out there too. I have to wait to get my fix though. AutoX does start back up until middle of next month and after that i should be able to get back to mid-ohio. All in all i'll probably miss two more AutoX events going to Mid-Ohio, should be worth it.
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SCCA is usually fine but honestly, I believe other clubs are better for casual drivers ...ie: non racers



the PDX program is nice but it s not up to the level of other clubs' driver school programs like the PCA, BMWCCA, 10/10ths and NASA.....just my 2 cents



but the SCCA's racing is undeniably some of the best racing for amateurs.....but it's aging quickly and losing favor to NASA in this region

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PDX is a good way for a AutoX person to get a taste of road racing(like me) to see if they want take it further. NASA, PCA, etc seem to be more focused in educating drivers down a structured path. From what i've seen you learn way more at these events than you will at a PDX but its to be expected. PDX is still a good opportunity to get some seat time, which is always going to help with the Driver Mod.
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Sort of... Some of those other clubs are WAY behind when it comes to safety. No one personally makes a dime at an SCCA weekend. The person making those important decisions about how to handle a bad situation doesn't care about the 'money' that could be lost with shutting things down or taking longer for a cleanup. And some of those other clubs will charge you for any track damage that happens as a result of your 'off'. Hit a guard rail and get a bill for $700 to repair it. I've seen folks get a bill for $3k+ for an off. Also need to understand how some other clubs view damage that occurs on track (between drivers). There are a few groups out there with statements like "Any damage between cars is between the owners of the vehicles". Understanding the total liability policy provided by the sanctioning body is just as important.


Some other clubs are better at PDX because that is all they do. When you have a 13/13 rule - that is not racing. NASA is huge for track days around here, but the real road race competition is in SCCA. I've known many folks who went over 'there' because it was so much better. They are almost all back now... I ran with them way back in the day and safety was about the worst I've ever seen. Went to several events since and have seen huge improvements, but not enough to make me bring my car(s) to their events.


I guess it comes down to having a full understanding of the total package (risk/reward) for the group you chose to run with. I've made my decision for now but am always willing to give other groups a good look. I've had a few big crashes and need to know I'm the #1 priority for everyone there and that money will NEVER be thought about when making decisions for my safety.


All just my .02 cents. :)

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I was looking to do a track day this year, what are the typical course fees and time on course with the different groups. Would anyone recommend one group over another?

I need to upgrade my stock brakes before i do a track day though.

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Depending on what club you run with, SCCA PDX, PCA, BMW or AUDI CC, fees can vary. from 200ish for one day to 370ish for two day events. As far as which group to run with, i've run with Scca during one of their PDX's and NASA's HPDE. PDX is a really good entry in to driving on a road course. NASA educates the driver more and works on a tiered system allowed you to do more on the track the higher you go. For me i'll do PDX's for seat time but HPDE's to learn more.
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I was looking to do a track day this year, what are the typical course fees and time on course with the different groups. Would anyone recommend one group over another?

I need to upgrade my stock brakes before i do a track day though.


My old roommate had an 09 wrx, he had 3 brake fires on that car. You need MUCH better brakes than what that car comes equipped with. I would recommend at least track pads front and rear, dot 4 fluid, ducting(you can setup your own for cheap), and remove all the dust boots from the brakes as that will be what catches fire. Subaru dropped the ball on that car by making it as fast as the sti but with base model brakes.


Most events running a weekend will cost about $300 on average and fuel will cost that much at the rate it's going!

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Someone posted up some more shots from that weekend













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