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Waitress Added Tip to My Bill


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I won't get into specifics, but the weekend before last I was at a bar/pub around Polaris/Westerville that I go to fairly often. I like this place a lot, and know others on here frequent it as well. I'm also the kind of person that starts their tips out at 20% and the server can work their way up or down from there.


Well this night started out normal, seemingly polite waitress came and took our orders (me and 5 friends), and we got our drinks like normal. After that it all went down hill. She started taking longer to come back and check on us. My girlfriend had finished her drink and had been waiting about 15 minutes for another one. The kicker? The waitress had been back a time or two. She just wouldn't even acknowledge my girlfriend, wouldn't even look at her. So I had to shout to her as she was walking away just to get her attention to get my girlfriend another drink. After this I NEVER got the opportunity to order another beer. I had an appetizer and one beer, my girlfriend had two beers. We were there for 2 hours or so.


So needless to say, I was pissed, borderline offended. So I did not leave her any tip. I took a picture of my bill, and have the customer copy. Sure as shit, I go check my bank statement and she added a tip. As far as I am concerned this is theft and credit card fraud. I don't care if its only a few dollars, thieves are scum. So what are my options? Can I press charges, or should I just go in and handle it with the manager? I honestly don't feel I should have to pay any of this bill, and also wouldn't mind seeing this girl get fired.


Also, a friend of mine didn't leave her a tip as well. I texted her to see if she added anything on her bill, but I haven't heard back from her yet.

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they will hit you up with a party charge for a tip, kind of like a flat rate charge for parties over a certain amount even if the bills are seperate.


that should be added in to the org bill, not after he signs it.

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I would ask her out on a date. Take her somewhere out in the country where she won't know where she is, then pull over somewhere saying you think the tire is flat on her side. Ask her to get out and check her side while you check yours. Once she out of the car, dip the he'll outta there meanwhile holding up the deuces out your window.:fuckyeah:


Or you could ask her out and rape/spit.:gabe:

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If you had 6 people (me and 5 friends) they might have a 20% min for parties of 6 or more. sometimes they do this for 6, 8 is more common


That's called credit card fraud, call the manager and ask if they like taking credit cards because you intend to report them to the PCI Council and have them removed as a merchant.

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If you had 6 people (me and 5 friends) they might have a 20% min for parties of 6 or more. sometimes they do this for 6, 8 is more common


That's called credit card fraud, call the manager and ask if they like taking credit cards because you intend to report them to the PCI Council and have them removed as a merchant.




then let the ass kissing commence.:gabe:

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its very illegal and the manager will be happy you talked to him/her before speaking to any media outlets. they'll ask what they can do to earn your business and getting the employee fired is step 1. unfortunately its unlikely the waitress will learn her lesson but at least she'll have to face some consequence.


whenever I sign a bill at a bar i always write CASH in big block letters on the receipt in the tip line.

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when i worked at Zcucina in Grandview this topic was brought up, the owner stated any server that attempted to do such would face criminal charges be fired and would have to pay the customers bill in full and also pay for a gift card to the place.


i would call and complain saying your going to press charges.

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I suggest starting out on the right foot with the management. They likely have no idea what happened. Rather then call making threats about media, pressing charges, PCI, etc. put the ball in their court. State the facts and give them a chance to make it right. Just because the waitress screwed up doesn't mean the whole business is like that or that you need to act big and bad. I have found you get a lot better results this way, often more then you would have asked for. If they do not make a "fair" attempt to correct the situation then is when you mention media, law enforcement etc.
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Everyone already said it, you can talk to the restaurant/bar manager and bitch. most likely he'll take care of it and/or give you a gift card or some bullshit. If not that, ive seen customer's go to their credit card company and bitch then the card company can threaten the business. That happen to the club once b/c we had a shitty bartender who added on the tip line, yeah that bitch was gone.
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Thanks for the insight guys. I talked to my friend that was with me and also didn't leave a tip, she was not charged extra. I do plan on going to the manager first. I'm just pissed she had the gull to do this.
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