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Fast Five thread

Jizzle Juice

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No spoilers please, just tell if you liked it or not and what it needed improved if anything at all, and what it could have done without.


I liked it the way it was, wasnt to ricey at all. Could have used another race scene. But the light to light was sweet IMO. And if you go see it stay after the credits like all movies are doing now a days

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It was awesome, one of the best of the series. A lot less racing, but it is a solid Ocean's Eleven style heist movie. Also really funny, and a lot of jokes referencing the previous movies. There is also that awesome surprise ending after the credits, like usual.
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Went to see it last night at the IMAX. I agree with what the previous posts say .... solid entertainment ...... no Oscar nominations, but the story had the main characters doing what they do best.


I'd say if you're a fan of the first four movies, this one will be your favorite. If you couldn't stand the previous ones, Fast Five won't convert you to a believer.


To enjoy it to the max, you do have to temporarily suspend your credibility sensor. Overnighting parts from Japan has now been replaced with a bunch of broke street racers overnighting a high tech, room-sized vault to Brazil.


The ending surprised me ..... the scene after the credits surprised me even more.

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gonna go see it once everyone else has cant stand half of the stupid people in the theater talking and bullshit. Im excited for it loved all the other ones, and glad i saw the reminder to stay after the credits i would have left early
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Tim, this one can stand alone, but there is a bit of inside humor and nuance that you can miss if you're not familiar with some of the others. Except Tokyo Drift ...... no need to have seen that one.


My recommendation is to rent F&F4 before going to Fast Five and then you'll catch almost everything.

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Movie is awesome, best one yet, absolutley loved it and will go see again before its out of theatres. Dwayne Johnson was a good addition, and most of the car scenes weren't as far fetched as before. Could have used a little more racing, but it wouldn't have improved the plot so it really isn't missed as much.


Anyone who goes to see it has to stay for the credits, and I really like how they gave the ending a little more closure then just cutting off after the climax. All around I thought it was great.

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I wonder just how many more they are going to make of these. I read at one time 6 was supposed to be it, but if they keep making money, then I look for em to keep making them. I just wish they would make a fucking sequel to Tokyo Drift already, instead of all the prequels to it, but sequels to the others bullshit. Also I like how this series has gone from Cars to looking like Triple X all over.
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I really liked it. I was kind of disappointed that there was virtually no racing or sweet cars or anything, even the one race was anticlimactic, 'we hongry'.


I was hoping to see how F&F3 related to anything in this, but there really wasn't, I think the only thing we were going to take out of it was Han.


Oh yeah and when dwayne johnson jumps up in the fight scene ninja style, that was impressive. Thats one heave dude throwing his weight around!


Tripple edit, if you look at the credits, there is a character in the movie named solely 'Berto', thats not a coincidence. Street cred.

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Got to see it for free so I figured what the heck.


WHY WHY WHY can we not get a decent car movie? Where were all the cars?


If you want to see a caper see SNEAKERS, where it seems they pulled a few scenes directly out of, or THE SCORE (DeNiro/Norton). Hell even the remake of THE ITALIAN JOB was better than this.


If you want to see a thriller watch THE GAME with Michael Douglas. You will not be disappointed.

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Erica and I really enjoyed it.


Would have liked to see a little more driving/racing fun, but excellent choice of vehicles as usual, probably the best yet. Besides the obvious favorites I loved the uber modified Tatra at the beginning, pretty different.


Definitely can't deny the Ocean's story line, but all in all it was really cool. I will wait until it comes out on dvd to see it again, thats just because I hate paying theatre prices.

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