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What in the fuck is wrong with congress


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I just got sterilized last Friday. My out of pocket expense was $250, I have no idea what they charged my insurance company. Probably 3 abortions worth, and that's for a vasectomy. Tubal ligations are probably 10 times more expensive. Why you'd be OK with that and not ok with spending $400 a pop for a couple of abortions, I have no idea. Does not parse.

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Ok but be serious for a minute...if you are actually raped and become preggers then that is one thing.


But, how about the VAST majority of these poverty stricken, low income people are just out whoring it up and not using protection, getting preggers and then expecting our tax dollars to 'take care' of it. Fuck that. For these people, learn to use a fucking condom, or DONT HAVE SEX.


Im also a big fan of government paid sterilization of these people. :)



but on that note if we don't pay for the abortion and a child is born the government will still step in to help the family/child 100 fold to raise that child( not taking into consideration that the child isn't born with any long term issues). I see your point and where you are coming from but in the end its still way cheaper to cover the abortions.

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I just got sterilized last Friday. My out of pocket expense was $250, I have no idea what they charged my insurance company. Probably 3 abortions worth, and that's for a vasectomy. Tubal ligations are probably 10 times more expensive. Why you'd be OK with that and not ok with spending $400 a pop for a couple of abortions, I have no idea. Does not parse.


Think long term sir. One of these people not being able to breed means that they cannot have children or grandchildren that will follow in their footsteps. Up front cost of tubal ligation < 4+ abortions/5+ children on welfare/4+ families on welfare etc.




I see your point, and understand that my point/dream would EVER be passed by our country, but I can still dream. :)


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I just got sterilized last Friday. My out of pocket expense was $250, I have no idea what they charged my insurance company. Probably 3 abortions worth, and that's for a vasectomy. Tubal ligations are probably 10 times more expensive. Why you'd be OK with that and not ok with spending $400 a pop for a couple of abortions, I have no idea. Does not parse.


Can someone point me in the right direction of the the racist remark above that was reported by SmokinHawk? TIA

PS this is meant to embarrass stupid members who are serious in reporting something and do not know the meaning of what they are reporting. Fair warning stupid reports will be publicly posted with members name for all to laugh about. Be sure you know there is a violation before reporting.

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Can someone point me in the right direction of the the racist remark above that was reported by SmokinHawk? TIA

PS this is meant to embarrass stupid members who are serious in reporting something and do not know the meaning of what they are reporting. Fair warning stupid reports will be publicly posted with members name for all to laugh about. Be sure you know there is a violation before reporting.



looks fine to me sounds like someone is a little butthurt.

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$400 is a fucking bargain for society. Pay up now and you won't have to pay thousands later when the little shit grows up to be a criminal.


racial undertones.



to many people talking about killing babies to cost the system less. people have no ethics anymore, its disgusting.

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racial undertones.



to many people talking about killing babies to cost the system less. people have no ethics anymore, its disgusting.





PS: "the system" is collapsing in on itself thanks to abuse.


We're allowing people who contribute NOTHING to the system to reproduce like rabbits on our dime. Generation after generation of leeches feeding on a system that was designed to help the less fortunate get back on their feet.


This is akin to wondering into nature, selecting the weakest and or challenged from the lion species, and setting up a private sanctuary where you assist them by delivering food , and eliminating all natural predators.


4 Generations later you have a mass population of overweight retarded lions who wouldn't know how to kill or gather food if their lives depended on it,using resources that could have gone to better the lion species on the whole. :fuuuu:



PS: Be sure to report this post.




The first part of this movie says it all, sucks it was a comedy movie not a documentary.



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So you want to live in a world were irresponsible women who can't scrape together $400 are forced to raise children? Seriously? Or are you deluding yourself into thinking that if we stop paying for their abortions, the poverty-stricken irresponsible whores will start using protection?


$400 is a fucking bargain for society. Pay up now and you won't have to pay thousands later when the little shit grows up to be a criminal.


You know what's cheap?


Coat hangers

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You know what's cheap?


Coat hangers



Cheaper yet: A couple swift kicks strategically placed.


We could open small huts all over the country:


Coming soon in 2011:


Hangers & Kicks.

We pay YOU, to save us in the long run!



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Since most of the profit will be on the back end from selling the fetus barrels to medical research and Chinese restaurants, we can offer our abortion services at highly discounted prices. This is a win-win in that the customers pay very little up front AND get the loyalty card, and taxpayers don't have to foot the bill. Investing in low cost real estate further maximizes profits while keeping prices low and enlarging the potential customer base.
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The solution is easy - if you are on Welfare longer than 6 months, you must be sterilized. And no extra welfare funds for additional children. We need to prevent those that leech from the system from breeding, as they breed more of them and/or criminals. Sure, 1 in a 1000 might contribute to society, but we can take that loss, especially when the other 999 aren't around to ruin us.
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It will never pass so I wouldn't get your panties in a bunch.


Saying every chick that claimed date rape is liar who 'changed her mind' is pretty shitty. Sure it happens, but so does date rape sirs. Go ahead and pass this law so that every db that ever thought about it or has gotten away with it has an out. That sounds like a wonderful f'n idea and will surely make those lying whores get what they really wanted in the first place......

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