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What the fuck did they expect?


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Definitly a WTF where you thinking moment there. I mean your holding a 5-6 foot snake by its tail... Don't fuck with the snake when you can't see its head. Hell in most cases dont fuck with it at all.
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Host your own...I'll film. :dumb:


Im down. I was wandering around the woods a couple days ago and will be later today, too. Why? Just cuz. Wild edibles and wild critters. I do it for free. Might as well get paid for it. lol


I truly seem to have a knack of coming across a large variety of wild animals and shit. It never ceases to amaze my gf (an animal science and repro major) with photos, etc or when she comes with me.


When I was a child, there were 3 things I wanted to be. In no particular order, a race car driver (preferably rally), a truck driver or a something equivalent to Jacque Cousteau or those men from Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom from back in the day. haha


Eh, I've pretty much half assed all 3 of those at some point. hahaha

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Im down. I was wandering around the woods a couple days ago and will be later today, too. Why? Just cuz. Wild edibles and wild critters. I do it for free. Might as well get paid for it. lol


I truly seem to have a knack of coming across a large variety of wild animals and shit. It never ceases to amaze my gf (an animal science and repro major) with photos, etc or when she comes with me.


When I was a child, there were 3 things I wanted to be. In no particular order, a race car driver (preferably rally), a truck driver or a something equivalent to Jacque Cousteau or those men from Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom from back in the day. haha


Eh, I've pretty much half assed all 3 of those at some point. hahaha




You never fail to entertain, good to see you out last night. :megusta:


We need to get some peeps together for a hike in hocking ect. someday.

Would be a nice change.

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