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Troopers pull over left lane campers.

Otis Nice

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I came flying up on some bitch's ass in the passing lane today (I was going about 70) and she brake checked/flipped me off. I just don't get it, seriously, the only explanation I can imagine is that they don't teach it anymore?

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I came flying up on some bitch's ass in the passing lane today (I was going about 70) and she brake checked/flipped me off. I just don't get it, seriously, the only explanation I can imagine is that they don't teach it anymore?


Whether it's taught or not isn't the issue. It's the "the world owes me everything and I have nobody to answer to" attitude that has infected the American society today.

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Had to take a test recently to get my license changed to an Ohio one and there was a question about the left lane on the test. Left lane is for faster moving traffic and for passing, if you are doing neither than Ohio says GET THE FUCK OVER!
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I came flying up on some bitch's ass in the passing lane today (I was going about 70) and she brake checked/flipped me off. I just don't get it, seriously, the only explanation I can imagine is that they don't teach it anymore?



Shit like this has been crazy this week. Seems like the center lane is the new left lane and the left lane is now the old fart cruiser right lane anymore.

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Finally!!!! Ohio has some of the WORST left lane ettiquite of any state I know of. When I took my drivers test in West V several decades ago, you had approximately one mile to execute a pass in the left lane.


On the flip side I won't be able travel as quickly on the right side.......


Edit: never mind, got my hopes up before realizing this is on the west coast.....

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Shit like this has been crazy this week. Seems like the center lane is the new left lane and the left lane is now the old fart cruiser right lane anymore.


Definitely on 270 too. I had to run out to Westerville to drop off a new car to a customer yesterday and the two left lanes were full of people doing under 70. It was hilarious.

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I swear to you, on my way to NY I was taking 71 to 90. Most of 71 is 3 lanes, and when it was 3 lanes I was able to cruise in the right lane like it was the passing lane. I just set my cruise to 85, was passing people that where in the middle and fast lanes for miles with no problems!
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I was driving in Germany once and was approaching a large truck on a 2 lane road. Mind you I wasnt approaching him fast but when I was about 150 yards behind the guy he pulled over on the shoulder of the road and waved me buy. I wanted to pull over and get his name so I could name my first born after him but I just passed him and gave him a wave for restoring my faith in humanity..
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This should be one of the questions on every driver license test.


You are traveling on a highway that has at least 2 lanes going the same direction. You are not in the right most lane. A car approaches from behind and follows you closely. What do you do?


A) Move over a lane to the right

B) Move over a lane to the right

C) Move over a lane to the right

D) Move over a lane to the right

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I have pretty much refused to ride with my wife unless I'm passed out drunk because of this. She cruises in the left lane like its paved in gold or something, and no matter how many times I tell her to "get the fuck over" she still does it. Fortunately, I enjoy driving while we're on road trips, so it doesn't come up very often any more.
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This should be one of the questions on every driver license test.


You are traveling on a highway that has at least 2 lanes going the same direction. You are not in the right most lane. A car approaches from behind and follows you closely. What do you do?


A) Move over a lane to the right

B) Move over a lane to the right

C) Move over a lane to the right

D) Move over a lane to the right



^^ this :)

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Holy hell. Yesterday I drove from cbus to chautauqua,ny. There is a serious camper problem and it is worse in Pa than anywhere else. It is almost always some old dude in some old american beater. Crown vic, caddy, etc. You have to dust them or risk following them below the speed limit through the next construction zone. And that is most of Pa right now. Flame off.
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I was driving in Germany once and was approaching a large truck on a 2 lane road. Mind you I wasnt approaching him fast but when I was about 150 yards behind the guy he pulled over on the shoulder of the road and waved me buy. I wanted to pull over and get his name so I could name my first born after him but I just passed him and gave him a wave for restoring my faith in humanity..


Germany is awesome. It's illegal to flash your brights at someone to move over, you're supposed to put on your left turn signal, but people never really get in the passing lane unless they're passing or going 100+mph.. it's weird.

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It's not even the pissing me off in the fast lane when I want to go by, it's the fact, for example, yesterday, when you're moving with the flow of traffic and some jackass is doing 55 or less, speed limit is 65, flow is traffic is about 70; its hard to tell they're going that slow if there's not enuf reference. You come up on them dangerously fast. For those other motorists who may not be paying enough attention or were distracted for a moment are now about to rearend the slow car or dart out in front of another to dodge the slow car.


I was after 4pm and traffic was slowed. Come to find out one really slow truck (they had no reason) slowing everything up and forcing everyone to go around. After living so many years in L.A./Southern Cali, I've had ALOT of time to observe traffic. So many drivers have no idea what little things domino and create a negative impact on following traffic. Yes, even that asshole who doesn't use the merge lane properly and enters the freeway doing 40fuckin5 mph.

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I drive from Lancaster to Dublin everyday and I can't count how many times I've resorted to blowing my horn due to people driving 55 in the left lane on 33 and ignoring repeated bright light blasts. Most of the time it results in them speeding up to 70 (my normal cruising speed on 33) just long enough to get passed whatever car they're driving next to, only to slow back down and make me pass them in the left late. :fuuuu:


:yuno: learn to drive!!!

Edited by GilbWs6
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I find it highly irritating when I have to pass on the right. The best part is the looks you get from the car/truck you are passing. It's like you kicked mud on their kids or something. Then again most any activities on Ohio freeways piss me off anymore.
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Germany is awesome. It's illegal to flash your brights at someone to move over, you're supposed to put on your left turn signal, but people never really get in the passing lane unless they're passing or going 100+mph.. it's weird.


Not weird...it's just that Germany actually requires a demonstration of driving ability to get a license rather than rubber-stamping anybody. Throw in a fine and sentencing structure that starts at "really expensive" and ratchets quickly to "we even confiscated the little tiny license plates on your Matchbox cars"....Germany also has a mass transit system that WORKS and people actually WANT to use.

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Honestly I love watching guys like many of you throwing a fit in your car that is going slower than you in the fast lane. Getting 3 inches from their rear bumper, waving your hands wildly, yelling at them, flicking them off, etc... It just makes me laugh. I find no reason to fly off the handle like that. You know who you are.


But I do agree it does aggravate me when people go slower than the rest of traffic while in a lane left of me. As long as I it is a multi lane highway, I have no problem passing them on the right.


The one that really gets me is the people that go any speed slower than the speed limit, for no reason, on the highway. It doesn't matter what lane they are in. If you don't feel safe going 65 mph, get off the highway. There are plenty of other roads that will get you where you need to go without going 65 mph.

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West Broad from 270 out Galloway Rd everyone driving on that stretch of road insist on going 25 to 35 all day. Limit for the road is 45. Its amazing if you can drive the speed limit there.


Also the the 270 north bound exit to Tuttle right hand lane has a continuous green Yet ever stupid fuck has to stop and wait for a clearing or doesn't understand the concept of how to merge into traffic.

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