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Motorcyclist ran off the road in KY this past weekend


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A buddy on the FD tracks his bike and also makes frequent trips down to Kentucky for weekend rides. The same day he was down there(this past weekend) this happened.


1min is the incident followed the chase where the truck driver is driving hard. The confrontation occurs at 5:40



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I've personally had this happen in southern ohio as well, also from a jacked up truck.

Went to pass (car not bike) (not double yellow) and he merges over to block. Thankfully the prick turned off about 5 miles down the road.


While we can all argue that yes, he technically shouldn't have passed on a double yellow, the truck driver shouldn't have tried to enforce this, by trying to KILL HIM.

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My dad and grandpa both grew up riding motorcycles in Portsmouth (very southern) Ohio, and both have told stories of being attacked/chased/having shit thrown at them multiple times..... I really don't get it at all.
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Probably could have all been avoided by not passing the dude on a double yellow...


And possibly, but I doubt it. The guy was angry for the sake of being angry, not because the motorcyclist realistically endangered him in any way. His behavior in response was far worse.

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So what happened after the vid ended? Cops show up?


I agree that the biker shouldn't have passed the truck on a double yellow (obviously), however, it's not the trucker's place to enforce the laws however he sees fit.


Thought of the day: I bet that hillbilly-ass driver would have put that crowbar away just as quick as he got it out if the biker had shoved a pistol in his face. I would have.

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So the bike crossed double yellow once, truck driver crossed repeatedly and if you noticed at one point was in the left lane as another bike was coming the other way. What a worthless fuck. And fuck the phone call to the cops, it would be romper stomper time.
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When old boy hopped out of the truck for the 2nd time after putting it in park he had something in his hand like a long wrench or a mag light. The guy all ready tried to use his vehicle as a deadly weapon im not surprised he stepped out ready to party. I would have drawn down at that point
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The guy all ready tried to use his vehicle as a deadly weapon im not surprised he stepped out ready to party. I would have drawn down at that point


Of course, if you consider redneck dude in truck. Good chance he might have a gun in the cab too.


If you had drawn, theirs always potential that it could of turned into a gun battle. Which would be even worse then what originally happened. Especially considering the guy kept his distance.


I think the guy pulled the weapon out cause he had two guys on both sides of him. A gun probably would have made it worse.


Not defending the dude, he was in the major wrong. Though the bike shouldn't have passed anyway.

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Both were in the wrong. I honestly can't defend either party's actions but at the same time neither was more wrong than the other. To the bikes, try not speeding and passing on double yellow. To the guy in the truck, stop trying to be a vigilante.
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Why I agree with most in that they where both in the wrong, in this case the guys on the bikes would do more harm to themselves than they could typically do to anyone else by speeding, not to mention the actions of the truck driver amost killed someone. Then the truck driver followed up by speeding as well, heck it seemed like the motorcycle was pushing it a little at times to keep up to this fullsize loaded truck zooming through the countryside. Both idiots but the truck driver is ridiculous stupid and an asshole.
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  • 4 weeks later...





BROOKSVILLE -- A Pendleton County man has turned himself in to authorities following issuance of an arrest warrant for a May incident on Kentucky 22 in Bracken County.


On June 9, Gary L. Hudson Jr., 22, notified Bracken County Sheriff Howard Niemeier he would be turning himself in when he returned to the state; he did so at about 4 p.m., June 10, police said.


According to Niemeier, Hudson lives in Falmouth, but traveled from Fort Bragg, N.C., to surrender.


According to officials, Hudson is considered "past military" having completed his reservist obligations in April; he was moving from Fort Bragg, police said.


On May 22, Hudson was allegedly involved in an incident involving two motorcycles which were traveling on Kentucky 22 at the same time as Hudson was driving a truck.


Hudson was videotaped swerving across the center line at one cyclist as he attempted to pass the truck Hudson was driving. The action appeared to be deliberate to the motorcyclists who followed the truck to an intersection where a confrontation included calls to police to report the incident.


Hudson has been charged with two counts of wanton endangerment and was taken to Mason County Detention Center.


He was released from MCDC Friday.


Niemeier said he anticipated Hudson being in Bracken County District Court today.


According to Niemeier, officials are looking into whether to file any traffic citations against the motorcyclist, who is seen in the same video, crossing the center solid yellow line before and after the incident.

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Well, good thing he turned himself in. It'll look better than waiting to be found out and taken in.


I've run into an unusual amount of angry drivers lately. I've had mutliple people acting like assholes for no reason including shooting me the finger, etc. Seriously, I had to check to make sure nobody put a fucked up bumper sticker on my car! Some people just don't like you passing them even when they pull out in front, cut you off and then proceed to drive 15 under. :fuuuu:

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I don't understand people bitching about the motorcyclist passing on double yellow. Yes its against the law and dumb but who is the driver to enforce anything. It doesn't hurt the driver in any way by being passed there. Thats like saying its okay because the motorcyclist was speeding, or it could have been avoided if he provided lawful signal operation. Yes it is all illegal in terms of the law, but that driver was never effected by these actions. The driver even mentions doing it because he was pissed off about other motorcycles.
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I don't see why people get upset when they are passed on the road. It's not a race. If the person passing you wants to go faster, let them. Odds are, you will never see that person again for the rest of your life.


If only getting people out of your life was as easy in other aspects of life.

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I'll just add that there are lots of places where you could theoretically safely pass in a double yellow line area if the person being passed is going slow, you know the area very well and you have a vehicle that's not slow as dog shit. Some double yellow line areas are very conservative (for a good reason). I'm NOT justifying what the bikes did, just saying that it's not always necessarily unsafe. It took that bike about .5 seconds to pass that truck. There aren't very many places on any road that you can't see that far ahead of the car in front of you.
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