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Its not so much high paced as it was the wrong pace. If you want to ride like that keep to yourself or with your good friends. When you lead a group of people you take the responsability of the lives of all those following in your hands. If you dont know how to properly lead a group of riders than dont try.

That being said flying around an area with some unfamiliar riders at double the speed limit while not even waiting for others or being concerned is just reckeless.

And just for anyone who doesn't know, it is not good manners to make a turn knowing that those behind you cannot make the turn, effectively spitting up the group.

So you can go be big balls riders and see how much of your chicken strips you can scrub off and i will stick riding with people who know how to act in a group setting. Stay the fuck away from me with all that macho bullshit. The day i die on a bike is the day i choose to get on the freeway against the flow of traffic and crash into a semi.

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Its not so much high paced as it was the wrong pace. If you want to ride like that keep to yourself or with your good friends. When you lead a group of people you take the responsability of the lives of all those following in your hands. If you dont know how to properly lead a group of riders than dont try.

That being said flying around an area with some unfamiliar riders at double the speed limit while not even waiting for others or being concerned is just reckeless.

And just for anyone who doesn't know, it is not good manners to make a turn knowing that those behind you cannot make the turn, effectively spitting up the group.

So you can go be big balls riders and see how much of your chicken strips you can scrub off and i will stick riding with people who know how to act in a group setting. Stay the fuck away from me with all that macho bullshit. The day i die on a bike is the day i choose to get on the freeway against the flow of traffic and crash into a semi.

slow and steady wins the race!

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What ya doing jbot? Or was there a certian red bike leading the group? Double the limit in a park is not that crazy? Risky for the ticket you might get but not as for the speeds. I need to get my bike back on the road to go see how crazy these guys are riding..

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Its not so much high paced as it was the wrong pace. If you want to ride like that keep to yourself or with your good friends. When you lead a group of people you take the responsability of the lives of all those following in your hands. If you dont know how to properly lead a group of riders than dont try.

That being said flying around an area with some unfamiliar riders at double the speed limit while not even waiting for others or being concerned is just reckeless.

And just for anyone who doesn't know, it is not good manners to make a turn knowing that those behind you cannot make the turn, effectively spitting up the group.

So you can go be big balls riders and see how much of your chicken strips you can scrub off and i will stick riding with people who know how to act in a group setting. Stay the fuck away from me with all that macho bullshit. The day i die on a bike is the day i choose to get on the freeway against the flow of traffic and crash into a semi.

People can complain about how others behave in group rides all they like, but at the end of the day it's up to you to ride your own ride. The leader of a group ride doesn't take responsibility for anyone's safety beyond not leading them off a cliff or something blatantly dangerous...it's not like you have to match the leaders pace and ride above your limits. If the pace is too fast, there's nothing wrong with dropping to the back of the group and keeping a pace that's more comfortable for you. That being said, a group ride leader should have the common sense to wait for everyone to regroup at intersections etc so anyone who doesn't want to keep his pace can catch up and stay with the group.


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when i lead i see how the guys are behind me are riding. if im getting ppl bunched up behind me or that seem like they want to go i throttle up and go (as many of u know) ill stop and wait but to each there own on their riding. i dont control their right wrist they do its their job to be responsible with it not mine. and when i stop to turn on to a different road i give heads up as to where issues tend to be at and if u see me braking for some reason thats cuz i know a trouble spot is up ahead and i want to make sure everyone knows it. but in my eyes ur life ur bike u responsiblity.

i dont psu anyone or challenge them to keep up with me but if i feel im riding slower then the pace of the group of the pace of the front group im gonna pick it up some if im leading

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I just dont think that group riding and spirited riding should be done together. If it is then there should be a pre planned route and destination with meetup spots.

I dont even give a shit that i sound like an asshole. That aint the type of riding I want to be doing any time, let alone on roads littered with gravel and 50 degree weather and even colder asphalt. No thank you. I respectfully bow out.

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Its not so much high paced as it was the wrong pace. If you want to ride like that keep to yourself or with your good friends. When you lead a group of people you take the responsability of the lives of all those following in your hands. If you dont know how to properly lead a group of riders than dont try.

That being said flying around an area with some unfamiliar riders at double the speed limit while not even waiting for others or being concerned is just reckeless.

And just for anyone who doesn't know, it is not good manners to make a turn knowing that those behind you cannot make the turn, effectively spitting up the group.

So you can go be big balls riders and see how much of your chicken strips you can scrub off and i will stick riding with people who know how to act in a group setting. Stay the fuck away from me with all that macho bullshit. The day i die on a bike is the day i choose to get on the freeway against the flow of traffic and crash into a semi.

i'm sorry you feel that way. i'm surprised you didn't speak up so... passionately when we were all together.

to be completely honest, we were riding at 50% to 75% of our normal pace in the corners (we were wearing jeans for godssakes), and we even decided to drastically slow it down in the straights so no one felt the need to ride above their limits to keep up.

i'm also sorry we didn't meet your expectations of a "group ride". we like to ride twisty roads. everyone rides their own pace. simple, right?

as far as your comment that the ride leader is somehow "responsible" for the lives of the following riders: what a bunch of horseshit.

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hmm wow i rally missed out on the drama today..um i will say this to jbot- if you guys were running the same pace as last week, i thought it was a little slow at times, and im no racer by any means.i will say jinu did great, poitning out debris etc..i dunno maybe this week you guys were blasting around, but from a honest standpoint, last week was very mellow and fun..sorry to hear mc that the ride was a bad expierence.ride at your own pace, if your faster great but wait for the caboose cause we all want to go home in one piece

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If that is how you like to ride that's fine. But seven people is too many to keep together riding that spirited.

Enjoy yourselves. I'm glad everyone got home okay.

Yes, and more cc's under my ass will definitely make up for what is obviously a lack of skill on my part. Maybe it is not so much a lack of skill but an overabundance of intelligence.

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I thought today went rather well. The spacing of riders was a safe staggered pattern. On the entire ride I was comfortable. The only place that something went wrong was right before we split up at the church. The group of the 4 front riders, myself included took the road to the right and didn't wait up for everyone else. We turned around and came back that's all we could do. Hind sight is 20/20. Sure the lead rider, sorry forgot his name I'm real bad with names, shouldn't have turned right on red onto Rt.303. Then again hind sight is 20/20. Nobody's perfect! The important thing is nobody got hurt, no close calls that I saw, no tickets and everyone got home safe.

All I can say is I'm sorry you feel that the ride wasn't what you expected. But if there is a problem the best thing for you to do is voice it at the next stop. You did voice some frustration but not until right before you guys split. I spent most of my time in the middle and back and had a good day. It's just to bad the beginning of the season has to start off in this direction. I guess the lesson to learn is make sure everyone knows what is expected and communicate.

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I guess the lesson to learn is make sure everyone knows what is expected and communicate.

+rep for you sir.

I know that in a group ride situation many people may not be familiar with each other and it can be intimidating to step up and say what needs to be said, but a little communication can go a long way. If at the beginning of the ride the leader said "This is my idea of how this is going to happen and how I plan on riding, any objections/suggestions?", people would all be on the same page. Also it's equally important for all the riders involved to voice their opinions, especially if they are uncomfortable with the ride. I'm pretty sure that nobody, at least nobody that I know on these forums, is going to go "shut up and ride faster pussy" if someone let it be known that the pace was a bit much for them. We're all riders: we're all out there to have fun and to stay safe, and as far as I know we've got each others backs when it comes to this type of thing.

*edited because I realized I used the word 'that' about 7 times in one sentence*

Edited by Harb67
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Well then lets make sure we deal with what needs to be dealt with next time so we all have a good time. We all also need to understand there will be people who ride a lot faster and better than some and they are not going to hold back all day long. As far as I understood today was kind of a quick get together type of thing and there were no real route plans. Some screw ups were to be expected. But really we only has one that caused 2 problems. Both were rather minor and don't need to be blown out of proportion. I had fun with you guys today and hope we can all hook up and ride some more with no hard feelings!

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Oh I forgot to ask; were you guys out near Boston Mills at all today? I passed a group under the big bridges (what are those, the turnpike? I forget) and I think I saw a few bikes that fit your group's description. If that was you guys, I was the guy on the blue 650 in all black leathers/helmet that waved under the bridge closest to the ski hill.

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If that is how you like to ride that's fine. But seven people is too many to keep together riding that spirited.

Enjoy yourselves. I'm glad everyone got home okay.

Yes, and more cc's under my ass will definitely make up for what is obviously a lack of skill on my part. Maybe it is not so much a lack of skill but an overabundance of intelligence.

i dunno, we seem to do it every weekend just fine. group riding is a lot easier when you leave your ego at home... if you need to ride at the back of the pack for a bit, it's perfectly normal. nobody was pointing and giggling at you. and yeah, you and a couple others got stuck behind a car. We were riding through a town with traffic lights and cars... it happens. I'm sorry, i didn't rig the lights like I did that one time in the italian job. poor planning on our part. Next time we ride in amish country, we'll let you know.

if you can't be trusted to ride your own bike at your own pace, who is? the guy showing you the turns and dangerous sections of the road by being kind enough to lead? do you need the ride leader to pick that underwear out of your ass for you too? cause you seem to have it bunched up in there pretty good. god, what a fucking whiner.

I wish I had an "overabundance of intelligence" so the guy in front can tell me what my own damn riding pace is. Obviously, I certainly can't be expected to know it.

mc it was a joke bro..im waiting to see j-bots response..all honesty mc ride your own pace if they dont wait up fuck them..period..but the way we rode last week (slo) we ALL made sure we stayed together, and it was a fun time..

last weekend was like... wheelchair pace. I had no idea where i was going and i was afraid to get us lost (I got us lost anyway). Also, i am a big pansy when i lead.

this weekend was like jogging pace. we had a couple more seasoned riders leading (at various points of the day), but both were on bikes they weren't familiar with, and none of us had appropriate gear on for the type of riding we normally do (ie, full leathers, gauntlet gloves, riding boots) so we were all riding at a very sane pace.

Apparently, it was spirited, but for some reason, Brian on his R6 whose only had it since last september had no trouble keeping up. shit, he must be fucking Rossi if he can keep up on a ride where it was SO SPIRITED that it's difficult to keep 7 whole people together in a compactly spaced group. someone's going to have to teach us reckless maniacs "sardine style group riding kung fu" cause we're the fucking nubs who don't know what TRUE group riding is.

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i agree, that a pre-ride discussion should be held. was a formal speech given? no. while we were all chatting while waiting for everyone to get there, it was pretty apparent to me (and not just because of common sense... but why would anyone count on something like that? GAWD) that everyone seemed to grasp the concept of not riding over their head, and riding at the rate they were comfortable with.

am i wrong? did no one know this? if so, i'm sorry. it's my fault. it certainly wasn't the guy on the 919's fault... he didn't even get to take off his helmet before we took off. i'm going to make a note to myself to have a powerpoint presentation of max lean angles that will be achieved, and maximum mid-corner speeds that we'll be expecting during the entirety of the ride.

all kidding aside, i really do agree. i'll put forth more effort to give a description of what the ride will be like.... assuming I know. In this case, I was up for anything... I didn't know if anyone who knew the roads will be joining us, if anyone who has a lot of miles under their belt would be riding with us, or what everyone's skill level was. all I knew was, i would ride as quickly as I felt comfortable.

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Oh I forgot to ask; were you guys out near Boston Mills at all today? I passed a group under the big bridges (what are those, the turnpike? I forget) and I think I saw a few bikes that fit your group's description. If that was you guys, I was the guy on the blue 650 in all black leathers/helmet that waved under the bridge closest to the ski hill.

Nope I was the only SV and I am a yellow naked one.;)

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Wow, some people would shit themselves if they saw Jinu's normal pace. I've ridden with the guy a couple times and I have yet to see him do anything to endanger others.

He makes a good point that you should ride your own pace, however, it is tough to do so for less experienced folks.

Here's my PSA, if you ride with Jbot, SpeedyTripple, or skrewloose, you will likely be the slow one in the group, get over it and don't bother trying to keep up. Trying to keep up will likely end with you in the ditch.

Now that everyone is aware of that, we shouldn't have any more problems this year? A

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OMG, I Just read this thread.


I am the guy on the 919 (which corners slightly better than a school bus). It's too bad we didn't get a chance to talk yesterday.

"So you can go be big balls riders and see how much of your chicken strips you can scrub off and i will stick riding with people who know how to act in a group setting. Stay the fuck away from me with all that macho bullshit....I led to peninsula then dude on the 919 hornet took over and thats when i knew i diddnt want to ride with him anymore. You saw me in the lead. Not riding like a jackass might I add."

LMFAO. First of all, you need to get over yourself. It's not a contest.

I've logged over 40,000 miles on group rides, and the rule is always 'no one gets left behind.' If someone gets separated, we turn around and find them. Just like we did yesterday.

While I was leading: I didn't pass a single car, I stayed within 10 mph of the speed limit in straights and took corners at a moderate (60%) sporting pace. I am really not sure why you are complaining.

Just before you left you mentioned that everyone should ride a slower pace and stay closer together. Sorry dude...that's a Harley-D parade run. Not my cup of tea.

On almost every group ride you are going to have riders of different skill levels. Everyone is not going to ride the exact same pace and still have fun. Everyone should ride at the pace that HE/SHE is comfortable with. If I see someone taking chances or riding 'over their head' to keep up, I will say something. If you are riding in YOUR comfort zone why does it matter if your are in the front, middle, or the back? Hell, for the 1st part of the ride I was at the end of the line and I stayed there until I was asked to lead.

My advice to YOU is leave YOUR ego at home. You don't need to match anyone's pace. Ride your ride. If you want to learn the capabilities of your bike or improve as a rider, talk to those who have more miles under their belts. When I was a NEWB, I liked to ride with the veterans. I was suprised at how effortlessly experienced riders could carve corners. At stops I would always pick their brains about suspension setup, body position, cornering technique, and lines though corners. It takes lots of practice and miles. Once you learn, you can have more fun on 2 wheels than you ever thought possible.

It's my skin and my bike. I am responsible for my ride and take NO chances. If you can't accept that, maybe motorcycles and group rides aren't for you.

On several rides, I have stayed in the back of the pack with the newbs so they could follow my line until they got more comfortable in the corners. I'll offer to do that again if I ever see you on another ride.

This is a group ride at a fun, sporting pace. BTW, WV33 is an amazing road.


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