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Have you ridden with any of the CORE guys Inya? Pace any faster or slower than our Rt 60 ride?

First, believe it to be irrelevant. Ride your own ride. Someone else's pace should not dictate yours.

Second, comparing this ride to any other ride (CORE OR NOT), irrelevant, can't compare something that is in constant flux. Every ride is different.

Lastly , can't even call it a "CORE Ride" ... too damn cold and gear donned doesn't dictate. Just because Jbot started the thread and he rides with CORE? Or is b/c no one ever complains on a OR ride?

It was just a friendly "short" ride to get acquainted with the bike and roads at hand. Enjoy the weather....

Can we finally drop this crap?? :beathorse:

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Maybe I do need to join a HD forum lol. Insurance is to ridiculous to justify riding over the speed limit by more than a few mph. Not to mention my deductible is $1000. Just not worth the risk of a ticket/wreck.

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Its not so much high paced as it was the wrong pace. If you want to ride like that keep to yourself or with your good friends. When you lead a group of people you take the responsability of the lives of all those following in your hands. If you dont know how to properly lead a group of riders than dont try.

That being said flying around an area with some unfamiliar riders at double the speed limit while not even waiting for others or being concerned is just reckeless.

And just for anyone who doesn't know, it is not good manners to make a turn knowing that those behind you cannot make the turn, effectively spitting up the group.

So you can go be big balls riders and see how much of your chicken strips you can scrub off and i will stick riding with people who know how to act in a group setting. Stay the fuck away from me with all that macho bullshit. The day i die on a bike is the day i choose to get on the freeway against the flow of traffic and crash into a semi.

I wasn't on this ride :rolleyes: but I see :D

There's no Drama or BS. You speek your mind too !!

You can ride on most any of these rides though !!!!

Actualy That's a smarter reaction to your first fast pace ride, Than the fools who WAD up there bikes :eek:

It takes goin out on a few fast rides to see that it is all about progressing and it's just fine to ride at your pace. Usualy the groups pace will split and there is subgroups you will fit in. When you leave from the stops, leave in the order you want to run !!! They will almost always wait and recount and everything and give you a thumbs up !!! Wooohooo, and away you go, most realy don't mind at all, they are just glad you came. :metal:

That's what I do ! :D

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Have you ridden with any of the CORE guys Inya? Pace any faster or slower than our Rt 60 ride?

Not that I know of..I've never been on there forum either.

Our rt60 romp had a mixture of abilities..and there were people who were OK with riding slower in the back...as well as the people in the front who were riding like track gods (Uncle Puck..his skillz are l33t)..BUT we all hashed that out in the beginning. And between myself and Puck we always had someone in the front and near the middle who knew where they were going.

It doesn't sound like everyone was on the same page on this ride...and I guess that's why I (and others) posted those suggestions.

I've never had a problem on any ride I've been on..only because I make sure everyone is on the same page before we start. Any ride I've ever captained is done per my suggestions above, and everyone has a good time.

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First, believe it to be irrelevant. Ride your own ride. Someone else's pace should not dictate yours.

Second, comparing this ride to any other ride (CORE OR NOT), irrelevant, can't compare something that is in constant flux. Every ride is different.

Lastly , can't even call it a "CORE Ride" ... too damn cold and gear donned doesn't dictate. Just because Jbot started the thread and he rides with CORE? Or is b/c no one ever complains on a OR ride?

It was just a friendly "short" ride to get acquainted with the bike and roads at hand. Enjoy the weather....

Can we finally drop this crap?? :beathorse:

I believe Justin was just asking because the Rt 60 romp we had last year is our only point of reference, and he is curious. I don't believe it was in reference to this 'ride' on Sunday. Innocent query. Don't take offense.

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OR isn't my usual sandbox. I mostly ride with CORE, with a few other groups mixed in. I have never had a problem riding with newbs. I've always taken time to give riding advice to those who ask. I know plenty of experienced riders that won't go on group rides with beginners anymore, after BS like this I am starting to see their point.

It's always fun to ride with experienced, sensible riders who know how to ride and leave the egos at home. Perhaps I'll post up when some Veterans are heading to WV or SE OH.

I think I'm done with people who are cutting their teeth on group rides.

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@Skrewloose, InyaAzz, and IP

Yea...I just wanted a point of reference. The Rt 60 ride was the fastest pace I'd been on, and I think it was about 90% of where I was comfortable. If there was too much pushing beyond that I think I would've been outside my limits.

I would tend to believe that if jbot wasn't geared up, he probably wasn't flying, though his "normal" pace may've been a little faster than others'. I just wondered how that pace was compared to our Rt 60 ride - nothing more.:cheers:

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@Skrewloose, InyaAzz, and IP

Yea...I just wanted a point of reference. The Rt 60 ride was the fastest pace I'd been on, and I think it was about 90% of where I was comfortable. If there was too much pushing beyond that I think I would've been outside my limits.

I would tend to believe that if jbot wasn't geared up, he probably wasn't flying, though his "normal" pace may've been a little faster than others'. I just wondered how that pace was compared to our Rt 60 ride - nothing more.:cheers:

i get to play on the best section of sr60 all summer long haha sucka's haha :D

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my only mission in riding is to have a good time and to learn what I can. I don't ride to set road records, i don't set out to drag knee (and I never have! a peg feeler, once, and even then it was on an off camber uphill corner) and just like so many of you, I am absolutely TERRIFIED of trashing my bike. that's why I got a honduh for the track. har har (jk... but srsly, that's why).

i'm sorry people had a shitty time. I don't represent CORE or Ohio Riders... I represent only myself and Kim Jong Il. Hell, I'm still a noob on both sites. I've been on Core for only a couple years, and on Ohio Riders since last summer (my account got deleted during the crash). All I was trying to do was get a ride together so I don't have to get lost alone. I think I even warned people I'm prone to getting lost, so I was hoping people would volunteer to lead... hence, why we had a grand total of 4 different ride leaders throughout the day.

Jreese, please don't take any offense at what I said... it was mostly in response to DerEmoKidd (hey, he called me that asian kid, it's only fair) and mc_spirited (yes, mc_spirited who dislikes "spirited" riding. lol.) I don't think you've said anything other than clearly and un-asshole-y stating that you weren't comfortable with the pace. I understand, and I apologize if you were uncomfortable. Please don't let this 1 ride keep you from coming on other rides even if I will be involved. I hope we have no hard feelings. Plus, just think, when it's warmer, more competent people will be arranging rides! YESHHH

One final point, and I won't bring this up again if you don't: don't make threats. Even if it is on the interwebz.

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oh and yes, I am absolutely a gigantic pansy-ass when it comes to riding without leathers on. I definitely would not be riding anywhere near my normal "comfort zone" in jeans. Although, I probably had enough layers on to get my ass dragged on the ground for about 2 miles without feeling a thing. I would hope this would be true for anyone who are used to wearing leathers. You feel much more protected (and for good reason) when you're riding your favorite roads with a good fitting set of 2pc or 1pc leathers. I'm still slowly breaking in my new 1pc suit. Can't wait to make a fool of myself.

I <3 you too pauly. i can't wait to blow you in our mutual MotoGP fantasy fuck fest.

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Kevin... Justin is cool. (for a lefty) I think he just wanted a reference point.

Justin... Kevin is cool. (for a jarhead) I think he just gets tired of people bitching about ride "leaders" being responsible for the actions of others.

hey damnit, I'm a lefty and a jarhead...

and yes, I'm sick this crap ... I kind of wish I had made it to the start of this ride... not saying it would have been better, on the contrary probably worse :D ... but those on CORE will attest, we have gone round and round with a few riders that show up, maybe once a year, and blame others or their bikes for their issues.... whether an accident in a case or more ... or their lack of keeping up ...

Shit of it, we don't mind waiting... heck it is a break for the folks up front ... those that like to push and understand the limits of tires, bike and self ... like to push... but we wait (yes, said over and over again ) ... at every turn/stop sign/stop light/change in direction ... keep following the road your on and you will run into someone waiting. WE count bikes and want everyone to enjoy, learn and become better, SAFER riders. You can be safe and ride faster than the posted speed limit. Speed limits are consistently getting out-dated do to vehicles getting better handling, suspension, etc ... roads getting better ...

90% of corners, the posted speed limit through that corner, can easily be doubled on two wheels.... but first, you have to be comfortable with the bike, yourself and understand the proper mechanics doing so.

I love riding ... that is why I am here... not here to piss people off, out pace people .. I'm here to help ... want to ride alone and watch me, switch and I watch you ... give pointers, watch my line, etc ... speak up ... grow up and speak up ... or shut up and I will still wait for you ... if you are faster than I ... I hope you wait at the next stop for me so I can ask you some questions on how I can ride smoother, faster, better, safer .... let me f'n know ...

Help your fellow riders and we will loose fewer riders.

peace .

Edited by skrewloose
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wow im glad i stayed home..anyways seems like the weather is gonna turn to cold here in a few days(colder) with rain so it might be a while for the next group ride..i think everyone needs to relax let it go, and try it again. everyone i met were cool kats, and next time maybe at lunch we can hash out the details, and let everyone have a voice so to speak

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Okay, wow. I am on page seven of this clusterfuck so lets go through page by page. This is going to take me a damn hour..

First off, Jbot, You would not be surprised that i did not "so...passionately" speak up about how the ride went if you were aware of my friends personality. I knew that if I addressed the ride than he would get heated. And i did not want to see my friend get into a fight in front of a church. So that's why I kept my mouth shut until I posted. So some may see that as hiding behind a computer, but i just call it the right thing to do.

And what I meant by the leader is responsible for the safety of others i mean this. When you make a turn (From a red light or a stop sign), it is the leaders responsibility to not advance until he knows that the tail (SWEEP) rider will be able to maintain the group without a Cadillac CTS driving up his asshole.

That dude: sorry. I don't deal with sarcasm all that well. or people being condescending for that matter. No disrespect.

Lost: You are a cool dude. Anyone who will let someone else sit on their ride is good in my book. You know your shit and any real rider can see that a mile away.

Page eight.

Jbot: again, anyone who does not know that Ego's and two wheels do not mix is a jackass. I dont know what I said to give people the perception that I have this "Ego" And like I said before the only reason that we got "stuck behind the car" was because the leader should have waited for that red light to turn green so that the GROUP could proceed as a UNIT. God? Doesn't exist. Its called Science. Calling me a whiner? Is this fourth grade? I am merely stating observations and comparing them to my experience. And when they do not mesh then I know that is not where i belong.

If that was a jogging pace then I do not want to be present when you step it up to running. Riding that fast should be done with groups of 3 or 4 people. With riders whom you are familiar with. Definitely not through residential areas. Think im a pussy but I know i am not the only one that would say riding like that belongs on the track.

Tpoppa:You are correct it is not a contest. I never stated this. I respect you for coming and posting up. That is respect in my book. You sound like you know your shit and I did not get a bad impression from you when we got our helmets off at the church.

I feel very comfortable on my bike and I know when it is right to push my limits. This will be my fourth season and i have ridden about 24,000 ish miles on my bikes. But personally, I enjoy riding with a pillion passenger or being out in the wet or rain more than I enjoy pushing it in the corners. And if you normally ride faster than that, fine by me. I just think that the pace of the ride was definitely a bit much for the group. It seemed like you were going way too fast, but im sure that If i didn't drop back and I was still behind JBot it wouldn't have seemed so light speed. Honestly the only reason I dropped back was because I was more afraid of having whoever was behind me ride up my ass than lowsiding off the side of the road.

Fred: hahaha.....

Cant see what is on page nine.

Fred: ........


Poppa: I am not sure if you were really going as fast as i perceive, but it seemed pretty quick. Again, that may have been just my perception. To be fair, we didn't really have time in the beginning to speak because you came up when we were leaving. I guess what I should have done was led us to the winking lizard and then we could have changed the lead and discussed expectations.

This discussion seems to be adding pages as fast as i can review them.

I did not post because I felt that i was left in the dust, or riding with people who are above my skill set. I do not see riders with more bikes that are more expensive/faster/suspension goodies (Lost ha..).To me what makes a good rider is a safe rider. Many of those turns were blind, and im sure I would feel more comfortable going that fast in the country where you have some sight distance. What makes a good rider is looking out for those you are riding with and observing the skill set of the group and adjusting your pace so that everyone has the best time possible. Not saying that the ability to ride quickly is not an attribute of a skilled rider. It was my opinion that it was too early in the season to be whippin' around like that on cold pavement. Maybe if i had my insurance upped back up from having it down over the winter I would have felt better. The fact that I am probably a few hundred miles overdue for some new rear rubber was in that equation also.

I do enjoy spirited riding, I do not condone "Dumb shit" such as riding wheelies or "stunting" where it does not belong. Do I desire to bring my front wheel off the ground? Yes, until i can beat on this bike hard enough to learn its limits i do not think that i should move to anything faster. The stupidest thing I have done was probably triple digits in the parkway. Now I am not saying that you are dumb for riding as fast as you were. I am saying with the weather and road conditions, that was out of my comfort zone. Honestly, (some of) those were nice roads (the ones that did not have pothole patches in them) and the fastest ive ridden on the parts that i have traveled before. Even with my bald ass rear tire that ride was one of the best i have had in terms of how much I felt i pushed it or learned or whatever.

So yeah. the reason that I did not bring up anything at the church is because I knew my friend was heated. I know how he is. And when I crested that hill and saw him run off into the grass because he didn't see where everyone else went and couldn't make the turn safely in time, I knew that was the end of the ride for us. Not to mention the fact I knew he was already pissed and wanted to pull mr Cadillac out of his vehicle. So I think thats all I have to say. This shit is like a fucking book....

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I just want to say to JRMMiii --- I miss my SV1000S (silver) ... fun.. little heavy through tight switch backs... but definitely a competent bike with the right setup...

And to anyone else... let's just ride... don't fret the small shit.

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