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Ryan Dunn = Dead


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having a picture with a drink that may contain alcohol 3 hours before a car crash, doesnt mean drunk driving.


99.9% of the time in a situation just like this is sure as hell does. IMO it's poor decision to drink at all and get behind the wheel. I don't give fuck what your BAC result is. Especially at excessive speeds which are clearly indicated. Poor decisions, people thinking they are invincible and quite selfish really.


Sad regardless as I wouldn't wish this upon anyone. Especially sad since he took someone else out too.

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99.9% of the time in a situation just like this is sure as hell does. IMO it's poor decision to drink at all and get behind the wheel. I don't give fuck what your BAC result is. Especially at excessive speeds which are clearly indicated.


Sad regardless. Especially since he took someone else out too.

or his buddy took him out. to be fair I don't think they've released who the driver was in this case. Just that dunn was in the car

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fuck off. Let me guess, you guys drink and drive from time to time eh


While we are stereotyping, lets take a look here.


From perry county, drive a 91 s10, 29 years old, and a user name of browning. :dumb:


Could you exhaust anymore cliches for us? :dumb:

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or his buddy took him out. to be fair I don't think they've released who the driver was in this case. Just that dunn was in the car


agreed, thus why I never indicated my thoughts on who was driving. my opinion stands regardless of who it was.

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agreed, thus why I never indicated my thoughts on who was driving. my opinion stands regardless of who it was.


:werd: He entertained the shit out of me but I can't stand those that chance the lives of others and their selves with drinking and then driving. Whether it's family or some celebrity. It's fucking stupid, plain and simple.


Looking around a few other forums it seems that road is known as being one that people like to go fast on, and has claimed other lives in the past. We'll see how this turns out.

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I guess if his driver was drinking and driving you could say....































































they were dunn for.

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Definitely my favorite of the bunch...


As for the ignorance in here, how about waiting for some details before getting all high and mighty. Maybe, because he was drunk, a sober friend convinced him to let him drive his 911 and crashed? Maybe the picture taken a few hours prior was the only drink he had the entire night and he had sobered up before getting behind the wheel? Maybe the car randomly caught fire while driving home and he freaked out and crashed?


While all of those scenarios are extremely unlikely, you don't know if any of them are false because the investigations are just now starting. Well, we know the last scenario isn't true because it was a Porsche and not a Ferrari...


In one way or another, yes he was at fault for his death in some way, but damn let it go.

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fuck off. Let me guess, you guys drink and drive from time to time eh


I do it Daily, Its fun... Some times you have to close one eye to help depth perception.. which sucks cause you cant see the car that is about to T-Bone you as your running a red light... so it gets tricky from time to time. But it saves you so much money on unnecessary taxi fares:gabe:

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It does seem to be pretty cut and dry, but I just saw on Jalopnik that somebody said the Twitter picture is being said to have actually been from a couple nights ago that was taken at a fundraiser or something. Who knows.



The Porsche did look pretty killer though. :gabe:

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Cars kill plenty of folks without the help of alcohol. So it's not entirely impossible that he didn't just have an accident. Insurance rates are proof enough that just having a "sports car" predisposes one to varying degrees of car-fuckery. Also, I seriously doubt that anyone in this thread that has chosen to consume alcohol before, hasn't driven with some amount of alcohol in their system. I also think there is a great probability of alcohol contributing to this accident, but no one knows yet, so condemning a man who is already dead, seems at best presumptuous.
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Cars kill plenty of folks without the help of alcohol. So it's not entirely impossible that he didn't just have an accident. Insurance rates are proof enough that just having a "sports car" predisposes one to varying degrees of car-fuckery. Also, I seriously doubt that anyone in this thread that has chosen to consume alcohol before, hasn't driven with some amount of alcohol in their system. I also think there is a great probability of alcohol contributing to this accident, but no one knows yet, so condemning a man who is already dead, seems at best presumptuous.


With the information that is out, this wasn't "just having an accident". There was some sort of dumbfuckery involved

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