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Official Football 2011 Thread


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I dont understand why the grad asst. did not go out and immediately call the police??


He wanted a job with them and got it. Even if McDouche and JoePa aren't legally bound to tell anyone else, they are morally bound to do the right thing. They didn't and this sick fuck Sandusky violated other little boys after that particular incident. Anyone that supports Paterno and anyone else involved at this point is lacking the morality necessary to be a decent human being.

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6 people in positions that did nothing to help these kids, it may have not been in their job descriptions at penn st, but in the job description of a human being in the United States of America you man up, maybe beat his ass then go to the police and say he Is a sexual predator and he slipped in the shower.
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Phil from all reports I have read Paterno helped in covering this whole situation up, thats why ESEC is having a field day with him and everyone is calling for his retirement/firing. His legacy has been gone for a few years now, he is a laughing stock for damn near everyone. Nobody actually believes he still coaches do they? If so then damn you might wanna come out from under that rock you've been hiding beneath. The man shit himself against OSU (litterally) and from there on it was just 1 joke after another. Now I am reading reports of him being asleep in the press box during games, hell when he was on the sidelines he didn't wear a headset, what college football or NFL coach doesn't wear a headset to know what the hell is going on in the game? He had no idea where he was half the time yet he's held in such high regards. He was a great coach 20 years ago..


Not sure how much of the whole Paterno knew about this is true because I have read conflicting reports. Some say he was told about the allegations, others say he was not aware of them. Regardless its not a good look for PSU as a whole





incorrect, paterno told the administration and they covered it up. thats why paterno isnt being arrested. the two penn st officials who didnt push the info along are the ones who covered it up not joe pa. i think he should be able to finish the season and if and only if its proven that he had any part in covering it up then he should resign. joe pa deserves to leave on his own accord, he made penn st what it is, and that is enough for them to let him leave when he wants. hes not hurting the program by any means, hes not calling plays, drawing up schemes, or ripping players. he is a figure head and a recruiting tool.


now for sandusky, i hope they put him in federal prison with real rapist. i hope they put him in a cell with the biggest, most fucked up person in prison who rapes the dog shit out of him everyday, no lube, no spit, just raw rape. fuck that guy.

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He wanted a job with them and got it. Even if McDouche and JoePa aren't legally bound to tell anyone else, they are morally bound to do the right thing. They didn't and this sick fuck Sandusky violated other little boys after that particular incident. Anyone that supports Paterno and anyone else involved at this point is lacking the morality necessary to be a decent human being.


i dont support what happened by any means, but ruining his legacy and tarnishing his name for something someone else did isnt right either. he was given 2nd if not 3rd hand accounts of the situation, he did what he was supposed to do and gave the info to the correct people. he didnt hide anything. why that cunt sandusky was still allowed on campus is beyond me though.

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Having worked in both federal prison and county jails, I can assure you that those who sexually offend against children are the lowest on food chain and viewed as prime targets for being offended against themselves. There are inmates who pride themselves on exacting "jailhouse justice" on guys like Sandusky.
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the stories are to consistent, and i hope sandusky gets the worst prison treatment possible. this is over the top. listening to espn and reading this report is two 100% different feelings.

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i was about to tell you to read the statements and then tell me if Joe Pa should still have a job......that whole program needs cleaned out.


joe pa should be able to finish the season. but that g.j. statement was outrageous

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joe pa should be able to finish the season. but that g.j. statement was outrageous


Joe pa should be out today. Sorry. He did what he should have "legally", but that doesn't make his lack of following through on it any better. They let him use facilities after his issues in '98.

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Joe pa should be out today. Sorry. He did what he should have "legally", but that doesn't make his lack of following through on it any better. They let him use facilities after his issues in '98.



from a business stand point, he followed his protocall. from a person to person stand point yeah he should have been more through, but from a job aspect, he did what he was suppose to do, so how can you fire him for the admin not doing there job?

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i heard urban meyer just bought a house in happy valley. i cant remember who told me, thats just what i heard


Haha thats just a rumor someone made up making fun of everyone who thought Urban bought a house in Upper Arlington. Like I said though it is a hot topic that Urban has intrest in the PSU job regardless of whats going on there right now. The NCAA is not going to do shit to them

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Haha thats just a rumor someone made up making fun of everyone who thought Urban bought a house in Upper Arlington. Like I said though it is a hot topic that Urban has intrest in the PSU job regardless of whats going on there right now. The NCAA is not going to do shit to them


meyer will be t he next coach of osu, cant wait. national championships, prison atheletes, crazy spread offense, 4.2 speed for everyone including the offensive gaurds. its going to be awesome

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from a business stand point, he followed his protocall. from a person to person stand point yeah he should have been more through, but from a job aspect, he did what he was suppose to do, so how can you fire him for the admin not doing there job?


Look up ethics codes at universities. I'd be willing to bet that they could find something in there to do that. I'd be willing to bet that they ask him to resign as a professional courtesy to him, but if he doesn't do that they will fire him soon. As a university they probably want to clean house of anyone involved in this, including the current president. We will see what happens here soon. Just sad that so many kids had to be hurt to finally get this asshole arrested.

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the problem i see is Joe knew about the allegations and still saw sandusky bring kids in the locker room....still saw him running the charity...still saw him bring kids to the game. You cant tell me the head football coach of a major university would not know these things going on around him. Because of that, he failed his moral obligation to questions why sandusky would still be bringing kids to campus events. When you are caught having anal sex with a 10 year old and then be caught giving another kid a blowie IN THE FOOTBALL TEAMS SHOWERS by a janitor you should be taken to the police. When that didnt happen, what did Joe think was going on? He still saw sandusky with kids.....thats the fucked up part.
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the problem i see is Joe knew about the allegations and still saw sandusky bring kids in the locker room....still saw him running the charity...still saw him bring kids to the game. You cant tell me the head football coach of a major university would not know these things going on around him. Because of that, he failed his moral obligation to questions why sandusky would still be bringing kids to campus events. When you are caught having anal sex with a 10 year old and then be caught giving another kid a blowie IN THE FOOTBALL TEAMS SHOWERS by a janitor you should be taken to the police. When that didnt happen, what did Joe think was going on? He still saw sandusky with kids.....thats the fucked up part.


joe barely knows whats going on in his own football team let alone what some cunt rapist is doing. im sure sandusky brought hundreds of kids around, and only "messed" with the ones he felt would stay quite. idk i am aboslutey disgusted by the situation after reading the statement. but like ive said, i think joe should be able to finish the season since he was not directly involved in the situation and did what he was suppose to in the ladder of command. if he were covering up for that fuck, or had anything to do with helping him then yeah id say get him out. but i just dont think he should be the one to blame. but when your the face of the university i guess you have to take the blame.

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i just finished it....ill be the first one to say it almost made me throw up just reading it. I cant even imagine how i would feel if i had kids. Im literally beside myself......wow..


This. So, so, so much this. I can't even bring myself to read it honestly. And I have to disagree with Phil, 100%. It doesn't matter if he did what he "legally" needed to do. The fact of the matter is that he's a COACH. Being a coach means going beyond the normal duties of some regular boss. You're a mentor to young men. And with that territory comes the moral responsibility to protect young people from situations EXACTLY LIKE THIS, at all cost. Beyond your moral responsibility as a mentor to young people, it's your responsibility as a human being to do whatever you can to stop something like this from happening.


I'm 23 years old, I don't have kids, I admittedly don't even have that many real responsibilities in life yet. This though, this makes me sick. I've always admired JoePa, but the bottom line is that he allowed children to be taken advantage of in unimaginable ways. And for that he should rot.






Color me shocked, disappointed in Penn State as an organization, and disgusted.

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i heard urban meyer just bought a house in happy valley. i cant remember who told me, thats just what i heard


Was started on some State College radio station when the first news of this stuff broke. Just like Urban buying Herbie's house started the second Tressel was forced out.


I can't see any high level coach touching the PSU job for a while. I don't know how much but it will hurt them financially. Donors will back off (this happened even at OSU and forced them to get rid of Tressel) AND these families are going to own large portions of the Penn State campus...lol. Funny I just posted about PSU being a top 10 or so job and being something of a sleeping giant. If they can weather this storm this might be what awakens them but it could also hurt them for a very long time.

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