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Official Football 2011 Thread


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On the OL OSU is already in good position with Alex Kozan and Nick Davidson. Could look for Jordan Diamond and maybe try to flip Dodson from Wisconsin. Put feelers out for Kalis but that ship has likely sailed.


Right now it looks like there are technically 4 spots available. We'll see if any kids de-commit or get the axe from Urban. Then there will be natural attrition plus additional attrition due to a new coaching staff. That stuff normally happens after the bowl season though. Should be an interested 2 months. The 2013 class is going to be a monster. Top 3 is basically guaranteed.

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I have seen all those OL recruits names for months, I feel if they wanted to commit they would've already done it. I think the best chance of any of the 4 is Kozan and Davidson.


I think the only one that may de-commit is Dunn, he has said over and over again that he doesn't wanna play in the spread. I guess he is going to wait and hear from Urban before making a final decision, but my guess is he ends up north.


Who do you see leaving the current roster?

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Well Diamond, Davidson and Kozan aren't committed anywhere right now. They're going to have to commit somewhere...lol. Dodson is a Wisconsin commitment but there were rumors that he might flip pretty much right since he committed. He has a HS assistant who is a big Wisconsin guy and people think that had a lot to do with his commitment. Urban changes everything. Throw out everything you've heard for months.


No idea who might leave.

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Wisconsin would be hard to walk away from as a OL recruit simply because they seem to make every linemen great lol. I don't see anyone on the current roster leaving. So does the 4 spots remaining take into consideration the self imposed loss of schollies or what? I didn't think we had 21 schollies available for this class but I could be wrong, maybe its the next class thats going to be small
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Right now 2013 looks like a 20-man class. That was a great thing under Tressel, he really liked keeping the classes even. Not too often would you see a class approach 25.


I think there will be several transfers. I just don't know who. How many kids left Michigan when RR went in there? Like 15? Some kids just won't like not being coached by the guys who recruited them. Some kids won't like the new guys once they get some time under them (like Justin Boren eventually left RR after experiencing his garbage during practices/workouts).

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Archie has stated in the past he has NO intentions of ever becoming AD. His gig is fucking SWEET. He gets paid big bucks to do nothing but be Archie.


ding ding ding. i was dating his daughter for a while and he has the life of a greek god.

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Damn did you just "Pussy" drop? Most NAME drop, that's a whole new level.


at first i was like:woowoo: but as time went on and i got past the whole thing that i was:bangbang: his daughter. she became:mad: because i would disagree and tell her no. you cant tell no to someone like that cause they think they are to be :leghump: by everyone. that didnt fly with me, and everyone was like :wtf: but i told them to :chill:. the sex was :no: and if the sex is :no: my interest is :zoom:. so i got cut from the griffin family :cry: now im back to my old bitch who is still going to bank me out. only this time the sex is :fuckyeah:

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lol... it was the ESPN camera guy. I was watching the ESPN feed on ESPNEWS and camera went crazy then you just hear... "EMS. We need EMS. EMS in the back please." Urban was probably just like... oh fuck... at least it was him and not me... again. :gabe:


Yeah his heart only hurts when his teams are mediocre, give it a year or 2 :lolguy:

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Mis-use of the dual threat qb's? Didn't Troy Smith win a Heisman? Didn't Terelle Pryor nearly own every qb record at OSU even without a Sr year? The o-line play has been terrible and the attempts of running 150lb backs up the gut were ignorant I will agree with that. Up until this year Jim Tressell called the plays honestly.
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