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GM - Screw you, you don't know me!


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Seems "new" GM isn't responsible for anything "old GM" did. I think today, I'll go out to a bank, get a loan, and then default on all my promises and bills. Why not? That was old ImUrOBGYN's stuff, not the 'new' one!


"The Detroit News’s David Shepardson reports that GM has requested the dismissal of a lawsuit alleging rear-suspension problems on 2007-8 model-year Impalas, on the grounds that


“New GM did not assume liability for old GM’s design choices, conduct or alleged breaches of liability under the warranty, and its terms expressly preclude money damages,” the response says.


The suit “is trying to saddle new GM with the alleged liability and conduct of old GM.”





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What madly utter crap. I want those fucktards to liquidate their shit, work for free, and give me my stock losses back damnit! I'm with you on this one, this no-accountability shit is retarded. God I hope they get denied.
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They figure most people wont ban together and fight for their rights. Time will tell if people actually do. Most people wont call their congressman, BBB, the manufacturer directly ect.... so in the future, the next time something like this happens it will only be easier for the large company to get away with it. The new American way, just sit back and take it. Call and ask if they will give out small tubes of lube.
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