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Crazy Day at the Zoo


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The weather today was spectacular and anyone with kids couldn't have scripted a better day to hit the Columbus Zoo. It was a good day but filled with three events that left me a bit uneasy.


First, we came across a little boy freaking out as he was seperated from his parents. A ranger came up and helped calm the situation and 20 minutes later the parents made there way over and were reunited. A good ending but a freaky feeling nonetheless to see a child around 6 years old so scared. That's one of my biggest fears as a parent, to have your child lost or worse yet, taken.


The next was at lunch. My wife took the kids to get their food, I got ours. I found a table in the food court and no sooner after I sat down a young girl about 10-12 screamed like she was being killed "Oh my God!" several times. She knocked her chair over, yelled "where's my mom!


The surreal part is I can relive myself trying to make sense of it all. At first I thought it was bug. Then I saw her little 6-8yr old brother what looked like puking. At first I thought he was just getting sick. My brain couldn't process what was happening fast enough. I then thought why would he be puking? Peanut allergy or reaction or something? My son has a deadly allergy so my mind is always on that when around food. The mom next to me shot up and grabbed him and crushed his stomach with a squeeze and out popped 1/2 of a hot dog. I'm still freaked about it all. Bummed at myself too as I felt helpless and stupid. I really had no idea WTF was going on. My brain just couldn't process what was happening to him.


Lastly, As we exit we got funnel cakes and I went back up to get one after saying no, only to see the kids working there preparing all kinds of candy to deep fry. They then tell me they have been "experimenting" with all kinds of stuff. FUCKING Pay Day and Snicker's Bars! I yelled at my wife and kids to not eat anything. I yelled so loud everyone in the plaza likely heard me. I am still in disbelief that we came within bites of my son having a potentially fatal reaction.


I'm off the hook mad but handled myself well with those kids and their "supervisor" who is all of about 18 himself. That absolutely is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Not to mention a jail sentence for me if something would have.


Long rant to let this old guy vent out some stress and anxiety. Still a good day? We had a good time and kids weren't even really aware, but I'd rather not repeat the events.


Good night all!

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My moms company was having one of the events there so my daughter was there with them and my sisters kids. On a related note since we own a cake business, I am always worried a parent will fail to mention an allergy their kid may have to an ingredient. We do cakes that meet any allergic(within reason) requirement but I am always waiting for that call something happened to one of our customers.
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The thing is you were willing and mentally able to do something. You didn't get a camera out, you didn't just sit and watch and figure someone else will take care of the problem at hand. Reguardless of if you could have solved the hotdog riddle, you wanted to. And at least, had there been the need for help with the person who did know, you were there to be that person. Some times people over look there roll in situations. The person is charge is the one who knows the most. Other's are there to support fixing the problem until it's resolved.



A bit of a rant, but happy to hear people like you are enguaged and not mindless to their surroundings. Good job man.

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The thing is you were willing and mentally able to do something. You didn't get a camera out, you didn't just sit and watch and figure someone else will take care of the problem at hand. Reguardless of if you could have solved the hotdog riddle, you wanted to. And at least, had there been the need for help with the person who did know, you were there to be that person. Some times people over look there roll in situations. The person is charge is the one who knows the most. Other's are there to support fixing the problem until it's resolved.


A bit of a rant, but happy to hear people like you are enguaged and not mindless to their surroundings. Good job man.


You're spot on with what my wife said. It's still hard to witness myself so mentally tongue tied like that. Just goes to show how awareness of your surroundings, and experience in those situations helps. I was able to react when a guy was having a heart attack at CMH, but even there, a nurse jumped in as she had the true and proven knowledge of what to do. Here though, I feel like I was stunned.


Like you said though, at least the boy was good and others were there too. Thanks man.

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So you neglected to ask if the funnel cakes met his specific requirements, and you are pissed?


That is rich


So did you take to time to clarify if I did before you chimed in with a snide remark? That said you, exhibit holding yourself to a higher standard why? I'm confused :confused:


Of course I verified the requirements met his standards. I also tend to go the extra mile and actually watch what's going on thus the reason I found out what they were preparing to do that afternoon.


What they were doing does get me pissed because it is NOT in line with what they are supposed to be doing which is NOT "experimenting" with a food service facility and their patrons. Especially when what they were doing is potentially life threatening.


Thanks for playing.

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Reading comprehension owns you.


Your not as intelligent as you think you are.


That is rich


How so - he wants to think a lawsuit could be filed because they use items with peanuts? It is your job to make sure you don't ingest peanuts. If you don't know if an item has peanuts in it or not you ask. Pretty simple I would think.


For example - my wife is allergic to pork. When we go places we ask them to prepare her food on a surface that has not had pork contact, with utensils that have not had pork contact, etc....


I don't get why everyone is so lawsuit happy. If you neglect to check for yourself - how can they be held at fault?

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For example - my wife is allergic to pork. When we go places we ask them to prepare her food on a surface that has not had pork contact, with utensils that have not had pork contact, etc....


So when the worker that assures you there is no pork prepared in the kitchen and on the tools, in this case frier oil, do not contain pork, you would feel safe correct?


How about introducing the fact that other workers were experimenting with port and the result would contaminate her meal? Keep in mind no pork is typically prepared there and that "experimenting" isn't normally done in a working kitchen that's known and presented as pork free. How would you feel then?


In my case, I've already asked and had the assurance presented. We go there all the time and I do ask each time if the facility has any peanut prepared items. The answer is always no. Just corn oil and batter that's peanut free. If it wasn't for me seeing a Snickers Bar wrapper and candy being dipped in the batter and about to be thrown in the frier, no one there would have alerted me as they were trained to know that such practices weren't occurring there.


You can disagree or continue to ignore the facts I've presented. I have a a follow up conference call with their Director of Food Service this afternoon and will report back the findings. The main purpose of the call is to put this behavior on record and document things.


More to come.

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I can totally sympathize with you on the food allergy. While my wife's is not life thretening, it does make her sick. It's been extremely difficult to eat anywhere and feel completely safe. Even places that advertise that certain meals are safe for her have made her sick (only during busy dinner times, never during a slow period). Cross-contamination is a huge issue, and anyone working in food preparation needs to be trained on the potential dangers of 'experimenting,' especially on a surface that is typically free of allergens.
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anyone working in food preparation needs to be trained on the potential dangers of 'experimenting,' especially on a surface that is typically free of allergens.


Exactly. It is alarming. I'm not trying to be a jerk about it either but given the gravity of the situation it needs to be documented. Both the Zoo and the Delaware County Health Dept. are involved.


It's not a matter of anyone being lawsuit happy. No injuries have occured....yes. However, it's only a matter of when if no action is taken. Plenty of case-law exists and the key to anything is documentation. That's where we're at now.

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I have a severe seafood allergy, you would be surprised how few people understand that and so I have to go into detail about how they prepare their beef. "We grill it."

"do you grill shrimp or lobster on the same surface"



ok, then I can't eat here.


Food allergies are scary and I know how you have to dig into their business to figure out if anyone knows what that means.

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My wife's boss has pretty serious celiacs. I always like it when we go out to a company meal and the restaurant just picks the croutons off of his salad lol. Yeah, that works
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Delaware County Health Dept (Chuck) called back. Great guy. Very professional and came out to take a report too since he was there today and I live not even 10 minutes drive time from the zoo. He's on it with the Zoo. He did say they are tighter in food prep and safety than most restaurants, but this is clearly a case of a coaching moment for their training staff.


He's absolutely glad I called to make a report as if something bad were to happen it would get very ugly for the Zoo. He said they were just two weeks ago to re-cert their facilities too and they passed with zero issues.

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Good for you Tim. You didnt make a big deal about it and went the extra mile to try to prevent something happening to someone else. Most people wouldnt have. Like you said no business is perfect and you cannot teach everyone everything, hopefully they will use this as a refresher for those that knew and a lesson for thats that werent aware.
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My wife's boss has pretty serious celiacs. I always like it when we go out to a company meal and the restaurant just picks the croutons off of his salad lol. Yeah, that works

That's the same stuff we deal with.


Tim, have you ever been to Disney with your kids? That place could teach everyone a thing or two about food preparation and allergies. It was amazing how accomodating they are for everyone given the number of people they serve on a daily basis.

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damn, and the most exciting thing that happened last time we went to the zoo was my 2 year old boy throwing his sippy cup into the badger enclosure. just goes to show how vigilant you have to be around kids--these are some of my worst nightmares. i'd be pissed as hell about the kids experimenting with deep frying shit as well.
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