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Ohio LSX Video


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Music: something less mainstream with a better beat. When I watch a car video, I want to hear music that I'll search for afterwards, not the same songs I've heard 1,000 times on the radio.


Video: lower angles, research other videos and play with different camera drags, etc. (videos showcasing cars or drift videos are great for this; they're usually the ones using innovative angles and ideas). Some of the clips have quick zooms, shakiness, etc. at the beginning of them. Regardless what editing software you're using, you should be able to alleviate this.


Don't be afraid to get close to the action. The video as of now looks like you just went to some events, filmed some races, and imported all the clips into your editing software. I'm not going to throw out a ratio for camera work vs. editing work, but there's a lot more than meets the eye that needs to be done on both sides to make a great video.


There are some cool clips in there and I think you have a good foundation. Obviously this is all constructive criticism with no douchebaggery intended.

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