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Any other Sales Managers here?


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I'd possibly be interested, I dont manage a sales team but I do handle a team of 6. And I'm always down for learning new things, as wna said, I'd sit quietly in the corner and learn unless I had something constructive and on topic to add.
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This sounds like it's forming well, and what a great opp for those that just want to learn. I'd be down to set it up at a local library or we could even do it at the cigar shop downtown... Does anyone else have access to a free conference room?


I could possibly set something up at work. Let me talk to the gm, we are down town in the hunington building.

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I would like to see if I can help, but if you are dealing with retail people it is going to be very hard to find the time to meet up in person. The main things to remember is to use feel/thought/found while overcoming objections, and solving the underlining problem that you have to find with great qualiyfing questions. Another major thing is making sure to not ask a question with just a yes or a no answer. Cause then the conversion can be over. During some downtime finding questions that work for you is a key with a co-worker over the phone or right next to people. Sometimes it is just your wording to better words. Like people asking some to buy something vs asking them if they would like to own it. Another is payment vs monthly investment. I'm just waking up and still in bed so if this doesn't flow I'm sorry.
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This sounds like it's forming well, and what a great opp for those that just want to learn. I'd be down to set it up at a local library or we could even do it at the cigar shop downtown... Does anyone else have access to a free conference room?


It does seem to be coming together and I'm glad. Like you, I'm open to where we would meet. I wish I had access to a room but I do not as we are packed and fighting for space internally.


I could possibly set something up at work. Let me talk to the gm, we are down town in the hunington building.


Thanks Steve. That would be great.

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It does seem to be coming together and I'm glad. Like you, I'm open to where we would meet. I wish I had access to a room but I do not as we are packed and fighting for space internally.




Thanks Steve. That would be great.


Anytime, what days and times work best for everyone? I will need some substance when i bring it up to him.

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I would like to see if I can help, but if you are dealing with retail people it is going to be very hard to find the time to meet up in person.


"Herding the cats" is no doubt going to be a challenge, but I think we can make this happen even if it's early or later in the day. Target wise, I'm not in retail, I'm managing a team calling on doctors offices (but you know that :) ), but I'm open to including anyone. Hopes are to keep the discussions sales and management related.


I'm just waking up so if this doesn't flow I'm sorry.


Trey, you're always welcome man. You have a great presentation style and would yield good contributions.

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Anytime, what days and times work best for everyone? I will need some substance when i bring it up to him.


Any weekday I'm in town could work. I'm flexible, but would always appreciate either early, lunch hours or after work. Perhaps we can all chip in and order some food and make the first meeting a brainstorming of ideas we would like to discuss. I know I certainly have some thoughts and areas I'd like input and feedback on.

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Any weekday I'm in town could work. I'm flexible, but would always appreciate either early, lunch hours or after work. Perhaps we can all chip in and order some food and make the first meeting a brainstorming of ideas we would like to discuss. I know I certainly have some thoughts and areas I'd like input and feedback on.


I like this idea, it is a country club so we have a full restaurant and pub in house. Im sure i can work out some kind of house price, what kind of money are we looking at per person? I beleive we could get away with at most $15.00 per person.

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Here is a few things from a handout for Customer-Friendly Words that I've used that really helps.


Down Payment / Initial Investment

Monthly Payment / Monthly Investment

Contract / Agreement Paperwork

Buy / Own, Purches

Sell or Sold / Assisted, Consulted

Deal / Value, Offer

Sign / Initial, Autograph, Okay, Approval

Pitch / Presentation

Objections / Challenges, Concerns

Cheaper / Less Expensive, Smaller Investment, Valve

Store / Showroom, Destination, Location

Customer / Clint

Looker / Prospective Client

No / What I can do is...

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I like this idea, it is a country club so we have a full restaurant and pub in house. Im sure i can work out some kind of house price, what kind of money are we looking at per person? I beleive we could get away with at most $15.00 per person.


$$ is cool. I'm flexible there too. I'm sure others will be.

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Sometimes bob just going back to sales 101 is a good thing since so many people have bad habbits that most don't know about that they get from others. Roleplaying things out and talking about it is one of the only ways to polish our best practices. I'm not trying to go back to step by step this is how you do it, but just trying to help with the simple things that can turn people off when you say them. So please don't think I'm trying to do everything in Sales 101, but I just have found that some of my newer people need these things to be able to control things and not go into a neg presentation.
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I need to re-state myself. Im not looking for an extravagant thing at first. lets just keep it simple for now. Sales 101 need not be discussed (in my opinion) at length. I want to talk about creative problem solving and removing barriers.


I'm with BOb on the simple side. I'm also not necessarily looking at sales 101. I'm looking for Sales Management 510. ie....dealing with Sales Teams issues, not individual contributor issues. I don't mind mixing in sales 510 but looking more at the needs of managers is the reason for my post.



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