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With all this talk of divorce latley....


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I was married once. We were together for almost two years before we got married and had lived together for a year. After a year of marriage, she walked out and had her family move her stuff out the next day. I received an anonymous phone call a couple months later that she had been seeing someone. Nice, huh? We did a dissolution, and I got to keep my stuff. :)

I kept saying I was not going to get married again. I was positive I would not fall into that trap again. However, I have met someone that makes me extremely happy, we get along great, never argue and we are getting married next spring. If this one doesn't work out, I am done for sure.


One of my best friend's dad went through something very similar. He was married for a little over a year, came home from work one day, and she was gone. Took everything from their apartment, and drained his bank account. Never saw her again, never got an explanation. She left him with nothing, and he had no idea why she left. I can't even imagine what that would feel like.


Looking back on it now, he said it was the best thing that ever happened to him. He met someone else, and they've been married for over 30 years and still going strong.

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It really annoys me when people say Jesus Christ is why they are still married.... That is such horse shit, hard work and dedication is why you're still married... Some guy who died 2k years ago has nothing to do with it.


Dude... ok, my point of view, everyone puts their faith in SOMETHING (or someone). Regardless of whether or not you agree with it, if it works for them who cares?


I wont get into a religious debate b/c we all know how those end up but if a religious couple/family attributes their marriage success to their faith then who are we to question that?

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I wont get into a religious debate b/c we all know how those end up but if a religious couple/family attributes their marriage success to their faith then who are we to question that?





Religion is about not questioning anything, so i can see how you would feel that way.



What he ment by that is if your marriage working is based off of religion, then well you probably dont love eachother all that much.




Divorced and couldnt be happier.

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Religion is about not questioning anything, so i can see how you would feel that way.



What he ment by that is if your marriage working is based off of religion, then well you probably dont love eachother all that much.





Highly highly disagree. It all has to do about the teachings of forgiveness and trust etc etc etc blah blah blah. It's not "oh we both worship jesus, that's why we are together", it's because those couples do constant counseling through their church married couples groups, self counseling through men and women's small groups and beliefs in certain values. Sure, there are lots of hypocritical religous people out there, we all know that. But there are also people who truly practice what they believe and carry it out.

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Religion is about not questioning anything, so i can see how you would feel that way.



What he ment by that is if your marriage working is based off of religion, then well you probably dont love eachother all that much.



Religion is about not questioning anything? Really...so are you saying that through question things, a person who was once a "non-spiritual person" could not become spiritual/religous, or whatever you want to call it, by questioning things? I absolutely believe there is a God BECAUSE I question things. Go read up onb C.S. Lewis. He was an Athiest for the first half of his life. 180 degree turn AFTER he started to question things.


Highly highly disagree. It all has to do about the teachings of forgiveness and trust etc etc etc blah blah blah. It's not "oh we both worship jesus, that's why we are together", it's because those couples do constant counseling through their church married couples groups, self counseling through men and women's small groups and beliefs in certain values. Sure, there are lots of hypocritical religous people out there, we all know that. But there are also people who truly practice what they believe and carry it out.




Because of their common convictions they both have a common goal. To serve Christ. If that statement offends anyone because I used the term "Christ", tough. How does the old saying go? A house divided can not stand? But when you have two people with the same goal, they are a help to each other, not a burden

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It really annoys me when people say Jesus Christ is why they are still married.... That is such horse shit, hard work and dedication is why you're still married... Some guy who died 2k years ago has nothing to do with it.



you can say what you want but I do not have to work hard in my marriage. you can continue to work hard to be happy, I will continue to have a realtionship with Jesus and not have all the hard work.

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To the people that check'd yes and happy- especially those who were long term before being married-



How was your single life? Did you really even have one? Answer honestly, if not here, to yourself.



IMO- if you did not go though at least a several year period of "dating" multiple women, being a complete savage, seeing to world, and Shaging as many radon woman as you cock can handle, then you have never really been single, or tasted what the single life could be.


I really think the guy that dated for 10 years, got married and had kids, a simple guy. In looks, life, ect. Maybe some people are just cut out for it-for a monogamous relationship with someone "on your level".


Most of the guys I have seen that fit that category are just simple guys. No one you'd see on the cover of Muscle and Fitness, or GQ. This makes me think....


I was a savage for a good amount of time-I have been with beautiful women all over this country, and in many parts of the globe. I really, really enjoy and cherish my freedom. And even though I currently have a great woman at my side;hot, great tang, cooks/cleans/forgives me when I come back from Vegas with stories of infidelity trailing me, I still think that this may not be for me.



In retrospect, I think being married is a matter of physical circumstance as much as it is being "committed" to one person.

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Sounds like you don't wanna grow up. I was much like you for a short period of time and was generally unhappy. The sex with beautiful women was cool, the clubs with women and shit was cool, but all in all I knew I wanted a family and in order to have that i would most certainly have to tell my wife about my conquests. If she can handle knowing that about me I don't think there would be too many other things about me she wouldnt be able to handle. There are many reasons why people want to be single. If your main reason is to just fuck women, then it sounds like your an 18 year old kid. I know your not, just to me it comes across as immature.
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To the people that check'd yes and happy- especially those who were long term before being married-



How was your single life? Did you really even have one? Answer honestly, if not here, to yourself.



IMO- if you did not go though at least a several year period of "dating" multiple women, being a complete savage, seeing to world, and Shaging as many radon woman as you cock can handle, then you have never really been single, or tasted what the single life could be.


I really think the guy that dated for 10 years, got married and had kids, a simple guy. In looks, life, ect. Maybe some people are just cut out for it-for a monogamous relationship with someone "on your level".


Most of the guys I have seen that fit that category are just simple guys. No one you'd see on the cover of Muscle and Fitness, or GQ. This makes me think....


I was a savage for a good amount of time-I have been with beautiful women all over this country, and in many parts of the globe. I really, really enjoy and cherish my freedom. And even though I currently have a great woman at my side;hot, great tang, cooks/cleans/forgives me when I come back from Vegas with stories of infidelity trailing me, I still think that this may not be for me.



In retrospect, I think being married is a matter of physical circumstance as much as it is being "committed" to one person.


Pics of tang/asshole?

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Sounds like you don't wanna grow up. I was much like you for a short period of time and was generally unhappy. The sex with beautiful women was cool, the clubs with women and shit was cool, but all in all I knew I wanted a family and in order to have that i would most certainly have to tell my wife about my conquests. If she can handle knowing that about me I don't think there would be too many other things about me she wouldnt be able to handle. There are many reasons why people want to be single. If your main reason is to just fuck women, then it sounds like your an 18 year old kid. I know your not, just to me it comes across as immature.


When did you get married? And meeting a few girls in Arena District is about 30 levels below the type of lifestyle I am speaking of. Also, I highlighted the thing (among others Im sure) that sets us apart. I have such a vast network of friends and family I cant even keep up with now-I don't need create my own to feel whole. I do not have a need, or want, for kids.




I am not sure if its a need to "grow up"-some of the most successful and happy people I know are single, either never been married, or a long time divorced. I never ready the book where it said you had to have a wife and kids to "grow up". The one I saw actually spoke of 6 figure w2's, and early retirements. Both of which can be a distant memory with a wife that wants kids (unless its Cavin's Mom).;)


Im 28. I still have to beat women off with a bat. You're only young once, and you only have one life to live. I think pitching a tent in Ohio and calling it a life is no way to live it, at least not for me.

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been married over 8 years. we hardly ever argue, my best friend. I am blessed as we were married with the blessing of Jesus Christ and he is the center of our relationship. Without having good morals and respect for one another realtionships won't work out.


No offense to this guy, but just by this post I can tell you he is the Super Average Joe Im speaking of. Never been a savage, maybe never wanted to be. Cut out to be married and do the same damn thing until he dies. 100% not my MO


I've known my wife for 20 years. Holy shit I feel old now. I was 15 when I met her at the time and she was 13 (lol). We dated all through high school. I was 17 when my son was born and she was 15 (holy shit again). After she graduated (her parents STILL fucking hated me.. ) We moved out and got an apartment for a year and a half with our son. Got married in '99. Still married.


There are rough times and there are good times. We'll probably be together forever. Just as long as either one of us doesn't cheat on each other. She's not the type that would and I'm too fucking ugly and fat to have any honey check me out. (I just don't care).


As someone said above, it's commitment. Just to get married to get married to tell your friends.. big fucking deal. The person you married SHOULD be your life partner. If you find someone better.. that's tough shit.. you don't need to fuck them.


My parents just had their 50th Anniversary.. 50 fucking years. That's a LONG time. I'm sure my wife and I will make it there (or if I don't die first).



And your telling me you have NO real regret for never being single? Maybe you would not since you have no Idea what its like.....

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I'm not married yet, actually I'm single lol because i want to be. I wanted to bang girls and it's easy for me. But that got boring, girls like that aren't a challege for me. I don't need to fly on a private jet to LA to get hot ass. It's just not where my priorities are now.


A wise man told me once that happiness is only real when its shared. I know some people will beg to differ, you are among those that will. Life to me isn't about pussy, money and cars. Sure I like all those things, but it will never control me. I'm 23 years old and I have experienced more than most people will in a lifetime. Between the countries I've spent time or the people I can call friends. I have seen it all and one thing I'm continually reminded of is how powerful MEANINGFUL human connection is. Not just banging bitches and snortin coke off a strippers ass. But something of a deeper level, a level that transcends language, culture and skin color. Your a smart, motivated guy with an influential personality. I doubt your purpose in life Is to fuck as many women as you can before you die.

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The biggest problem with this conversation is the assumption of static requirements for satisfaction, which just isn't the case. Everyone is different.


some of the most successful and happy people I know are single, either never been married


Problem number two is most people assumptions of successfulness and happiness are far screwed from reality.

Picture some GQ looking dude, smiling from ear to ear, hopping on his private jet, slaying puss all night, after working all day as the big swinging dick of the hedge fund he manages.

Happy and successful is how most people would portray him. It's the same guy that does unimaginable amounts of Coke just to "enjoy" his so fucking wonderful life, and also the guy that usually eats a self inflicted 12 gauge sandwich when things get tough.

The picture looks a little different now.


The easiest way to know what is important is how you would act if it were gone.

Personally, I could lose my job, my money, my cars, or any of my possessions and get over it.

Obviously my kids are the most important thing to me,... And really what drive me to even do anything

I lived without my wife for a while, and although I made it through it,... I found out the hard way that she was more important to me than one night stands.

And this is coming from someone who probably has some stories to rival yours.


Again, marriage isn't for everyone.... And some marriages need to end, as they are unhealthy for both parties. But don't look at it as black or white,.. And honestly don't get anyone elses opinion. Only you know what's right.

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