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With all this talk of divorce latley....


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I never had the single life as my first son was born 15 days after I turned 18 and we were in parent/couple mode as soon as we found out she was pregnant. There have been times that I wondered what it would be like and I am sure for her as well. Once you get over the age of thinking about clubs and going to bars, marriage becomes alot easier. I do regret not having any real friends though but that was gone as soon as we moved during the middle of HS and nobody wanted to hang out with the new guy so I cant blame that on my relationship/marrriage. Then again, my parents never had friends as adults or went out so I never thought I was missing out either. As you get older and the kids start doing their own things you wish there were buddies to call especially if /when you need help with something. My wife came along when I needed her most, I needed someone and I will forever be greatful for her helping me get this far.
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I am not sure if its a need to "grow up"-some of the most successful and happy people I know are single, either never been married, or a long time divorced. I never ready the book where it said you had to have a wife and kids to "grow up". The one I saw actually spoke of 6 figure w2's, and early retirements. Both of which can be a distant memory with a wife that wants kids (unless its Cavin's Mom).



how do you measure success?? money?? good looking wife?? stable career?? meaningfull job?? healthy, happy family?? or being able to nail nearly everything with a heartbeat (supermodels)?? for those wanting kids, marriage is essential in my opinion, for many reasons. i spent plenty of time in college, and then grad school being 'single'---it was a blast, trust me. but it did get old. i wanted a family, stability, a partner.


if you truly think you need to be single and childless to get 6 or even 7 figure w2's, then you read the wrong book buddy. if you think 6 or 7 figure w2's is the absolute key to happiness, then guess what, you read a fiction book.


some people are ready for marriage now, some later, and some never. figure out which category you fit into, and move along.

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And your telling me you have NO real regret for never being single? Maybe you would not since you have no Idea what its like.....


My question is why does it matter to you? I'm happy, live my life the way I want to and no one can tell me otherwise. Why does everyone HAVE to have a single life? Who fucking cares? Let people do what they want to do and that's that.


I shouldn't have to car about how many beautiful women/under age girls I bang. I shouldn't have to worry about getting some virus or the HIV or some shit. I chose my life at a young age.


Even when I was young I never really went out. I could care less about going to a bar to pick up a hot chick and bang her when I got home. That just isn't my thing.


I love my wife and my kids and wouldn't trade them for anything. I think you're just too scared of any type of commitment.

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To the people that check'd yes and happy- especially those who were long term before being married-



How was your single life? Did you really even have one? Answer honestly, if not here, to yourself.



IMO- if you did not go though at least a several year period of "dating" multiple women, being a complete savage, seeing to world, and Shaging as many radon woman as you cock can handle, then you have never really been single, or tasted what the single life could be.


I really think the guy that dated for 10 years, got married and had kids, a simple guy. In looks, life, ect. Maybe some people are just cut out for it-for a monogamous relationship with someone "on your level".


Most of the guys I have seen that fit that category are just simple guys. No one you'd see on the cover of Muscle and Fitness, or GQ. This makes me think....


I was a savage for a good amount of time-I have been with beautiful women all over this country, and in many parts of the globe. I really, really enjoy and cherish my freedom. And even though I currently have a great woman at my side;hot, great tang, cooks/cleans/forgives me when I come back from Vegas with stories of infidelity trailing me, I still think that this may not be for me.



In retrospect, I think being married is a matter of physical circumstance as much as it is being "committed" to one person.


Ok i'll start of by saying we're both the same age, and im not saying we're the same person but i think we're kinda in the same boat. Ive had 2 serious gf's in the last 10 years, other than that it was open season. Mind you ive worked in a strip club for years so the availability of beutiful women was plentiful and i took advantage of it often, and i was/am good at being single/the game whatever the fuck you wanna call it.


HOWEVER, Ive always known i wanted kids and a wife and just a regular life and im totally comfortable doing that. My problem is that im way too picky, i need a woman that I want to be with not someone that i have to force it to work just to get my 'wife/kids/white picket fence' life. If you dont see yourself doing this, especially with the woman your currently with, then do yourself and her a huge favor and just end it. Your not only wasting her time but your own too. And I know what your thinking, "but when im with her she treats me good and i dont think about being a savage" to this i ask, what do you think/feel when your not with her? Do you think about her or just think you wanna bang any gash that has a pulse? And there's your answer.

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When did you get married? And meeting a few girls in Arena District is about 30 levels below the type of lifestyle I am speaking of. Also, I highlighted the thing (among others Im sure) that sets us apart. I have such a vast network of friends and family I cant even keep up with now-I don't need create my own to feel whole. I do not have a need, or want, for kids.




I am not sure if its a need to "grow up"-some of the most successful and happy people I know are single, either never been married, or a long time divorced. I never ready the book where it said you had to have a wife and kids to "grow up". The one I saw actually spoke of 6 figure w2's, and early retirements. Both of which can be a distant memory with a wife that wants kids (unless its Cavin's Mom).;)


Im 28. I still have to beat women off with a bat. You're only young once, and you only have one life to live. I think pitching a tent in Ohio and calling it a life is no way to live it, at least not for me.


Sorry, just read this comment, didnt see it prior to my other reply. So... If you already know what you want out of life then why even make this thread? If your currently married and unhappy then get a divorce!


Yes your only 28 once and maybe your not ready to settle down and maybe you never will be, but like someone else already said, there is no standard of happiness that applies to everyone. Figure out what you want and go after it.

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Boy have I ruffled some feathers. And for the record- this is not about Women, and I have never done coke or smoked weed in my life.




I'm not married yet, actually I'm single lol because i want to be. I wanted to bang girls and it's easy for me. But that got boring, girls like that aren't a challege for me. I don't need to fly on a private jet to LA to get hot ass. It's just not where my priorities are now.


A wise man told me once that happiness is only real when its shared. I know some people will beg to differ, you are among those that will. Life to me isn't about pussy, money and cars. Sure I like all those things, but it will never control me. I'm 23 years old and I have experienced more than most people will in a lifetime. Between the countries I've spent time or the people I can call friends. I have seen it all and one thing I'm continually reminded of is how powerful MEANINGFUL human connection is. Not just banging bitches and snortin coke off a strippers ass. But something of a deeper level, a level that transcends language, culture and skin color. Your a smart, motivated guy with an influential personality. I doubt your purpose in life Is to fuck as many women as you can before you die.




Thats not mine either. Its not women I crave, its unlimited freedom. Women just come as a part of it on occasion. As I said, I have a network of friends that I can barley handle. That is part of the "issue". Its a good problem to have, but it does not leave much room for a marriage.




The biggest problem with this conversation is the assumption of static requirements for satisfaction, which just isn't the case. Everyone is different.




Problem number two is most people assumptions of successfulness and happiness are far screwed from reality.

Picture some GQ looking dude, smiling from ear to ear, hopping on his private jet, slaying puss all night, after working all day as the big swinging dick of the hedge fund he manages.

Happy and successful is how most people would portray him. It's the same guy that does unimaginable amounts of Coke just to "enjoy" his so fucking wonderful life, and also the guy that usually eats a self inflicted 12 gauge sandwich when things get tough.

The picture looks a little different now.


The easiest way to know what is important is how you would act if it were gone.

Personally, I could lose my job, my money, my cars, or any of my possessions and get over it.


I lived without my wife for a while, and although I made it through it,... I found out the hard way that she was more important to me than one night stands.





I agree. And being the godfather to 2 of my friends kids, I can agree they are the binding force for their relationships-I love them. But, I still have no want for one of my own. What I highlighted here was a good point, something I have considered, and something (being single) I would be 100% content being, which makes me question this even more.

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Sorry, just read this comment, didnt see it prior to my other reply. So... If you already know what you want out of life then why even make this thread? If your currently married and unhappy then get a divorce!



Problem is I am nit necessarily unhappy. Happy now, happy before, just question what is the better path for me right now.




HOWEVER, Ive always known i wanted kids and a wife and just a regular life and im totally comfortable doing that.


And from this I can tell you we are 100% different. From what I have seen in this world-cross country drives, 6 Bachelor Parties in Vegas, nearly a Month int he Alaskan Woods, 1 Month with a Backpack in Europe, Lining in Hawaii for a Summer..... I am 100% confident there is a lot more for me to see/do/experience. Kids/Family would hold me back



how do you measure success?? money?? good looking wife?? stable career?? meaningfull job?? healthy, happy family?? or being able to nail nearly everything with a heartbeat (supermodels)??


Happiness, period. I have been happy broke, and unemployed. I have been happy alone, and lost in Romania, and I am happy now with a woman by my side.



But I will tell you with 100% confidence, those who think money can not buy (or at least facilitate) happiness simply don't have enough of it. ;)

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I got tired of having threesomes with supermodels, so I decided to settle down with just one supermodel. I find it less expensive, but only moderately less sexually pleasurable. I've always valued my ability to find balance in life. And my triceps.


You know, I honestly miss you love.



My question is why does it matter to you? I'm happy, live my life the way I want to and no one can tell me otherwise. Why does everyone HAVE to have a single life? Who fucking cares? Let people do what they want to do and that's that.


You don't, and I am glad your happy. But its hard to value your opinion in this matter when you literally have no idea what you have missed. Thats all-

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You sound like you're stuck in living life without consequences per se. You don't want the mortgage or the wife or kids holding you back; you don't want to wait for anything you want to do it now whether you should or not. You're of the mindset that I'll do what I want and deal with the consequences later. Obviously this is my own view based on your posts in this thread so I could be incorrect.


Why did you marry your wife? It seems odd to me that you're asking or more thinking about these things now AFTER the fact then before you went ahead with this lifelong decision well was supposed to be lifelong people make more of a mockery out of it anymore sadly.


You state that you have too many friends for a marriage? How so that makes no sense to me; when you are dating someone or serious with them they are introduced into your social circle and hopefully accepted and then you move forward. Most people in their late 20s are either getting married or are married sure there are those select few that aren't but for the most part they are the minority. I don't see how one could say they have too many friends but meh! And she forgives you for being unfaithful in Vegas? WOW I have no comment on that because nothing good can be said IMO. With comments like those it sounds like you'd rather live life on the edge with debauchery and shenanigans whenever and however you see fit.


It sounds like the best thing for you is to let her go and live alone and happy as you say slay whatever you want take trips whenever you want (which is entirely possible with a wife or g/f that you share interests with) and just move on without a care in the world.


Do you not share any interests with her maybe that's part of the problem; I mean I wouldn't date someone who didn't share SOME of the same things I did personally but to each their own.


You money comment cracks me up....money makes life easier and the ability to do more with money is nice but it isn't everything. Money could dry up tomorrow and if you have no one around you to help you through those tough times then what? Money ain't all its cracked up to be....money brings greed and people do silly things when they are greedy.

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Oh look another thread where JP talks about how bad ass he is...


This is exactly what it is. He makes/posts in threads to either talk himself up or bait someone Into an argument so that he can then talk himself up. "man I'm

The best in everything. Pull hot bitches at will, CEO 10k a day, look chiseled as a Greek god." I rarely wish illwill on people but you boasting about yourself in almost every fucking thread you post in makes me hope you die a painful death in the near future. I honestly hope you die soon. Get fucked.

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But I will tell you with 100% confidence, those who think money can not buy (or at least facilitate) happiness simply don't have enough of it. ;)




only true to some extent. trust me on this one, money can create just as many problems/arguments as it can solve. certainly, not having to worry about making payments, living month to month, etc. is a huge weight off one's shoulders. i was just as happy back when i was a poor grad student, and for the 6 years after grad school when i didn't make shit.


now that i can buy/have pretty much anything i want, i've realized material things are not necessarily the key to happiness (for me, at least). i always thought that they would be--i imagined 12-15 muscle cars, huge house, boats, walking around with $5k in my wallet at all times. i realized quickly, that this was not going to be the key to my happiness. i enjoy just hanging out with my kids/wife, and puting money away.

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Problem is I am nit necessarily unhappy. Happy now, happy before, just question what is the better path for me right now.




And from this I can tell you we are 100% different. From what I have seen in this world-cross country drives, 6 Bachelor Parties in Vegas, nearly a Month int he Alaskan Woods, 1 Month with a Backpack in Europe, Lining in Hawaii for a Summer..... I am 100% confident there is a lot more for me to see/do/experience. Kids/Family would hold me back





Happiness, period. I have been happy broke, and unemployed. I have been happy alone, and lost in Romania, and I am happy now with a woman by my side.



But I will tell you with 100% confidence, those who think money can not buy (or at least facilitate) happiness simply don't have enough of it. ;)


This, it sounds like you alredy know what you want. Who cares what other people calle it (immaturity or not ready to grow up) if your happy in that path in life then fuck it just do it. There's no reason to ask other peoples' opinions' about it here if you already know what you want.

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You sound like you're stuck in living life without consequences per se. You don't want the mortgage or the wife or kids holding you back; you don't want to wait for anything you want to do it now whether you should or not. You're of the mindset that I'll do what I want and deal with the consequences later. Obviously this is my own view based on your posts in this thread so I could be incorrect.


Why did you marry your wife? It seems odd to me that you're asking or more thinking about these things now AFTER the fact then before you went ahead with this lifelong decision well was supposed to be lifelong people make more of a mockery out of it anymore sadly.


You state that you have too many friends for a marriage? How so that makes no sense to me; when you are dating someone or serious with them they are introduced into your social circle and hopefully accepted and then you move forward. Most people in their late 20s are either getting married or are married sure there are those select few that aren't but for the most part they are the minority. I don't see how one could say they have too many friends but meh! And she forgives you for being unfaithful in Vegas? WOW I have no comment on that because nothing good can be said IMO. With comments like those it sounds like you'd rather live life on the edge with debauchery and shenanigans whenever and however you see fit.


It sounds like the best thing for you is to let her go and live alone and happy as you say slay whatever you want take trips whenever you want (which is entirely possible with a wife or g/f that you share interests with) and just move on without a care in the world.


Do you not share any interests with her maybe that's part of the problem; I mean I wouldn't date someone who didn't share SOME of the same things I did personally but to each their own.


You money comment cracks me up....money makes life easier and the ability to do more with money is nice but it isn't everything. Money could dry up tomorrow and if you have no one around you to help you through those tough times then what? Money ain't all its cracked up to be....money brings greed and people do silly things when they are greedy.



She is included, and well liked in my circle of Friends. Examples I speak of where "she" is a hindrance-her work will not allow for MONTHS off-I can without issue. Things I want to do out of this country require it. She would not like it, nor would I expect her to. She shares the same interest, and hobbys to a point. We only differ on kids (she says 3-4 year, I say maybe never)


Locally, I am a seat of the pants kind of guy- people going to TK12 to street race-Im on a plane tomorrow. Friends in Vegas Randomly, same story. I bought my house cash, small MTG on the rental, and am responsible for upkeep on my mother's property/taxes/insurance (her disability does not cover it).


As for money-again, in this society unless you are part of a Cult in a compound somewhere in Texas, its a necessity. Greed is an issue with a PERSON, not their paycheck. I know greedy people that are 30k "millionaires", and people with multi million dollar incomes that Drive a prius, and a 2004 Ford Ranger and like in a 200k Blue Collar Neighborhood.


Sure, shit can go south. If that happened, I could life OFF of people for the rest of my life-but that's not living. Thats leaching., surviving, not living.



Im sorry if you guys think I am gloating, I am not. I am just telling you my honest dilemma, and my life up to this point that has led me to this dilemma. You cant derive or deliver an opinion unless you know the whole story.


The reason I ask is you never know why words will strike you, what advice will move you. There is nothing wrong with getting a word from other people, especially on subjects that to a point everyone deals with.

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We only differ on kids (she says 3-4 year, I say maybe never)



This also should've been discussed well before you ever got married. Maybe I'm not getting it or something but why on earth people do not discuss these IMPORTANT items BEFORE getting married is beyond me. You're either open to it or not I really don't see an in between. Sure kids take up a lot of time/money and if you're mindset is you you you (which deriving from your posts it is) then kids and a wife will likely never be your "motto".


You say money this money that. Like Kirk said sure it makes life easier but it isn't the end all be all. I'm making well into the 6 figures at my current job and I loathe it, if I got a job making less but enough to support myself tomorrow I would take it that is how much I hate it. For me money doesn't make me want to do something; sure I have goals and I'll meet them but some of those goals are WANTS and not NEEDS so if I don't meet them I will still feel absolutely complete.


Money brings out people to flock and "follow" you but you rarely have any TRUE friends...people are around you because they want to be you or they know you'll pay usually. I see it happen all the time. Money makes life easier but it isn't everything plain and simple.


Sounds to me like you're questioning all the things you should have questioned before making a lifelong commitment to someone else.


I think the reason people think you're gloating is the nature of your posts come across that way, its all about the presentation.

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How about this? Everyone do whatever it is that makes you happy as long as you don't hurt anyone in the process.



















































Oh and don't forget to


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I got tired of having threesomes with supermodels, so I decided to settle down with just one supermodel. I find it less expensive, but only moderately less sexually pleasurable. I've always valued my ability to find balance in life. And my triceps.


And people try to top this. Really??


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