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Went on my first train ride yesterday


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I have done a lot of things in my life and suprisingly I had never went on a train ride. So yesterday we loaded up and headed to Nelsonville to go on one. I couldn't have asked for a better day weather wise, it was perfect and our son was a champ the entire trip, just sat there taking everything in, not bad for a 15 month old haha.


Not the best pictures but you get the idea haha. We are going to go back again this year and take the trip during the fall, or possibly go up to Cuyahoga county and do their train trip.


1. I thought this sign was pretty cool




2. The engine that lead the train, they said it makes 1500hp and can reach speeds of 60mph, but they never go over 20mph




3. The cart we sat in (sorry for the suns glare)




4. The old ovens they used to use for baking bricks (and a random ricer eclipse)



5. My son and wife enjoying the trip




6. Couple random shots of my kid just watching the scenery pass by






7. A view of the hills along the trip




8. They stop at a place called Robins Crossing which is pretty much like Roscoe Village. They have actors potrying 1800 living, a black smith and a store that sold the best rootbeer I have ever drink. My son liked it so much that he stole the bottle from me





9. My son was a little tired of riding on the train so decided to give my shoulders a shot





Overall it was pretty fun, the only thing I have bad to say against it is you don't see a whole lot of the Hocking region. You do see a lot of run down houses and realize just how bad the economy is in Nelsonville. The residents seemed pretty friendly as they all waved when the train passed by. The trip was 22 miles round trip and lasted a little over 2hrs. Not bad for $16 a piece (kids under 2 were free), we had 50 bucks in the entire day, that included 2 train passes, lunch at subway (god I love the rewards card) and a souvenier patch for our son (he has a blanket that my grandma is making him with patches of all the places he has been).


We also checked out Rocky Boots store. I am not a huge fan of Rocky boots and camoflauge attire, but it was pretty cool to check it out as well. 3 floors of stuff to look at. Overall a pretty good trip.

Edited by DaddyBuiltRacing
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It already looks like its dying man, there are so many run down houses along the train tracks. Are they re-doing 33? If so you're right that kills Nelsonville, kinda like 70 killing all the small hotels/places to eat along 40


Yeah its a pretty crappy town. Yes, 33 will bypass nelsonville by 2013.


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Damn thats crazy, maybe Rocky boots and the train ride can be bright spots for that town. Nelsonville reminds me of every other little town in Ohio that has gone to hell and back. I have seen some shit holes let me tell ya lol, ever been to Homer? Etna, Ferdonia, Butler, Loudenville? Those towns suck balls too
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Damn thats crazy, maybe Rocky boots and the train ride can be bright spots for that town. Nelsonville reminds me of every other little town in Ohio that has gone to hell and back. I have seen some shit holes let me tell ya lol, ever been to Homer? Etna, Ferdonia, Butler, Loudenville? Those towns suck balls too


Live near Butler and Loudenville. They aren't all bad. Kinda weird but decent places.

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